Wolf Pack Weekly
Upcoming events and announcements from the Nature Ridge PTO
Week at a Glance - April 8th - 12th
Tues. 4/16: PTO Meeting, Election, & Guest Speaker @ 6:30 pm
Thurs. 4/18: DARE Graduation (5th grade students)
Fri. 4/19: Last day to order a yearbook!
Weds. 3/6 - Mon. 5/6: San-a-Can Fundraiser
Tues. 4/2 - Tues. 4/30: Plastic Bag Collection Contest!
PTO Meeting & Election - Tues. April 16th @ 6:30 pm
Please join us in the Nature Ridge cafeteria for our last PTO meeting of the year! We will be sharing some EXCITING information about our LATEST fundraising project! We will also be holding an election for two new PTO Board members.
In addition, we have a special guest speaker, Amy Lam, PharmD. Amy and her company are developing a platform to teach children about medication safety.
2023-24 Yearbooks On Sale Now - Deadline: Fri. 4/19
Our yearbook committee has been working hard to bring you a collection of memories from this school year! Yearbooks will be available to order until April 19th, and will be delivered to school before the end of the year.
Click here: https://store.shopyearbook.com/nature-ridge-yearbook
*If you choose to personalize your child's yearbook for an extra $7.95, you can purchase now and come back before April 19th to design your personalized pages!
Plastic Bag Collection Contest - Week 1 Results
After our first week of collections, our school was able to recycle 67.14 pounds of plastic bags!! Nature Ridge is in the lead over Otter Creek Elementary by 3.4 pounds! Keep sending in those bags until April 30th, so we can win the trophy!
San-a-Can Fundraiser - Now through May 6th!
This spring, San-a-Can is offering a 2-month window for Nature Ridge to earn money from their services! Book a can cleaning ANY TIME between March 6th and May 6th, and a portion of your fee will come straight back to our school!
To support the fundraiser, fill out the request form on the website here: https://www.san-a-can.com/signup.html or call the office at (844)726-2226. To ensure proceeds go to the PTO, mention Nature Ridge PTO in the comments section of the form or when you speak with your customer service rep.
Nature Ridge Teacher Giving Tree
Teacher Appreciation Week is right around the corner, and the Giving Tree is full of requests from the teachers! Please take a look to see if you can brighten their day with some supplies for their classroom! http://tinyurl.com/s4mnbcyc
Wolf Pack Car Magnets For Sale!
Order here: https://forms.gle/jVMMpu3Shrx56jxQ6
Magnets will be sent home with your child.
Upcoming Events:
- Mon. 4/22: North of the Border No Cook Night
- Thurs. 4/25: Scholastic Book Fair @5-8 pm
- Fri. 5/3: Field Day! (5/10 rain date)
- Mon. 5/6-Fri. 5/10: Teacher Appreciation Week!
- Tues. 5/14: Donuts with a Grown-up @7:15-7:45 am
- Sat. 5/18: Nature Ridge Fun Fair & Silent Auction @4-7 pm
- Weds. 5/22: Cherry on Top Fundraiser
- Tues. 5/28: Sixth Grade Recognition
- Thurs. 5/30: Last Day of School
North of the Border No Cook Night - Mon. 4/22
11 AM - 8 PM
Scholastic Book Fair 4/25 @5-8 pm
The Nature Ridge PTO is excited to share that the Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be held on Thursday, April 25 from 5:00-8:00 in the school cafeteria. Additionally, we will have a schedule of special guest readers in the gym. Come out with your family, shop for books, and listen to a story read by a Bartlett community member. This book fair will be an evening only event. All students and their families are invited. The students will not visit during the school day.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help the evening of the fair, as well as to set up and take down. If you are interested in helping out, please visit this link: https://tinyurl.com/NRSpring24BookFairVolunteers Thank you!
We Need YOU for FIELD DAY!
Nature Ridge Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 3rd! (Rain date = Friday, May 10th)
We are looking for 24 volunteers for each shift (morning and afternoon). You are more than welcome to sign up for both shifts! YOU MUST HAVE FINGERPRINTS ON FILE WITH THE DISTRICT!
8:00-11:45 am K-2nd grades, and ILP primary
10:45-2:00 pm 3rd-6th grades, and ILP intermediate
Rather than following your child's class from event to event, volunteers will be assigned to one station for the entire shift. We will also have a few floating volunteers to help with restroom and nurse visits.
All students will eat lunch from 1045-1140 in their own classrooms. Volunteers will be assigned to random classrooms to supervise during the lunch hour.
If you sign up for a shift, please know we need you to stay the whole time, including lunch.
Example: 8-1045 supervise Bozo Buckets, 1045-1140 supervise a classroom during lunch.
Without enough volunteers, we CANNOT have a Field Day this year. Please sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/bd8mw767
Review of Past Events:
Saver's Fundraiser Success!
Wow! Our Nature Ridge community collected 1,092 pounds of donations for Saver's this year! Thanks to your time and effort cleaning out your closets, we earned $168.72 to spoil the teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week! Way to go, Nature Ridge!
Design the Yearbook Cover Contest: WINNER!
And the winner of the 2023-2024 Nature Ridge Yearbook Cover Contest is...Shyna Vaswani, from Mrs. Dyer's second grade class! Congratulations to Shyna, and thank you to all of the students who worked so hard to create beautiful covers! They will all be featured inside the yearbook!
Nature Ridge Spirit Wear
Stay Connected:
Volunteers Needed for Sixth Grade Recognition
Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAEAB2AA5FCC07-nature
PTO Google Calendar - Now Available!
The Nature Ridge PTO has created a Google Calendar to keep you up-to-date on all of our events this year! Click here for detailed instructions to add the calendar to your Google account.
*Don't worry - you can "mute" the calendar when not in use!
Nature Ridge PTO Family Directory (Live link!)
Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
Email: NatureRidgeBoard@gmail.com
Website: https://www.u-46.org/domain/2840
Location: 1899 Westridge Blvd., Bartlett, IL 60103
Phone: 630-372-4627
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NatureRidgeElementaryPTO/