Route 40 Elementary School
Jacqueline Hawkins, Principal
May 31, 2024
"It always seems impossible until it's done. And it's always worth it in the end"
Proposed Health Curriculum
Two sets of proposed curricula were presented for review at the May 15, 2024, Board of Education meeting. Feedback is crucial in shaping the future of our education system. Each set of materials is available for review and comment through May 30, 2024.
The proposed elementary curriculum is HealthSmart K-5 Skills Based Health Education. These instructional materials are available for review at the Ruth Enlow Libraries of Oakland and Friendsville, Central Office North (Northern Middle School), Central Office South (Dennett Road Educational Complex), or online via https://www.etr.org/healthsmart/. If reviewing online, please log in using angelina.simms@garrettcountyschools.org as the email and GCPSpreview*24 as the password. Upon review, feedback may be provided via https://forms.gle/1xW83c6VKKxgnBN6A.
The proposed curriculum for grade 7 is World History. These instructional materials are available for review at Northern and Southern Middle Schools, the Ruth Enlow Library of Oakland, or online via https://www.savvas.com/solutions/social-studies/core-programs/myworld-interactive-world-history. Upon review, feedback may be provided via https://forms.gle/RFvSwrc7BoGrBvLH6.
The Board is expected to take action on the proposed curricula during the June 11, 2024, Board meeting.
End of Year Changes
GCPS has received approval to waive the studentsโ last day of school, which falls on Monday, June 10, 2024. Therefore, the last day for students will be June 7th. Both June 6th and 7th will be a three-hour early dismissal for students.
Summer Food Services Program
The Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) Food & Nutrition Services Dept. is happy to announce that beginning the week of June 17, 2024, the FNS Department will distribute seven days of free Breakfast and Lunch please visit the GCPS website for all of the locations and times.
Registration for PreK and Kindergarten is now open. Please use this link or share if with someone that may need to register their child. https://www.gcps.net/enrollment
Bocce Ball Fundraiser
We have raised $495.23!
Thank you for your generosity in making our Bocce Ball Fundraiser a success!
Mrs. Bolden Slimed by 5th grade
Mrs. Hawkins Slimed by 3rd Grade
May 31st - School Campfire 6:00pm-9:00pm
June 3rd - 4th & 5th to Hickory
June 4th - Field Day
June 5th - 5th Grade Completion Ceremony 10:00am
- Kindergarten to Hovatter's Zoo
June 6th - 12:15 Dismissal
- 4th & 5th Grades to Washington D.C.
June 7th - 12:15 Dismissal - LAST DAY for Students
๐ฅ Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menu ๐
๐ก Reminders
Changes in Transportation
Please remember that if there are ANY changes to your students transportation, you must send a note in with your child or call the school at 301-689-6132, please make sure that you speak to someone, do not leave a message. If the phones are down, the messages don't always come through until later. We ask that you please DO NOT email Mrs. Bolden or your childโs teacher with the change, we may not see the email in time. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Bolden.
If your child is absent for any reason, GCPS requires a note be sent within 3 days of returning to school. This way the absence can be coded appropriately. After the 3rd day the absence is unexcused. Please send a note in with your child to be turned in to their teacher or you can email Mrs. Bolden about the absence.
Medication Pick Up
The last day of school is Friday, June 7th. If your child takes a medication at school it needs to be picked up from the school by the end of the day Friday. If there is any unclaimed medication it will be disposed of.
You can shop at the following link for a school spirit wear. Orders will be delivered to the school.