The Hive
February 23nd
Happy Friday!
We had a wonderful week on campus! The sun has been shining and that always creates a community that is upbeat and positive. All of the kids have been outside playing volleyball, basketball, 4 square, or just walking around talking with friends. It always brings a smile to our faces.
We have a couple of busy weeks coming up! Please scroll below for more information.
Have the best weekend!
With kindness,
Forecasting 2024-2025
It is that time of year, again! Forecasting for the 2024-2025 school year for HMS will take place on Thursday, March 7th 2:30-3:20 pm in each student's Homebase classroom. We are still working out the elective choices for students next year. I will communicate classes, with descriptors, as soon as they are finalized to 6th and 7th grade families. This will provide an opportunity for you and your child to have a conversation about electives prior to the forecasting date. 8th graders will also be forecasting on this date. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Spring Band Concert & Fundraiser
Our spring band concert is coming up on Thursday, March 7th at 7:00pm in the MPR room at HHS. We are excited to hear our bands perform!
On Saturday, March 9th we will have our Applebee's Band Fundraiser from 8:00-10:00am.
5111 NE 112th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98682
We hope to see you there!
Wellness Campaign - Weekly Challenge
This week’s challenge is to be kind to yourself. Being kind to ourselves is as important as being kind to others. When we take the time to recharge, practice positive thinking and self-compassion, we become better students and friends.
Concessions will be available at the Rising 8th Grade Night!
Athletic Director's Corner
Boys Basketball
We had a great week! Here is the schedule for next week. Please remember there is a gate fee at away games and that there is not a return bus for away games.
Monday 2/26 AWAY @ View Ridge
Bus is scheduled to leave HMS @ 2:45 - There is NO return bus
4pm - 7th Grade
5pm - 8th Grade
5pm - Blended
Wednesday 2/28 AWAY @ Jemtegaard
Bus is scheduled to leave HMS @ 2:45 - There is NO return bus
4pm - 7th Grade
5pm - 8th Grade
4:30 - Blended - CHANGE
Monday 3/4 HOME vs La Center
4pm - 7th Grade
5pm - 8th Grade
6pm - Blended
Wednesday 3/6 AWAY @ Canyon Creek
Bus is scheduled to leave HMS @ 2:45 - There is NO return bus
4pm - 7th Grade
5pm - 8th Grade
6pm - Blended
Knowledge Bowl
We had a great time hosting our first competition!
Thursday 2/29 AWAY @ Canyon Creek
Bus is scheduled to leave HMS @ 2:45
Thursday 3/7 HOME vs. Cascade & Coweeman
Thank you,
Sid Slom
PWT See's Candy Fundraiser
It’s not too early to start thinking Spring or Easter candy!
Our Spring See’s Candy Fundraiser started TODAY and will run through March 15th. You can purchase your See’s Candy today and have it shipped directly to your home or to another address if you want to surprise a friend or family member.
Support Hockinson PWT and order today-March 15th!
Link to Purchase: https://www.yumraising.com/secure/hockinsonp_hockinson_pwt18/RebMon7200/candy
Don’t forget to share the storefront link with family and friends so they can order too!
Chromebook Information
This is a friendly reminder that it is important for students to keep the protective cases on their school issued Chromebooks to protect them from accidental damage. If you opted into the Hockinson Assurance Program at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, and your student's Chromebook is damaged while any part of the case is off, the cost of repair will not be covered by your assurance as is stated in the exclusions section of the assurance form.
Here is the Hockinson Assurance Program form if you would like to take a closer look at what it offers, including coverage and exclusions. If you opted out of the assurance program at the beginning of the year and would like to have assurance coverage, you can opt-in at any time after your student's Chromebook has been inspected for damage. A paper form can be sent home with your student, or you can make an online payment through InTouch, the HSD payment portal.
Take Note: Important Dates!
February 2024
2/26 Boys basketball AWAY - View Ridge
2/27 8th Grade Forecasting Night at HHS
2/28 Boys basketball AWAY - Jemtegaard
2/29 Knowledge Bowl AWAY - Canyon Creek
March 2024
3/4-3/8 Coin Challenge - Library Fundraiser
3/4-3/8 Classified Appreciation Week/School Social Work Week
3/4 Boys Basketball Game HOME vs La Center
3/6 Boys Basketball Game AWAY @ Canyon Creek
3/7 Knowledge Bowl HOME vs Coweeman & Cascade
3/7 HMS Spring Band Concert @ 7:00pm
3/9 8:00-10:00am Applebee's Band Fundraiser
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
*Students may be dropped of at 8:00am
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/