Mustang Weekly
Building Students, Building Leaders Vol. 3 Issue 15
Vision: We foster respect, relationships, and equity to ensure success for all.
November 11, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear MHES families and staff,
We are thrilled to welcome everyone back for another week of learning, growth, and connection here at Meadow Hall Elementary! With each new week, we see our students making strides in their learning and embracing new opportunities with enthusiasm. We’re so proud of the progress they are making and the positive energy they bring each day.
Tomorrow is Veterans' Day! We, as a community, are deeply grateful for the service and sacrifices made by those in the armed forces. It is an honor to recognize and thank the veterans among us, and we look forward to sharing this observance with our students as we reflect on the values of courage and dedication. We look forward to seeing everyone next week. Here’s to another wonderful week at Meadow Hall Elementary!
Please take a moment to review the important information below for the week of November 11, 2024.
Desmond Mackall
Meadow Hall ES
15-MHES PTA Bingo Night at 6:30 pm
19- Grade 2 Field Trip to Strathmore
20- MHES PTA Dine Out (Chipotle on Rockville Pike)
22- Qtr. 1 Growth and Achievement Celebration
25 & 26- Early Release Day
27-28- No School for Students and Staff
A Word from Mrs. Jackson: Community School Liaison!
Coffee and Conversation
Thank you for participating in the parent coffee on November 7, 2024! Mr. Mackall shared information about student report cards, and Tosha Hairston from Thrive Behavioral Health spoke about helping children identify and express emotions. If there are topics that you would find interesting or helpful, please let me know!
Some parents expressed interest in their child participating in therapy with the therapists from Thrive Behavioral Health. Please contact me directly for a referral.
Community Reach Montgomery
Our evening English Conversation Classes are wrapping up on November 13, 2024. Congratulations to the parents who made it to class, participated, and improved their conversation skills in English. Learning a new language as an adult is such a difficult task! Please know that we are so proud of you and your efforts. We are also excited to announce that we will have additional six-week sessions in the winter and spring. Stay tuned for registration information!
CSL Bus Stop Tour
I am in the final stretch of the CSL Bus Stop Tour. My goal was to meet families that I may not get the chance to bump into on campus before or after school. Here are the final dates for the tour:
- Edmonston Drive and Gilbert Road 11/15/24
- Denham Road and Gilbert Road 12/6/24
- Grandin Avenue and Woodburn Road 12/13/24
PEP Parenting is coming to MHES!
We will host an 8-week program for parents and caregivers where parents will learn new tools each week; and meet with parents to share ideas and support one another. I am so thrilled for this community building opportunity for our families. Recruitment and registration will begin in December.
MCPS School Year Calendar Part 2
MCPS wants to hear from YOU about preferences for the 25/26 school year calendar. Please use this link to provide feedback about dates for Winter Break and the last day of school for the 25/26 school year: Survey about MCPS Calendar
Community School Parent Survey
Our Community School Family survey is still open! Please take a few minutes to complete the survey so that I know how to best serve your children and family!
MCPS Parent Academy is a Community School program!
Community School Instructional Specialist, Danielle Wilson-Saddler oversees the Parent Academy. Please be sure to look at the upcoming sessions that cover a variety of topics:
Parent Academy Fall 2024. Yours Truly is registered for a few classes this month and next!
How Can I Help YOU?
Please feel free to reach out to me to ask about resources or if you have ideas for events and initiatives that would benefit the community. I am here to serve YOU!
Jessica Jackson, MSW, LCSW-C
Community School Liaison for Meadow Hall Elementary School
Department of Student Engagement and Behavioral Health
Office of Well-Being and Student Services
Cell: 227-216-1193
IG: @meadowhalles_CSL
Twitter/X: @MHES_CSL
Interested in Your Child Learning Korean?
Please see this message from Mr. Jae Lee, new Principal at Rock Creek Valley ES:
"As one of the few Korean American school-based administrators in the county, I have developed a strong connection with the Korean Embassy. Approximately ten years ago, at a local middle school, I helped launch a free, after-school Korean language class. Recently, I reached out to the Korean Embassy, and they expressed interest in supporting our school community to start a Korean language class here at Rock Creek Valley Elementary School. This class would be held once a week after school on a weekday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
If you’re interested in enrolling your child in this free program, please indicate your interest by completing this Google Form."
Upcoming Events!
Bingo Night
Join us this Friday, November 15th at 6:30PM for a family fun-night of Bingo! You can pre-order pizza (by November 12th) or just come and enjoy some Bingo! Every Meadow Hall Student will get 1 free Bingo card. Additional cards cost $3.00 each or 2 cards for $5.00. Drop-offs are not permitted but the whole family is welcome. We will have lots of great prizes for Bingo winners and drinks and snacks will also be sold. If you can help support the event with either time or donations please click on the link here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4FACA72AA4F8C52-52801384-pizza#/. Hope to see you there!
Want to get involved in the PTA?
MHES PTA is looking for members to participate on the PTA in various ways. We encourage all families to look at the link below and consider supporting the PTA and getting involved on a committee for the new school year. See the link below:
PTA Committee Volunteer Positions-FY24
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is a program that gives money to schools for their family’s participation just by purchasing products and scanning the receipt in the Box Tops App. Box Tops earnings are used to fund items for the school and events. If you haven't done so already, Download the Box Tops App on your smartphone using Referral Code WZTM9R7Z. We promise it is a super easy task to get used to. Register and select Meadow Hall as your supporting school. SCAN your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and EARN cash with every Box Tops product you buy.
Why join the PTA? Among the many, many good reasons, it basically boils down to being a great way to benefit your child, the school, and yourself by being involved in the PTA functions and connecting with other parents and staff. And for those of you who have been members in past years, don’t forget to renew your membership. Memberships are $10 for family and community members (only one membership is needed per family). We are thrilled to get to know everyone and see you all at our meetings and activities!
MHES Family Fun Bingo Night!
We invite all families to come out for a great night of Bingo fun! Students will get an opportunity to win prizes and enjoy a great opportunity with families, staff, and, friends. We look forward to seeing you this Friday!
Friday, Nov 15, 2024, 06:30 PM
951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
RSVP to the Operating Budget Forums
MCPS is hosting a series of listening sessions to discuss the Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget. Join MCPS leadership to explore how every dollar is allocated within the school system, learn about upcoming changes, and share your insights.
Your voice is important and we encourage you to ask questions and engage in the conversation. RSVP to the forums:
Monday, Nov. 11, 6:30–8 p.m., James Hubert Blake High School, 300 Norwood Road Silver Spring. RSVP
Monday, Nov. 18, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Spanish session through Facebook Live on MCPS en Español Facebook
Thursday, Nov. 21, 6:30–8 p.m., Clarksburg High School, 22500 Wims Road Clarksburg. RSVP
Montgomery Blair Students Shine in NPR Podcast Contest
Montgomery Blair High School students Riley MacArthur and Lila Shaw were recognized as top 10 finalists in this year's NPR podcast contest, standing out among nearly 2,000 entries with their podcast, "Paper Dolls." This annual contest invites middle and high school students to showcase their creativity and storytelling skills. “I am so proud of Riley and Lila for their courage to engage with all students, as well as their creativity in producing a podcast about student fashion and self expression.” said Kevin Yates, principal of Montgomery Blair HS.
Additionally, three other podcasts from Montgomery Blair received honorable mentions. Discover which ones and listen to the podcasts.
Student Opportunities
Rales-O’Neill Scholarship Application Now Open
High school seniors can now apply for the Rales-O’Neill Scholarship, offered by the Montgomery County Public Schools Educational Foundation (MCPSEF), which provides $10,000 for future studies. Two hundred students will be selected.
Applicants must:
Have a weighted GPA of 4.80 or higher.
Plan to attend a college/university within two years.
The application period is open from Nov. 1, 2024, to Jan. 25, 2025. For more information on eligibility and rules, visit the website.
Youth Town Hall with Montgomery County Councilmembers
Middle and high school students have the opportunity to engage in a youth town hall with Montgomery County councilmembers on Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 6-8:30 p.m.. This event allows students to discuss youth-centered issues, share questions and concerns, and talk with county leadership. Students can attend in person or via Zoom, and can earn SSL hours for attending. An RSVP is required.
Tickets for the Latin Dance Competition Now on Sale
Don't miss your chance to attend the annual After School Dance Fund/Baila4Life Latin Dance Competition! This event will be held on Monday, Nov. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at The Music Center at Strathmore. Get your tickets.
Maryland STEM Festival 2024
The Maryland STEM Festival is featuring events across the state. Discover events close to you by visiting the website, which includes a calendar and locations for STEM activities available for students of all ages.
VISIT the MCPS homepage.
CALL 240-740-3000. Staff take calls from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, in English and Spanish (240-740-2845)
READ news and information sent via email and text message and on the MCPS News page.
FOLLOW the MCPS social media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in English and Spanish.
https://www.instagram.com/mcpsenespanol/SIGN UP for emails and text alerts and make sure your ParentVue information is up to date.
WATCH the MCPS cable channels Comcast 34 (1071 HD), Verizon 36 or RCN 89
Open Registrations
More From MCPS
- School calendar
- Parent resource page
- News and Information page/Noticias en Español
- Latest photo galleries
- MCPS TV videos
- MCPS TV español
Email us: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org
ParentVUE and other Important Online Resources
Sign Up For ParentVUE to Stay in Touch With Your School
Families new to MCPS are encouraged to sign up for a ParentVUE account at the beginning of the school year. ParentVUE is the online parent portal that serves as the primary communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access to myMCPS Classroom, and more.
ParentVUE provides a way to view school-related information and data for students. Register for athletics, and special programs, communicate with teachers, and verify your student information annually.
ParentVUE also allows access to Canvas/MyMCPSClassroom, a digital learning platform. Parents and guardians can view instructional information and resources, and get alerts about assignments and grades.Sign up for Alert MCPS
Alert MCPS provides emergency information about school closures or emergencies via text or email messages to devices you register. Sign up here.Know These Important System Resources A. GoFan: This online digital ticketing platform offers fast and easy access to tickets for high school events, and allows fans to enter games quickly and safely. For ticketed sports, tickets are no longer sold at the gate and must be purchased online. B. SchoolCash Online: https://www.schoolcashonline.com MCPS has transitioned to this online payment system as its preferred method of payment for all school-related fees. Schools and offices will now use SchoolCash Online for fundraising, field trips, course fees and extracurricular activities. This new payment system is not related to school cafeteria accounts.
MySchoolBucks:Use MySchoolBucks to add school meal money to your child’s account. This will eliminate the need for your child to bring money to school every day. This year, meals (lunch and breakfast) will not be universally free. If your student wants to buy lunch in school, they will need a MySchoolBucks account. Families who believe they qualify for free and reduced-price meals can apply here.
Meadow Hall Principal
Email: Desmond_Mackall2@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MHES_Principal
Meadow Hall Assistant Principal
Email: Ilana_N_Simhon@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MeadowHallAP