Dolphin Weekly Waves
Week of July 1, 2024

October 20, 2024
West End Dolphin Superpod,
We are so very thankful you attended our Student Led Conference Pirate Night last week! We saw many wonderful conversations between you and your child about their learning, their WIG (Wildly Important Goal), their leadership within the school, their test scores, and their celebrations. Our Leadership Portfolios will follow your child from Kindergarten all the way to Fifth Grade. You will be amazed to see their growth! Thank you for your partnership in making school and education a priority for your child.
Please check out the week at a glance and other important information found in this week’s edition of the Dolphin Digest!
As always, please call the front office with any questions at (864) 397-2500.
Kimberly Robson
Week at a Glance:
Monday, October 21
Good News Club 2:30
2nd Grade CogAT/Iowa Makeups
Last day to purchase West End Gear for the 5th Grade Fundraiser!
Tuesday, October 22
5th Grade Math Benchmarks
Running Club 3-5th Graders 7:30 am
America Reads Tutoring 3:30-3:30
CTT K5, â…˜ ELA, 3rd ELA
Student Led Conference Night Make-ups 3:00-6:00: Teachers will contact those needing to attend.
Wednesday, October 23
Archery 2:45-3:45
America Reads Tutoring 2:30-3:30
YAMS 2:30-4:00
Running Club 3rd-5th Graders 7:30 am
West End Singers 7:20-7:50
No Art Club
Boys with GRIT 2:45-3:45
Festival Choir Practice 2:45-3:45
Girls with GRIT 7:30
Fun Friday K4-4th Grade
949 in Attendance for Student Led Conferences- WOW!
Families- we are blown away that 949 of you were in attendance for our pirate themed student led conference night last week! WOW!! That is the largest number of families we've had at any of our family engagement events. This shows us how much you are working to support your child's education alongside us each day, and it is much appreciated. Please click the link below for some great pictures from the event!
Community Events & Opportunities
Our Next Little Dreamers Storytime is November 21
Core Paradigm and Habit of the Month
Behavior Tip of the Month
Fundraisers for West End Students-Extended Through October 21st!
Important Links for Families
We value your feedback!
West End Families, We value your input and feedback and consider it as we make decisions here at West End. Please feel free to give us your feedback on anything related to our school in the form below. You are also welcome to submit questions here. Please give us 24-48 hours to respond to all questions. Thank you for your time and ideas! We appreciate you and you are an important part of the DOLPHIN POD!