Montgomery City Elementary
Monthly Newsletter for MCE Families
February 5, 2025
Jill Jacob, Principal
Laura Allen, Assistant Principal
Developing life-long learners through positive collaboration
A Message from the Principal's Office
Dear MCE Parents,
At MCE, our mission remains focused on developing lifelong learners through positive collaboration. This goal is made possible by the strong partnership between our staff, families, and the broader community. Together, we are creating a learning environment where students feel supported, inspired, and motivated to grow both academically and personally.
February is historically a month where attendance tends to be lower, and we want to encourage our students to maintain consistent attendance. To help motivate everyone, Ms. Taylor and the Student Council will be awarding classes that have all students present with a HOT (Here On Time) award. At the end of February, the K-2 classroom and the 3-5 classroom with the most HOT awards will each receive a fun popcorn party!
In this update, you'll find highlights from the past month, as well as a preview of upcoming events for February. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to another productive and successful month.
If you have any questions about these events or other school-related matters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.
Thank you once again for your continued support. I look forward to another month of collaboration and growth.
Wishing you all a wonderful February!
Dr. Jacob
Principal, Montgomery City Elementary
What's Been Happening at MCE?
Book Blast
The Great Kindness Challenge
Kindness is Timeless!
Team Up for Kindness!
Team Up for Kindness
2nd Quarter Celebration
High Achiever Award
Lydia Brinker Library
High Achiever on the 2023-24 ELA MAP.
High Achiever Award
Robert Mabry Cafeteria
High Achiever on the 2023-24 Science MAP.
High Achiever Award
Carl Johnson Gym
High Achiever on the 2023-24 Math MAP.
Creativity Character Award
FCCLA Participation
Olivia Lin, Emma Vomund, Marley Hartsell, Ian Hinkel, Tate Woods
Kindness Character Award
Kindergarten Academic Awards
1st Grade Academic Awards
2nd Grade Academic Awards
3rd Grade Academic Awards
4th Grade Academic Awards
5th Grade Academic Awards
January Kiwanis Terrific Kids
Back Row: Wilson Jones, Emma Vomund, Emery Rodgers, Peyton Crocker, Alexander Brant
Front Row: Willow Lay, Willow Hamilton, Josephine McClintock, Zyrynn Churchill, Alayna Galloway, Natlie Gallagher
What's Coming Up at MCE?
Be the Change Wednesday: February 5th
Friendship Parties: February 14th
Party Times
Kindergarten 2:15
1st Grade 2:15
2nd Grade 1:30
3rd Grade 1:00
4th Grade 2:40
5th 12:50
From Our Student Handbook
The elementary classrooms of the district will hold a Missouri Day/Harvest celebration:(the End of October, T.B.D.) winter holiday celebration, (the End of December, T.B.D), and Friendship celebration, (February, T.B.D). Parents are invited by teachers to participate and be involved in the celebrations. Since this is a special day for your school age child, siblings will not be allowed to attend. The District Wellness Policy requires that all activities are supportive of physical activity and healthy eating for school celebrations and parties. The Wellness Policy states that in the event food is offered the following foods should be included but not exclusive:
Fresh or dried fruit (no sugar added), raw vegetables or both included.
Whole grain food included.
Water is included.
The time for classroom celebrations will vary for each grade level. All classroom celebrations will be one hour in length. Your child’s classroom teacher will share specific details for classroom celebrations.
Celebrations at school provide a unique opportunity to help make healthful eating fun and exciting for children. Parents can provide games supplies as well as small prizes like bracelets, stickers, pencils, trading cards, note pads, and bubbles. For snacks, some quick and easy ideas include air-popped popcorn, pretzels, whole grain crackers, string cheese, baked chips and salsa, trail mix, fresh fruit and veggie sticks with low fat dip. Treats should be commercially prepared/pre-packaged. More ideas for both food and non-food items can be obtained from your child’s school nurse.
PTO board is in the process of collecting donations for Silent Auction items for the Carnival. Information regarding grade level donation baskets will be sent home later this month.
If anyone has a business or personal donation to please contact:
Stephanie Knoepflein at 573-564-3711 or montgomerycityelementarypto@gmail.com or MCE office for more information.
From Montgomery City Public Library
Attendance Matters
Attendance Goal: The average daily attendance rate at Montgomery City Elementary will be 95% or higher.
Important Dates
All dates listed are tentative.
February 3 MCR-2 Science Fair
February 3-7 School Counselor Appreciation Week
February 6 K-2 Career Education- STEM
February 7 3rd Qtr Mid-Term
February 13 BOE 7:30 pm @ MCMS
February 14 Friendship Parties
February 14 3rd Qtr Mid-Term Progress Reports go home
February 15 SRO Appreciation Day - Celebrate on 2/14
February 21 Metro Theatre Performance of But What Can You Do?
February 21 Math Competition
February 22 School Bus Driver Appreciation Day - Celebrate on 2/21
February 22 Boys VIP (PTO Event)
February 26 3-5 Career Education- STEM
February 28 Kiwanis Terrific Kids (recognized during morning announcements)
March 2 Read Across America Day - Celebrate on 2/28
March 2-8 School Social Worker Appreciation
March 3-8 School Board Appreciation Week
March 6 PTO Meeting 5:15 MCE Cafeteria
March 12 MCE PreK Screening
March 13 BOE 7:30 pm @ MCMS
March 14 End of 3rd Qtr
March 18-21 Big Smiles Dentist
March 19 JBE PreK Screening
March 21 3rd Qtr Report Cards sent home
March 21 4th Qtr AMI menus sent home
March 28 Kiwanis Terrific Kids (recognized during morning announcements)
March 28 3rd Quarter Celebration (classroom awards, character awards, activity)
April 2 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
April 2-11 Spring Book Fair
April 3 2nd & 3rd Grade Grands Day @ 12:30- matinee @ 2:00
April 3 2nd & 3rd Grade Fine Arts Night @ 6:00
April 4 School Librarian Appreciation Day
April 5 Regional Math Competition @ MCHS
April 7 Make Up Day (if needed)
April 8 Kindergarten & 1st Grade Grands Day @ 12:30- matinee @ 2:00
April 8 Kindergarten & 1st Grade Fine Arts Night @ 6:00
April 10 BOE 7:30 pm @ MCMS
April 11 MCE Kindergarten Screening
April 14 Monday School in Session (elem. Friday specials)
April 17 4th Qtr Mid-Term
April 18 Spring Break/No School
April 21-25 Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 22 Possible Snow Make-Up Day
April 23 Administrative Professionals Day
April 29-May 2 MCE MAP
April 25 Wright City Special Olympics Event
April 25 4th Qtr Mid-Term Progress Reports sent home
April 25 PTO Carnival
April 30 Kiwanis Terrific Kids (recognized during morning announcements)
May 1 School Principal’s Day
May 2 School Lunch Hero Day
May 2 Ag Safety Day
May 2 Hermann Special Olympics Track Meet
May 4-9 Teacher Appreciation Day
May 5 Possible Snow Make-Up Day
May 6 Steven’s Farm Tour (5th Grade)
May 7 School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 8 Kindergarten Field Trip- Big Joel’s Safari
May 8 BOE 7:30 pm @ MCMS
May 9 Bounce House Day- reward for testing behaviors
May 13 Grade Level Spelling Bees- times TBD
May 14 5th Grade Visits MCMS
May 16 Field Day- will move inside if needed- no rain date
May 19 Monday School In Session (elem. Tuesday specials)
May 19 4th & 5th Grade Grands Day @ 12:30- 2:00 matinee
May 19 4th & 5th Grade Fine Arts Night with 5th Grade Recognition @ 6:00
May 21 4th Quarter Celebration (classroom awards, character awards
May 22 Elementary report cards sent home
May 22 Last Day of School/End of 4th Qtr (early dismissal)
May 29-June 25 Summer School
June 12 BOE 7:30 pm @ MCMS