Dixons Kings Academy Appreciations!
Integrity, Diligence, Civility... 07 December 2018
The Climb... Events at DKA this week!
Computing Stars of the Week!
CPR training
Year 7 Student Appreciations!
Miss Hickey
Iqra Awas in 8.4 She solved the brain teaser and gave an excellent explanation.
The answer was either February, December or November because the months are listed from least to most numbers of letters.
Ms Walton
Top attendance 7.3 100%
Mrs Knowles
7BEn1 - they are always very enthusiastic and listen with civility when I read aloud to them
Miss Tariq
7A/Sc1 for always being so enthusiastic and engaged in the lesson
Miss Herbert
My year 7 art classes for their diligence in producing some amazing colour work and I special shout out to 7B3 for their amazing team work in clearing the classroom after using paint, I gave an extra positive to everyone because I was so impressed!
Miss Shaw
Zarah, Adam, Salahuddin, Ifra, Isa, Murtaza, Afeefah and Aaminah for demonstrating excellent practical skills and amazing investigative skills in science club this term.
I'd also like to appreciate Areeba and hamza in 7.3 for high quality DIRT
Mr Smith
Both 7A/En1 and 7B/En1 for adapting to the loss of the irreplaceable MGO and demonstrating excellent diligence and attitude to learning.
Miss Gayle
Y7 - All members of the Blog enrichment for your hard work and excellent writing. It is always a pleasure to read your work.
Everyone in 7B/En3 class for a very diligent start and coping well with your change in teachers
Miss Stephens
All of 7B PE who have PE on a Tue p.4 and Thur p.5. They have shown excellent civility by working with the BTEC Sport students to enable them to practice their Leadership skills
Miss Binnersley
Please can I appreciate my year 7 enrichment group for amazing enthusiasm every week.
Staff Appreciations!
Mr E. Laughlin and Miss S. Hussain for their support in organising the Year 7 reward trip :)
Miss Bell who covered for me yesterday at short notice.
Miss Probst for her help when my car broke.
Ms Kaur and Ms Hockney for their ongoing help and support.
Mr Miller for his interesting article in the TES.
Ms Peacock for all her amazing support with Science club this term - couldn't do it without you!
Parent Notices
Please note that it is parental responsibility to inform the Academy of changes to addresses or telephone numbers so that we can keep our records up to date, however the Academy cannot put any of the changes onto your Parent Pay accounts, this has to be done by you as the account holder. It is important that you do this immediately as your details change so that you can receive important text messages and letters sent to you via Parent Pay.
Family Dining
Two Claps on Three!
Dixons Kings Academy
Email: info@dixonska.com
Website: http://www.dixonska.com
Location: Northside Road, Bradford, United Kingdom
Phone: 01274 449706
Twitter: @DixonsKings