Husky Happenings " Family Edition"
September 15, 2024

We are heading into week 4!
Repeat***Are you not receiving messages for parents/guardians?
Principal's Message
I was so excited to see a 2nd grader from Ms. Jenkins' class in the community and he not only recognized me as the principal, but also came and said HI. I have been working really hard to get around to classrooms and helping in the cafeteria so that students know who I am and that I am here to help them with anything they might need. If you see me around, stop and say Hi. :)
Open House is this week and we are so excited to invite you in to see all of the amazing things your children have already been accomplishing at school. We will start in the cafeteria and you will then have a chance to visit your children's classrooms. Please don't forget to stop by BRRR in Solomon's afterwards as the PAWS team is hosting a fundraiser.
PreK-2 is on September 17th 5:30-6:30 pm
3-5 is on September 18th 5:30-6:30 pm
It has been brought to my attention that I should address the expectations for celebrating a student's birthday at school as well as snacks for during the school day.
REPEAT**As of SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 the following practices will be put into place.
- Parents can bring in non-food items to celebrate student birthdays.
- Cupcakes cannot be delivered and distributed to students at school.
- Parents/Guardians must supply snacks for their students.
- Teachers will not keep classroom-based snacks.
- Any snacks provided from the school will meet the “Smart Snack” regulations as established by the HHFKA
If you have questions about these practices, please do not hesitate to ask.
Click the link/title above to submit a shout out to a staff member that has gone above and beyond for your student since school started. These will be shared with staff in the staff weekly newsletter.
From Nurse West
Just a reminder that the Calvert County Health Department will be here on September 24th for their annual school flu clinic. Consent forms went home in folders last week. If you did not get a paper consent form, please let me know. I can send it home with your child. There is also an online registration/consent, if you would rather do that. Please follow this link https://calvertcounty.as.me/SLVFluClinicsDES. If you have already turned in a paper consent, there is no need to fill out the consent online. If you do not want your student to receive the vaccine, simply discard the form. I do not need to have the form back.
Another reminder, students should not have any type of medication or ointments/creams in their possession. If your student requires medication to be given while at school, please bring in the medication with the authorization to administer medication form filled out by the doctor and signed by a parent/guardian to me. This includes all prescription and over the counter (OTC), routine and as needed medications.
Being in such close proximity to the power plant, the Health Department has provided the school with Potassium Iodine tablets should there be an emergency at the Power Plant. Some students may have already brought the form home. Please read the attached consent form. ONLY RETURN THE SIGNED FORM IF YOU DO NOT WISH FOR YOUR STUDENT TO RECEIVE THE TABLET, should the need arise.
Feel free to contact Nurse West with questions at westl@calvertnet.k12.md.us or 443-550-9488.
Important Upcoming Dates
September 17: Pre-K-2nd grade 5:30-6:30
September 18: 3rd-5th grade 5:30-6:30
9/17 & 18 BRRRR spirit nights (4-9pm)
September 18 Ms. Cox's Class ChesPax Trip
September 19: Ms. Droneberger's Class ChesPax Trip
September 20: Ms. Lowe's Class ChesPax Trip
September 23: Ms. Price's Class ChesPax Trip
9/30 salsas spirit night (5-9)
10/10: 4-7 Tettimer farm Fundraiser
10/23: trunk of treat
Oct 25 4-6:15 Horsmons farm fall activities!
Please fill out the
School Lunch Application
Please see the bus locater link below. At this time bus routes are not published or finalized. Transportation should be communicating more information with parents/guardians once they complete bus routes. You can check back with the link at any time.