New Albany High School
Senior Events and Recognition Update - April 29, 2020
Dear Students and Parents,
We wanted to provide everyone with a quick update on our plans for our end of the year senior activities and recognitions. We have received many emails over the past few days sharing ideas for ways in which we can structure events and offer recognition for our seniors. We thought it would be valuable to provide a look at the things that we are working on for the Class of 2020.
Here is the update on some of our end of the year activities:
Graduation Materials (April 28) - Jostens and NAHS Administration had a drive thru pick up event yesterday evening. Those that were not able to pick-up their items will have them delivered next week.
Senior Staff Select - This is the process where our students select a staff member to hand them their high school diploma. An email will be sent to seniors this week to explain the Senior Staff Select Process. Students are encouraged to set up a video conference or phone call with the staff member they select.
Senior Seminar Exhibition (May 18) - Senior Seminar Exhibition will be carried out virtually with our guest judges. Once the top five are determined, those students will be able to submit video recordings to be judged by our panel. From there, the program and video will be put together to be sent to the community.
Celebration of Excellence (May 19) - Our school counseling department is working hard on organizing our local scholarships, recognitions, and awards for the celebration. We plan to provide a Virtual Celebration of Excellence. We will be inviting our guests and staff to submit videos in order to recognize our students' success.
Graduation (May 23) - The administration and senior team will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the process moving forward with graduation. We have to adhere to the guidelines and orders defined by the Ohio Department of Education and the governor’s office. That being said, we are working on creative ways to provide a unique and personalized experience for our graduates and their families. More information to be provided as planning continues.
Ongoing Senior Recognition Projects:
“Congratulations Class of 2020” Banners at roundabouts – organized by NAHS PTO
Graduation Yard Banners – organized by the NAHS PTO
Class of 2020 Instagram Page – organized by NAHS senior
Adopt-a-Senior on Facebook – organized by NAHS senior parents
Staff video “NAHS Staff Misses You” – organized by NAHS “R-Factor” Squad
Senior “Memories” class video – organized by NAHS Seniors
Senior Athlete Banners Display on Fodor Rd – organized by NAHS Athletic Department
Senior T-Shirts (designed by seniors) - organized by NAHS Senior Team
Senior Baby Picture Slideshow – organized by NAHS Senior Team
Diploma delivery tied to graduation (TBD) – organized by NAHS Administration and Senior Team
Senior Signing Event for Spring Sports - organized by NAHS Athletic Department
Military Signing Event - organized by Mrs. Cheney
Fine Arts Signing Event - organized by Mrs. Banas and Mr. Falk
We are also continuing to look at other opportunities. The PTO continues to work on the possibility of creating Snapchat or Instagram filters for graduation as well as possible life size cutout of Mr. Kraemer with a diploma. The NAHS administration and senior team continues to discuss the idea of creating some type of community recognition in the form of a clap-out or senior parade route. Finally, we have been looking at a competition in the form of a door decorating or lawn decorating contest closer to graduation. All in all, we are proud of the work that has been accomplished and we continue to work to provide the best experience possible for our seniors.
We know how very difficult this has been for our Class of 2020 Graduates and their families. We want nothing more than to be able to celebrate you, but we must as always keep your safety and well-being at the forefront of our planning. We will continue to provide updates to all of these events and recognitions. We hope everyone in our Eagle family remains safe during this time.
Thank you,
Mr. Kraemer
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/hs
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @napls_hs