MAV Minute
Week at a Glance 📆
Note from the Principals 📝
In an effort to streamline communication, we are providing learning community newsletters at one time this year on the first Sunday of each month. This is our first effort to send all learning community newsletters at once -- know that teams will learn from each other in this effort and merge our practices. Learning from one another is the Meadowlark Way. Please take a moment to read your child's learning community news.
Early Childhood Learning Community
Preschool News: Please read our newsletter for important dates in the fall as well as preschool playdate information.
Kindergarten News: We are getting into the swing of things in Kindergarten. This month has been all about getting into our routines and expectations in the classroom. We are enjoying getting to know each other.
1-2 Learning Community News
1st Grade News:
August has been an exciting month in first grade! Our students have shown incredible growth, particularly in their ability to work together and approach challenges with curiosity. In math, we've been building a strong foundation in addition and subtraction, using hands-on manipulatives, partner games and solving simple story problems. Literacy time has been full of engaging stories, with students practicing comprehension strategies, identifying genres, and retelling stories using sequence words. All of that great reading is possible because of our strong foundation in phonics. We are wrapping up our review of letter sounds and can't wait to move into digraphs! September promises to bring even more growth as we dive deeper into math, continue to strengthen literacy skills, and begin an exciting project-based learning (PBL) challenge, where our first and second graders will collaborate to answer the question: "How do we, as Mavericks, build a positive community?"
2nd Grade News: We are excited to share all the wonderful learning happening in 2nd Grade! We’ve kicked off the year by introducing our new curriculum, HMH: Into Reading, in Literacy. We just wrapped up Unit 1, which reviewed key phonics skills from 1st grade, and are now heading into Unit 2, focusing on vowel-consonant-e syllables, multi-syllabic words, and trick words. In FUNdations, we’re reinforcing these foundational literacy skills. In Math, we’ve learned some fun games and started Unit 1, which concentrates on addition and subtraction within 20, place value concepts, and fluency with numbers to 100. For our Project-Based Learning (PBL), we’re diving into the 4 C’s (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking) to prepare your Mavericks for our first big unit, which explores how to build a positive community. We’ve also spent time discussing what a huddle is, creating norms, and learning about MAVS values. Next, we will be focusing on building self-awareness. We are looking forward to all the growth and learning ahead!
3-4 Learning Community News: We’ve been settling into routines, building community, assessing our students to flexibly group, and we have enjoyed getting to know them. Our Olympic Themed Community PBL was an amazing way for students to collaborate and get to know each other.
3-4 Learning Community Newsletter
5-6 Learning Community News: Thank you for reading our September newsletter that includes important updates and information. Our Back-to-School night was a great success. We appreciated the great questions and feedback. Please read our newsletter to learn about important dates, what students are learning in our learning community, and two applications that parents will often use - Talking Points and Infinite Campus.
5-6 Learning Community Newsletter
7-8 Learning Community News: Please take a moment to review our reminders, read about what is being taught in science, math, and humanities (social studies and English language arts), as well as get some pointers about how parents can view Schoology to check student performance.
Art Department Newsletters: Please take a moment to catch up with your child's learning community news from art. Learn about the artists, elements, styles and skills that we are teaching, and what your child will be creating in September! Also, make sure to read the newsletter article about Paint Nights and Art Club!
First Grade Newsletter (Hampton)
4th Grade Newsletter (Hampton)
5th and 6th Grade Newsletter (Hampton)
Important Information ❗
Help At Schools Directory
We have updated our 24-25 Help At Schools Parent Student directory to reflect the new school year. Every family should have received an invite to opt-in or opt-out directly from HelpAtSchools.com To respect privacy, the directory requires that parents explicitly opt-in to the directory before any of their information is listed. We also use Help At Schools to list parent volunteer opportunities here at school, so while you are there visit the Sign-Up page to see opportunities to help out!
Our FIRST PAINT NIGHT of the school year is September 27th. We also have art clubs running again this year. Click here for more information and to register.
School Picture Day
Our Fall Picture Day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 2024. More information will be coming closer to the date regarding how to order your child’s pictures. Retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 14.
District News
Apply to be in the BVSD Community Leadership Academy
For the third year, the Boulder Valley School District will be hosting the BVSD Community Leadership Academy, in partnership with Parent Engagement Network. The program is an opportunity for parents and community members to deepen their understanding of the Boulder Valley School District and our work. One of the goals is to provide parents with the information they need to play a more active role in their child’s education and the district as a whole.
The third Community Leadership Academy cohort will have seven lunch-time sessions, one Friday per month, between October and April that will provide an overview of the district, deeper dives into BVSD’s academics and operations, plus additional sessions on building resilient families and communities.
Sessions will be 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the BVSD Education Center located at 6500 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, CO on the following dates:
October 18, 2024
November 15, 2024
December 13, 2024
January 10, 2025
February 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
April 11, 2025
Interpretation into Spanish will be available.
Applications are now being accepted
The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024.
Title IX student council accepting applications for 2024-25 SY
Due Date: Friday, Sept. 13
Please see the District Information for School newsletters for a copy of a English and Spanish announcement about Title IX student council, and Title IX Advisory Council applications to share in your middle and high school newsletters.
Questions? Contact Kara Phillips
Reminders ✅
Volunteering in the Office and Copier Room
We are looking for more awesome volunteers to join our fun, vibrant office at Meadowlark. Currently, we are hoping for more volunteer support on Mondays and Fridays. We would prefer a commitment of days and hours so that we can rely on when you are able to support. However, we do understand that you may occasionally need to miss your scheduled day. Office duties typically include opening the doors, answering phone calls, using the radio and intercom, and checking students in/out in Infinite Campus. Tasks may increase and expand as you become more comfortable.
We are also looking for volunteer support in our copier room for any day of the week. These tasks would include copy and print jobs, cutting, sorting, and prepping small projects for our LC teachers and other staff If you are interested in either opportunity, please reach out to Christie Laplant.
Clubs & Middle Level Athletics 🏀
Registration for Girls 8th Grade Volleyball is now open!
Volleyball registration will be due September 11th and our season practices will begin on September 19th. You can find additional registration details on our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jeff Miller or Lindsay Barber!
Our first cross country meet of the year at Broomfield Heights Middle School went very well, as our Girls and Boys teams won the dual meet. Our next meet is at Eldorado K-8 on Wednesday, September 11th @ 5:00 p.m.
PTSA Information
🎬 Save the Date: Mavs Movie Night is Coming! 🍿
Dear Meadowlark Families,
We’re thrilled to announce that our first big event of the school year is just around the corner! The Meadowlark PTSA is planning a Mavs Movie Night to kick off the new school year, and we want you to mark your calendars now for an evening of fun, laughter, and community.
📅 Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
🕒 Time: 6 pm on the NE Lawn
This will be a fantastic opportunity to unwind with your kids after a busy week back at school. Imagine cozying up under the stars, munching on popcorn, and enjoying a great movie together with friends and family. While we’re keeping the movie title under wraps for now, we promise it’s a hit that everyone will love.
More details are on the way, so stay tuned! In the meantime, be sure to circle Friday, September 27, 2024 at 6 pm on your calendar—you won’t want to miss this night of fun and togetherness.
See you at the movies!
Join Meadowlark PTSA and Fall Fundraiser
The beginning of school kicks off our Fall Fundraiser - our annual Membership Drive!
Please consider supporting Meadowlark with a PTSA membership + Donation. Funds raised go directly toward Meadowlark and helps us to provide field trips, school-wide events, and more!
(No Volunteering Necessary.)
For more information about what a PTSA membership is and how it helps support state and national educational initiatives and legislation, visit our Membership page.
Upcoming Dates 📆
9/15 Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
9/27 Paint and Sip Night (registration required)
9/27 PTSA sponsored Movie Night
9/30 PD/Teacher Work Day, No Students
10/1 ML8 WALK & Roll to SCHOOL Day
10/2 National Custodian Appreciation Day
10/11 K8 - 1st Quarter Ends
10/14 AM District PD, No School for Students
10/15 Student Led Conferences 4-8p
10/16 Student Led Conferences 4-8p
10/17 Student Led Conferences 4-8p
Quick Links & PTSA 📎
Communications: Follow PTSA
- Our Website: https://meadowlarkptsa.org
- Facebook: Meadowlark PTSA
- Twitter: @MeadowlarkPtsa
- NEW Instagram: meadowlarkptsa_bvsd