St Peter's Primary School
Friday 8th November 2024
Dear Lord,
Some days I can hardly carry my own load, much less help with another’s.
Yet how grateful I’ve been when someone has helped me.
May I pass on the same encouragement today, Lord.
Please help me to see beyond my own situation
and notice what those around me are dealing with:
difficult students, family crises, or just bad days.
May I be sensitive and help lighten their load.
May I always see others through Your eyes.
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Members of our School Community,
STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - On Friday 1 November, all staff participated in an on-site Professional Development day. Staff spent the day analysing our student data for the 2024 school year. Then we spent the afternoon reviewing the schools 2024 School Improvement Plan goals, before drafting 2025 goals. We then enjoyed the afternoon delving into well-being, focusing on both staff and student well-being. Staff genuinely valued having the opportunity to work alongside each other to implement goals to support the long-term vision of our school.
YEAR ONE ASSEMBLY - Thank you to our Year One students and teachers for the entertaining assembly item this morning. The students engaged the audience with an informative item and song about the 6 Noongar seasons. The students shared their learning from HASS this term and spoke about their learning experiences from their recent excursion to the Rio Tinto Naturescape in Kings Park.
CODE OF CONDUCT - This week our focus is on ‘Conduct Statement Three’. You act in accordance with the values of the Gospel as defined in the Code of Ethical Conduct.
This Conduct Statement means that you are mindful that your decisions and behaviour are opportunities for students and others to see Gospel values in action and how faith integrates with life. You acknowledge that as a member of a Catholic school community, you are required to strive to develop and live out your relationships with all people in a manner that is based on Gospel values as defined in the CECWA Code of Ethical Conduct.
The following examples are some of the ways parents can adhere to Conduct Statement Three:
• Speak respectfully to all students, staff and community members.
• Model respectful behaviour always, towards all within our school community.
• Avoid being involved in gossip.
• Support the school by trying to attend school Masses and liturgical celebrations.
ANNUAL COMMUNITY MEETING - Our Annual Community Meeting for the Catholic School Advisory Council and P&F will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday 19 November in the library.
At 5:30pm, prior to the commencement of the meeting we will thank all our parent volunteers with drinks and nibbles. Parent support and dedication is greatly appreciated and is fundamental for the success of our school. We hope you can join us to celebrate another wonderful year at St Peter’s Primary School!
STAFFING NEWS - Congratulations to Mrs Emma McHardie who has successfully gained a teaching position at Ursula Frayne for 2025. We thank Emma for her dedication and devotion to her students and the parents of St Peter’s.
We also congratulate Miss Beth Tavani who also will be teaching at Ursula Frayne in 2025. Whilst Beth has only been at St Peter’s for two years, she has certainly made a significant impact.
Congratulations also to Mrs Bianca Flamini who will be teaching at Mary MacKillop Catholic Primary in 2025. I know you will join me in thanking Bianca for all her efforts in her time at
St Peter’s, what she has achieved and assisted with has been certainly significant.
Conor Hunter has also gained an on-going teaching position at Mary Mackillop in 2025. We thank Conor for his time at St Peter’s and wish him well for his future
KINDY – YEAR 6 CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Our Kindy - Year SIx Christmas Concert will be held on the evening of Thursday 28 November 2024. The concert will commence at 6:00pm and be held at Catherine Reserve (Rosebery St & Catherine St, Bedford). As per previous years, our Pre-Kindy class will have their own end of year celebration in the library.
All families are invited to a BYO picnic dinner from 5pm, before each year level will be called over the microphone at 5:45pm to come forward to their designated class area in front of the stage, to ensure the concert can begin at 6pm and conclude by 7pm. To ensure the smooth and timely running of the concert, all students will need to remain sitting with their class for the duration of the concert, and students will be released to their parents or caregiver at the conclusion of the event.
As it is an evening concert, the invitation is being extended to parents and grandparents. It also means that all our families will be able to watch all children participate in the one concert.
As outlined in the letter at the end of Term Three, each cohort will perform a dance that contributes to the theme, ‘A Movie Adventure’. This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and demonstrate what they have learnt during dance lessons this term. On the evening, our school will provide you with copy of the program for the night.
This is an Alcohol-Free event, and families are invited to BYO one family picnic rug and/or low picnic chairs. As it is a public venue, picnic rugs and chairs can be placed in the marked designated seating area only from 4pm onwards. Audience seating will be split into two sections, with picnic rugs being assigned the area in front of those on picnic chairs. A map of the venue including details for parking and seating will be communicated closer to the event. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!
THANKS TO P&F - The students and staff of St Peter’s would like to say a HUGE thank you to the P&F for their support this year.
As a result of the P&F’s generosity, we have been able to purchase and fund the following in 2024:
This contribution totals over $80,000!
We are extremely lucky to have such a giving parent community and supportive P&F as well as the volunteers who commit their own personal time to make these events work smoothly for our St Peters students and community!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
YEAR FIVE LEADERSHIP RETREAT 2024 - Leading with Truth - Over the past five weeks, our Year Five students have been undergoing a character strengths-based program to help them explore, identify and develop their personal strengths and relationships in preparation for their transition into leading St Peter's Primary School as the Year 6 cohort.
During Week Four, the Year Five students were fortunate enough to hear from one of our CEWA Key Speakers, Rev. Mark Powell. Mark shared how the Leadership Retreat is an opportunity to experience the power of a pilgrimage, being a journey of faith for young explorers. Following this, our current Year Six Ministry leaders provided an insight into the Leadership Retreat, their character strengths and how it helped them choose their ministries based on their strengths. Our Year Five students eagerly asked questions as they displayed their excitement for the upcoming Leadership Retreat and transition into Year Six.
On Thursday 7th November (Week 5), the Year Five students began the offsite Leadership Pilgrimage with students reading a reflective letter written by their parents about their strengths, accomplishments and favourite memories. Students then participated in a variety of individual and team-building activities to further develop their understanding of how to lead with our TRUE values. This included absorbing inspiration from famous leaders, building upon their communication skills and emotional/social intelligence, writing compliments to one another in the form of warm-fuzzies, playing strategic team games and several rounds of lawn bowls.
Before getting stuck into their shared lunch, the Year Five students engaged with Leading Seaman, Mr Sam Snaauw. As a Submariner and Acoustic Warfare Analyst, Mr Snaauw delivered an insightful presentation into leadership styles and how the Year Five students can incorporate the affiliative approach into their lives. This was followed with a creative and collaborative activity to build an unsinkable warship!
Following lunch, our students spent time reflecting inward on how to lead with truth and the roles and responsibilities that come with being a Year Six school leader in 2025 through the guidance and insights of our very own St Peter's leadership team. By the end of the day, each student was equipped with a leadership survival kit, new skills, strengthened relationships and authentic life-long memories.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those involved, including the P&F for providing the financial support for the Year Five Leadership Retreat 2024.
Tuesday 12 – Friday 15 November: Year 6 Camp
Thursday 14 November: Year 5 STEM Incursion
Friday 15 November: Year 5 Summer Carnival
Tuesday 19 November: Annual Community Meeting (ACM) (5.30pm)
Friday 22 November: Pre Primary leading Thanksgiving Mass
Friday 22 November: Year 6 Graduation Disco (not a school event)
Have a lovely weekend!
Justin Tuohy
Office News
KINDY 2026 - If your child was born between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 2022, just a reminder to lodge a Kindy application form before the end of the school year (2024.)
For queries or to email your completed application form, please contact Liz Cunningham elizabeth.cunningham@cewa.edu.au
P&F COMMITTEE 2025 - We are seeking to fill 3 positions on our School P&F in 2025. To view the nomination form, please click https://bit.ly/3YCMabk
- CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL 2025 - We are seeking to fill 2 positions on our Catholic School Advisory Council in 2025. To view the nomination form, please click https://bit.ly/40lTLfF
Person of the Week - Week 4 - 31/10/2024
ISABELLE MAINSTONE - THREE WHITE - Issy, you are truly deserving of this special award! You consistently demonstrate the school values of Trust, Respect, Unity, and Excellence in everything you do.
Issy, I can always trust you to show respect and kindness to your friends and teachers. You listen attentively on the mat, follow instructions carefully, and are undoubtedly a fantastic role model for everyone in the classroom. Your dedication to your learning is truly impressive. You are hardworking and put in your best effort into all activities and take pride in your work.
Issy, your bubbly, kind, and positive personality brightens our classroom every day. You eagerly share your love of learning with your classmates, confidently contributing to discussions and inspire others to join in. You are a caring and thoughtful friend, always working beautifully with everyone and offering to help without hesitation.
Issy, you show unity each day by helping others pack away, assisting with classroom routines, and doing tasks without being asked. You always make our classroom a more joyful place to be.
“A smile is like sunshine – it spreads happiness to everyone around you!” Issy, your bright smile and kindness spread joy to everyone you meet… we are so lucky to have you in the Year Three White classroom!
Congratulations, Issy, on being named Senior Person of the Week!
Merit Certificates - Week 4 - 31/10/2024
PPB Eva Greally / Monica Nguyen
PPM Rachel Zhao / Zoe Leach / Kiyan Scarabelli
PPW Lucas Lam / Mikayla Sutton
1B Luca Fazari / Samuel Gooding
1M Archie Kotlarczyk / Jackson Poh
1W Charlotte Wong / Aidan Toh
2B Rocco Pellizzari / Paris Phillips
2M Savarna Reid / Joanne Zhou
2W Jasper Eastman / Davina Collins
3B Xavier Persse / Lucas deGraaf
3M Isaac Raveendrakumar / Emma Chee / Leonardo Clozza
3W Destin Le
4B Jack Brecciaroli
4M Lucille Evans / Ruby Clementson / Daiwik Agrawal
4W Blake Nguyen / Liam Palermo-Martin
5B Grace Cox / Will Jackson / Christian Smerilli Benitez
5M Lucy Tran / Kayla Marerwa / Nancy Srsen
5W Maxwell Chaplin / Archer Campbell
6B Adriana Morris / Raff Batacchi
6M Ryan White / Sienna Colli / Dominic Dang / Ethan Rajcinoski
6W Isabelle Mathews / Luca Pietropaolo
Sport News
On Thursday 24th October, St Peter’s Primary School proudly participated in the CPSAA Interschool A Division Athletics Competition held at the WA Athletics Stadium. Blessed with beautiful weather conditions, our athletes put their best foot forward, showcasing tremendous skill and sportsmanship.
A special congratulations to Mackenzie Roberton in Year 3, who earned a well-deserved bronze medal in the female competition. Our St Peter’s Boys team achieved an impressive 2nd place overall, while the school came 5th in the highly competitive A Division Competition.
We extend our thanks to our dedicated staff and parent helpers for their support and efforts, making the day a smooth and successful event. Lastly, a big commendation to our students for their commitment to early morning training sessions—your hard work truly paid off!
Music News
Canteen News
Parish News
Any student who has completed First Holy Communion and is interested in becoming an altar server at the St Peter’s Parish Saturday night or Sunday Mass (9.00am and 5.00pm) - a training will be taking place this Sunday, 10 November in the Church commencing at 3.00pm.
RSVP to Renee.bennett@encanta.com.au
Young Engineers After School Club
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Uniform Shop
Community News
- LA SALLE COLLEGE - will be hosting Carols by Candlelight on Thursday 5 December from 5pm.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900