Sacred Heart School 🤍🧣
Friday, January 31st, 2025
4th-6th Grade students are Collecting Baby Blankets
We are taking them to Helping Hands in Hillsdale on February 18th. Please help!
🤍Catholic Schools Week Pictures🤍
Thank to everyone who helped us celebrate Catholic Schools Week! We honored our community, students, teachers, families, Parish, Nations, and prayed for all vocations! What a great week!
Student Day Ice Cream Celebration! 🍨
We love Steve Kope! He is the best! 🏆
5th/6th Grade Service awards. Great leaders serve! 🤩
1st Grade Boys who are growing in virtue!
Community Day! We appreciate our town! 🌍
Thank you to parent Group for the SHS T-shirts 👕
We raised $100 for Catholic Charities. Thank you!
Registration is open for the 2025-2026 school year
Secure Your Spot For Next Year 🔒
Upcoming Dates 🌟
Saturday, February 1st- Daddy/Daughter Dance
Friday, February 7th- Siena Heights nursing program to host a Health Fair during the school day.
Friday, February 14th- 1/2 Day of School. Valentine's Day Parties after Mass.
Monday, February 17th- No School.
Happy Birthday 🎂
Paisley Shaffer 6th Grade January 31st
Jamison Cleary 1st Grade February 1st
Hendrix Fountain 1st Garde February 2nd
Magdalena Moreno 3rd Grade February 3rd
Aline Brackman K February 4th
Dixon Root K February 4th
Laylynn Walworth PK February 4th
Wyatt Sanborn K February 5th
Paxon Bovee 2nd Garde February 6th
Isabel Martinez PK February 8th
Kingsley Shaw 6th Grade February 12th
Sawyer Wright PK February 23rd
Sacred Heart School
208 S. Market St.
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.