AP exams - TWHS & WKHS
May 5 - May 16, 2025

AP exam registration closes February 21st.
Families may still register for AP Exams during the late registration window until FEBRUARY 21st. The fee for each examination is now $140.00.
*Your child may qualify for a free or reduced exam fee if they currently qualify under the federal lunch program. You would need to have completed a waiver form when you applied for free/reduced lunch in order to qualify. You may contact your child’s school counselor for a copy of the waiver if you did not complete it with your original application for free/reduced lunch.
Step 1: Students - Join AP course in College Board
If your son/daughter is planning to take one or more of the examinations, they will need to join their AP course code in their College Board account. This code will be given to them by their AP classroom teacher.
Step 2: Parents/Guardians - Register and make payment
Please register online by logging into your My Payments Plus account at www.mypaymentsplus.com and click on the AP Exams icon.
Worthington Education Center (200 E. Wilson Bridge Road)
Due to construction and limited space, AP Exams will be held at the Worthington Education Center (WEC) for both Thomas Worthington and Worthington Kilbourne students for this spring's administration.
Because students must report for morning exams before the school day begins, students will need their own transportation to the Worthington Education Center. Bus transportation will be provided after AM exams back to the student's High School, if needed.
For afternoon exams, bus transportation will be provided from the High School to the Worthington Education Center. Students will need their own transportation home after the exam, as exams typically extend past school hours.
If students have both a morning and afternoon exam, students are strongly advised to pack a lunch and eat in between exams at the Worthington Education Center. There will be limited time to go out and get something to eat. Students will need transportation both to and from the Worthington Education Center in this instance.
The deadline to submit applications to the College Board for special accommodations is January 24, 2025. You must contact the counseling department at your child’s school about the process to request special accommodations if your child’s disability impacts his/her participation in standardized testing. The College Board Services for Students with Disabilities approve the requests NOT Worthington Schools. When registering in My Payments Plus, check mark the box on the registration form asking for accommodations.
AP EXAM DATES: May 5-16, 2025
Thomas Worthington: TWHS AP exam schedule 2025
Worthington Kilbourne: WKHS AP exam schedule 2025
LATE TESTING: May 19 -23, 2025
Students are required to take exams at specifically scheduled nation-wide times. Early testing is not permitted under any circumstances. Under special approved circumstances, defined by the College Board below, an exam may be administered at a later date using an alternative form of the exam.
College Board recognizes there are situations that arise that may require a student to participate in late testing.
Below are the circumstances when late testing is allowed without incurring an additional fee of $40/exam:
· Academic Contest/event
· School Athletic contest/event
· Conflict with IB exam
· Conflict with nationally, province-, or state-mandated test
· Disabilities accommodations issue
· Emergency: bomb scare or fire alarm
· Emergency: serious injury, illness or family tragedy
· High school graduation
· Religious/holiday observance
· School closing: election, national holiday, or natural disaster
· Strike/labor conflict
· Student court appearance
· Two AP exams scheduled on the same date at the same time
Any other reason will incur an additional $40 fee. Also, as a result of College Board’s updates to its program, no stand-by testing will be permitted.
As students progress through their high school career, there begins to be a big focus on their future and what that looks like. That future can look very different from one year to the next as students engage in their high school coursework and grow as learners.
Thinking about the future and the many different options/paths available can be a little overwhelming for students and their families. College Board has a resource to help students throughout their high school career. Big Future is a free online resource planning guide that makes this transition from high school to their next step a little easier. With Big Future, students can check out careers of interest and find colleges based on areas of interest as well as ways to pay for college.
Students can not only gain valuable information from accessing the Big Future, they can also enter to win either $500 or $40,000 scholarships through the monthly drawings. Students earn one entry each month for each step they complete on Big Future. In addition, students whose families make less than $60,000 a year have extra chances to win the scholarships. Students are eligible to enter into the scholarship drawings starting in the January of their sophomore year until February of their senior year.