CTS Snapshot
Snapshot News:
Mollie - Year 7
Combined Cadet Force
Carnegie Book Awards
Stars of the Week:
- Miss James has nominated Antony 8S for his outstanding dedication to his written work in English.
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Jasmine-Marie 11C for her attitude to exam revision and setting a great example for the rest of the class in Science.
- Miss Fenner has nominated the following English students Conor 11C for his great effort and massive improvement in his mock exam, Eden 11S for her progress and development in the mock exam, Year 8 students for their excellent group work on creating articles this week.
- Mr Cox has nominated Alexandra and Taylor 11T, Lucy 11C and Frederico 11S for attending and actively participating in after school revision sessions for Biology.
- Miss Watt has nominated 7CO for fantastic effort and progress so far this term in German.
- Miss Longhurst has nominated the Year 8 Historians for doing really well building trench models.
Mr Gourlay has nominated Lucy 11C for her commitment to revision in Computer Science.
Mr Krawczynski has nominated Dina 8S for a great attitude to her work in Maths.
Mr Rogers has nominated Year 11 students who took part in the visit to Hardwick Hall for their behaviour and attitude to learning.
Mr Lee would like to thank all the Year 11 Maths students who took the time to attend their 1-1 mock exam feedback session.
Mrs Ferns has nominated Beate 11S for her fantastic work in Maths intervention.
Celebration of Student Work:
SAM Learning
Year 11 History Trip
UKMT Maths Challenge
Attendance Matters
Whole School Attendance
Best Tutor Group
7CA are this week's winners with 100%. Well done to Mr Horne and all students in 7CA.
House Winner
C house are the winners again this week with 97.25%. They are becoming quite unbeatable, well done to Cayley and Coleman.
- Year 12 Parent Consultation Evening will take place on Wednesday 25th April. The evening will begin at 5.00pm with a short presentation in the George Weston Theatre with appointments with staff from 5.15pm onwards. All students have been given a letter containing their login details.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby