Principal Holley's Notes
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Dear Andersen Junior High School Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to another exciting academic year at Andersen Junior High School! We hope your summer has been filled with relaxation, exploration, and cherished moments with loved ones. As we gear up for the 2024-2025 school year, we are thrilled to announce our theme of "Reconnecting: Listen...Learn....Grow Together."
This year, our instructional focus remains steadfast on Tier I Instruction and Student Engagement, ensuring that every student receives a rich and meaningful educational experience. We are proud to emphasize AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) strategies, particularly focusing on Focus Note Taking and the use of Binders school wide. These practices are integral to fostering organizational skills and academic success among our students.
Looking ahead, our ambitious goal is to achieve recognition as an AVID Demonstration School by the year 2028. With your support and involvement, we are confident in our ability to provide a top-tier education that prepares our students for future success.
In addition to our core curriculum enhancements, we are excited to introduce 25 minutes daily dedicated to study skills. During this time, students will focus on the skills they need to succeed in school and life. Students will learn how to organize their time, take effective notes, read critically, and write effectively. They will also learn how to manage stress and stay motivated.
We invite committed individuals to join our vibrant school community by participating in our booster and site council programs. Your involvement is invaluable in creating a nurturing environment where students thrive academically and socially.
At Andersen Junior High School, we are committed to Restorative Practices and proactive discipline approaches, fostering a positive school climate where conflicts are resolved constructively. Our goal is to maintain a learning space where students feel safe, welcomed, and challenged to grow academically and personally.
As partners in your child's education journey, we value your collaboration and support. Together, we can make this school year a rewarding and successful experience for every student. We look forward to reconnecting and working together to achieve excellence.
Warm regards,
Antasio Holley
Andersen Junior High School
Information for the start of school
Jags, the first day of school is Wednesday, July 17! To ensure everyone has a successful start to the year, please review this important information.
Verify your contact information: We request each family update and verify important information such as address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, handbook consents, etc. You are receiving this message because the parent portal is now available to update your information, and we ask you please submit as soon as possible. Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account (steps attached) to make any necessary changes to your family's account. This update must be completed annually. Should you need any assistance or have any questions please contact your child's school.
Transportation Registration
Transportation Registration: ALL students riding the bus MUST be registered each year. Eligible students expecting bus services to start for the 1st week of school MUST be registered by Friday, July 12th. Important: The online transportation registration process does NOT apply to every CUSD school or program. For a list of schools/programs exempt and specifics on the process, visit the transportation webpage. Transportation registration occurs in Infinite Campus. Transportation will be using an app called Here Comes the Bus. Families are encouraged to download it ahead of the first day of school. Instructions for use are attached.
School Meal Information
School meal information visit Food & Nutrition / Nutrition Home (cusd80.com). This includes updated meal prices and details on Free and Reduced meal applications.
Safety and Security
Safety and security measures including our Guide to Solving a Problem visit Safety and Security / Guide to Solving Problems (cusd80.com). We are excited to introduce Lightspeed Tipline to CUSD! Our goal is to help foster a safer community by giving students, staff and community members a way to easily share important information to the right people, anonymously. Submit a safety tip (cusd80.com)
Counseling and Social Services
Counseling and social services department visit Counseling and Social Services / Main Menu (cusd80.com).
Chandler CARE Center
Chandler CARE Center is a school-based family resource center providing access to medical, dental, counseling, and social services. The Care Center will be offering FREE Back to School Immunization Clinics Thursdays in July by appointment only. Chandler CARE Center / Home (cusd80.com).
Operation Back to School
Operation Back to School is a non-profit community event that provides Chandler students with a backpack filled with school supplies, shoes, socks, underwear, and haircuts. For more information, visit Operation Back to School (forourcitychandler.org) or contact backpackdrive@forOurCityChandler.org. This year Operation Back to School is Saturday, July 13, 8-11 a.m. at Compass Christian Church.
Introducing Parent and Student Square
ParentSquare is our new school to home mass communication tool that provides a simple and safe way for everyone at your child’s school to connect. ParentSquare sends emails and texts. Additionally, by registering your account here (Sign In | ParentSquare) using the email you have on file with CUSD, you can customize settings for communication frequency and preferred language. For extra convenience, download the FREE ParentSquare app.
StudentSquare is a student communication companion to ParentSquare. Parents of students in grades 7-12, we encourage your student to download StudentSquare. AJHS also communicate with students via Google Classroom.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Booster Club participation Interest
Please click on the link below, we would love your participation.
Season 1 Athletics Schedule
To participate in any activity (tryouts, reconditioning, or clinics), athletes must have the following completed:
- Completed Aktivate (formerly Register My Athlete) Registration - Junior High Online Athletic Clearance (Aktivate, formerly Register My Athlete) *Must use Chrome or Firefox*
- AIA Sports Physical completed after March 1, 2024
- Proof of insurance (uploaded to Register My Athlete)
We highly encourage any student wishing to participate in athletics at AJHS, to complete the Register My Athlete requirements prior to the start of the school year. We do our best to check documentation in Register My Athlete in a timely manner, but tryout participation cannot be guaranteed because of paperwork submitted within 24 hours of tryouts. Students will not be allowed to tryout without clearance and the ability to make a team could be affected if a student misses days of tryouts.
If you need assistance, please contact the AJHS Athletic Department at 480-883-5310.