Nantucket Elementary School
November 2024 Monthly Newsletter
Nantucket Elementary School Latest News and Calendar Updates
Welcome to the third month of school!!
Dear Families,
In this month of November (which educators often call no school November because of the number of days off), we have been experiencing some crazy weather recently! Don't get me wrong - I love the warm weather of today, but yesterday was really chilly. Turning the clocks back, the weather, and the days off all can impact students' behaviors and readiness for school. We appreciate your efforts to assist the kids in getting a good night's sleep, eating healthy, and coming dressed for the day's anticipated weather. All of that helps to keep the routines for students.
Routines have been firmly established in most classrooms and spaces around NES. Be sure to talk with your child about these routines. Ask them: what do you do during math time in your classroom? What do you do when you go into music? What happens during SEL classes? These are great questions to have students explain the details about their days - share specifics and topics they are learning about. Talking about their school day helps children remember new concepts. Teaching someone helps children really comprehend new material. Please try this out!!
In addition to talking about the day with your child, please be sure they are reading nightly. All students in Grades K-2 are now bringing home books they can read or they have had practice with in school. Please make time and space for this after school. Some nights there will be math homework too. Know this, we want your children to try these and to practice. We do not want them to be stressed about this - nor do we want you to be stressed. If a child is struggling with school work at home, please just let your child's teacher know and send it back with questions.
As we always say, we need you the parents and adult family members to be partners with us in your child's education. An important role that you play is to be a model for our high expectations. Please review these 3 sections, with a few very important reminders, and let us know if you have any questions.
Attendance - we are starting to see some students with higher absence numbers. It is very important that you notify your child's teacher or call the front office if your child is going to be absent. You can send a message to your child's teacher through REMIND or call the front office to leave a message regarding your child's absence at (508) 228 - 7290 ext, 3. If your child needs to miss 5 or more consecutive days, you must make an appointment with the principal well in advance of upcoming absence. The NES Parent Handbook has been posted on the NES website https://www.npsk.org/domain/237. Please review the important section on attendance. Retention in the current grade level is a possibility if a child has excessive absences. Children being in school each day is a necessity.
Thank you for all of your patience with the construction occurring on Surfside. There have been quick changes that were beyond our control. If you are anything like us, that is frustrating. Safety is our priority, and we want to be able to communicate these changes with you to support your ability to be safe picking up students. We hope that this will be ending soon. When it does end, it is important to follow the driving instructions below.
Driving and Parking on the NES/NIS campus
We have had several concerns shared regarding safety of students as they enter and exit the school. These concerns have been regarding parent drivers not following safety rules. These are listed below for your reference. We appreciate all of your anticipated efforts and required patience.
- NES will open in the morning at 7:35am. Students who are walking, biking or getting dropped off should go right to the doors (front one or the Kindergarten one) to come in and make their morning choice. Prek students line up outside in the front of the school.
- If parents wish to escort their child to the door, they must park their car in the Backus Lane parking lot ONLY.
- The parking lot off of First Way, behind the school is for staff only.
- All of the parking spots are assigned to staff or students at NHS.
- Parents and Guardians should not use that lot for any reason.
- This is a terrible place for students to be dropped off, this is not a drive through, and there is nowhere for any non permitted driver to park.
- Again, please stop driving in this lot. We are asking you to be a model for all children in the morning and the afternoon.
- Drive through drop off in the morning is permitted at the K and NES/NIS side entrances. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will open the passenger side door to help your child exit safely. Then, the car continues driving out the exit. This is for all students.
- Drive through pick up in the afternoon is permitted for all students grades 2-5 in the large circle between NES and NIS. This means parents stay in their car, and a staff member will oversee students entering cars. Then, the car continues driving out the exit.
- K and 1 students are met by parents at the back K entrance. Students will be standing in their assigned class lines.
- The circles and driveways on campus ARE NOT PARKING SPACES. An adult driver must stay in the car while waiting for students to exit or enter the car.
- At dismissal, all parents will continue to wait outside for students to dismiss from their teachers (kindergarten circle for kindergarten and first grade students, outside of the front door for second grade students).
- In the event of inclement weather (severe snow or rain), kindergarten and first grade students will be dismissed out the kindergarten and cafeteria doors to parents outside and second grade students will be dismissed out the gymnasium or front doors to parents outside.
- Drivers may not pull into the bus loop to pick-up their children EVER.
Remind App is a wonderful tool for both educators and families! We know this. We know our teachers love being able to communicate with the whole class as well as individually. We know that you, the parents, love this tool too! It is wonderful that this tool allows us to communicate in multiple languages. One caution for us to share is that teachers may not be able to respond to messages you send during the school day. They are teaching and not hanging onto their phones. You may not get a reply until after school dismisses.
Know that Mrs. Kimberly Albertson, Assistant Principal, and myself are always available to support you. Feel free to call the school to set up appointments, call to speak with us, email us, or catch us outside in the morning and/or afternoon. We love feedback and want you to feel comfortable reaching out to us as needed!
Kim Kubisch and Kim Albertson
Previously Shared Important Information
It is very important for your child to let their teacher know if they are interested in having a school lunch each day. These are free again this year, but these must be ordered by the day. In addition, please be sure your child knows their dismissal plan for everyday. These plans should not be changed without you contacting the teacher and/or the front office to let us know of any change. We have some students who like to change their plan because they want you to pick them up or they do not want to go to the club. No dismissal plans can be changed after 1:00 pm. There simply is not enough time for us to get messages to students and staff after 1:00 pm. In addition, the teachers cannot see Remind messages after 1:00 pm most days. We will follow the daily dismissal routines if we do not hear from you.
Grade Level and Department Updates
Meri Lepore's Nurse's Corner
Vision and hearing screening is underway for the school. We have started with kindergarten in the past few weeks. If your student did not pass either vision or hearing I will be sending home letters in the coming months and will reach out by Remind or phone call.
If your child has a fever, please keep them home. Students need to stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin.
Nationwide there has been an uptick in respiratory illnesses especially pneumonia. If your child is exhibiting symptoms of pneumonia including cough, feeling tired, fever, headache or shortness of breath they should be evaluated by a doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. Locally we are also seeing an increase in strep throat as well, symptoms include fever, and sore throat although children sometimes complain of an upset stomach or have vomiting. This needs to be treated with antibiotics.
Children should be brushing their teeth twice a day and seeing a dentist twice a year for cleanings. Healthy teeth are an important part of staying healthy!
Along with healthy teeth, eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein and grains and avoiding gummies, candy and processed foods help keep your child healthy and happy. Eating healthy foods helps them to be ready to learn in school.
Finally, now is still a great time to get a flu shot!
Meri Lepore RN, FNP-BC
School Nurse
Nantucket Elementary School
Counselor's Corner from Heidi Smith, Madeleine Sybert, and Jenny Williams
Dear Families,
During the months of October and November, students will focus on the important topic of bullying prevention and our ongoing commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive school environment through the Second Step program.
Bullying can have a significant impact on a child’s emotional well-being and their academic performance. At Nantucket Elementary School, we take a strong stance against bullying and are dedicated to creating a safe and respectful learning environment for all our students.
The Second Step program is an integral part of our comprehensive approach to bullying prevention. It teaches students vital social-emotional skills, including empathy, problem-solving and emotion management. During SEL classes, the counseling team will be teaching students what the definition of bullying is, recognizing the signs of bullying, reporting incidents, and what the role of a bystander and upstander is.
Additionally, the counseling team will begin our small group work with students. Group work is designed to continue to build on the student's social-emotional strengths by providing a space where students may practice skills such as problem solving, self-management, responsible decision-making, and optimistic thinking with their peers.
Be on the lookout for Second Step Homelink opportunities which will be coming home with your child(ren). The Home Links provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to reinforce key topics, skills, and activities to encourage continued learning. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about bullying prevention or the Second Step program.
Thank you for your partnership in promoting a respectful and inclusive school community.
Heidi Smith
Elementary School Counselor
Jenny Williams
Elementary School Counselor
Madeleine Sybert
Elementary School Social Worker
In October, our PreK finished up our first 6 weeks of school setting up our routines and learning our classroom expectations with a busy month. We learned about fire safety, our five senses, pumpkins and Halloween. We have started visits to our classroom by Mr. Fox for a special story time! We had a visit from Firefighter Holmes to learn about fire safety and Officer Thompson to learn about Halloween safety! We also participated in whole school meeting this month, leading the school in "5 Little Pumpkins!" With learning about our five senses we were able to bring a lot more science into our classrooms. We also did a great job having our first grade-level snack!
We had a wonderful celebration of our “We Are Readers” Parade. We celebrated by doing our book character parade as well as themed snacks to match our favorite read alouds this month. Throughout the fall, we have focused on learning lowercase letters and the letter sounds. Math Workshop has begun, where we learn new math skills and practice them both independently, as a group and in small groups to meet every child where they are and help them grow. We are working on learning numbers to 10. For the month of November, we will be learning color words and celebrating with colored themed days. Be on the lookout for a calendar to know which color will be on which day. Please make sure you are reading every night with your child!
First Grade
First graders have adjusted well into their daily routines! During Fundations, we are working on identifying digraphs such as sh, ch, th and ck. Our writers are finishing up their small moment stories. They have been working on telling their stories across multiple pages. During math we have been identifying groups of tens and ones. We have also been working on counting within 120. First graders are working on how to light their way in the dark during science class.
Second Grade
In second grade, our students are diving into the world of personal narratives! This writing style allows children to express their thoughts and experiences, helping them develop their storytelling skills. In our lessons, we’ll focus on important elements such as beginning, middle, and end, as well as using descriptive language to bring their stories to life. Encourage your child to think about memorable moments in their lives—fun trips, special celebrations, or even a day spent with friends. Ask them to describe how they felt and what made those moments special. You can help by sharing your own stories during family time and asking them questions about their favorite memories. This will not only spark their creativity but also strengthen their writing skills.
Specialists Update
News from Physical Education!
It’s been a busy month of learning and moving in physical education. First and second graders enjoyed three visits to our school garden. First graders began to learn about the five food groups. Ask your 1st grader what food groups they learned about. They also enjoyed a healthy sample from each of the food groups. Second graders expanded on their knowledge of the five food groups and became more familiar with healthy foods in each of the food groups and why eating a healthy balance of foods from each of the food groups is so important. Both first and second graders will return to the school garden in the spring time for three additional lessons.
Kindergarteners are becoming more comfortable with the routines and expectations in physical education. They enjoyed playing with various materials such as hula hoops and nerf balls while learning how to play safely in the gym with all of their classmates.
Looking ahead, my K-2 students will begin learning and practicing soccer skills. As they progress, we will be enjoying various activities using their soccer skills. Far more important than their skill level, however, I will be encouraging all of my students to bring a positive attitude, great effort, and all of their best skills related to teamwork!
Thank you for all of your support helping your child come to physical education with sneakers, comfortable clothing (layers are best), and a positive attitude.
Mrs. Beaudette
Library News from Ms. Dew
Dear Families,
We have been having so much fun in the library this month, diving into all things Fall! From pumpkins to leaves to scarecrows, we’re exploring all the wonderful changes this season brings. As we read our fall-themed books, we’re working hard on predicting what the story will be about, putting events in order, and talking about the problems and resolutions in each story. It’s been a blast!
Our second and first graders have also been practicing logging into the computers and using the library catalog to explore our collection—what a big accomplishment! And exciting news: Kindergarten just started checking out library books! Please help your child remember to bring their library book back each week, so they can pick a new story to bring home and enjoy.
Looking ahead, we’ll continue learning about fall and will soon start talking about Thanksgiving and all it brings. If you’re interested in volunteering in the library, I would love to hear from you! Please reach out via email, dewk@npsk.org and we’ll work to find a time that works best for you.
Thank you for your support in creating a love of reading in our students!
Ms. Dew
As we wrap up October, my musicians have gotten comfortable with the 8 part work out in the First Steps in Music curriculum. Everyone has been taking visits to ‘Ariosoland,’ a magical place where all the residents only talk by singing! Ask your student for a “La Bum” conversation and sing with them. I also have leaders in the classroom keeping time. A few times in class, I call on a student who is following directions to keep time for me as we do an activity. I often forget to stop singing and they have been helping stay on task.
The kindergarten classes are getting more comfortable with singing and are even starting to take solos and sing for each other. Ask if your student remember’s all of Frog in the Meadow.
The first and second graders are taking on the challenge of call and response songs. This is where they need to remember a response while I sing different calls. Soon, they will be able to do the calls and have others respond!
Roland Kinsman
Greetings from the Science Labs!
Scientists welcomed Miss Tornovish back with excitement as well as shared a profound gratitude for Mrs. McAuley's work with our scientists this fall. We are so grateful we'll continue to see her in the halls!
Second Grade scientists have been working hard identifying solids and liquids. Students have also experimented with different solids and liquids and have made them change states by melting a solid to a liquid and cooling a liquid into a solid.
First Grade Scientists have worked hard to investigate the properties of light including reflection and incredible creatures that use light to help them survive. This past week they designed safety signs that used reflection similar to the biomimicry of animals in the wild.
Kindergarten Scientists continue to support our dear friend Ada in her quest to create a shade to keep her playground cool. Through building of shades and some trial and error students are building the skills of a real engineer that orders supplies and uses the materials available. Lots of tape has been torn and lots of fun has been had. :)
Thanks for sharing your scientists with us, we are loving learning with them,
Ms. Jami & Miss Tornovish
Peace, Laughter, and LOTS of learning,
Ms. Jami
A Message from the Art Room
Kindergarten and first graders worked with color mixing during October. We talked about primary and secondary colors and created silly pumpkins to help us practice cutting and gluing. We also talked about warm and cool colors and created leaf rubbings.
Second grade students were introduced to printmaking with a collagraph plate. We made our own printing plates using sticky foam and cardboard. Next we made our 3 prints from those plates. Second graders also created their own sketchbooks.
I continue to post student artwork on Artsonia. If you have not signed up, the link to our school is: https://www.artsonia.com/connect/2F9NDCKF .
Thank you for your support!
Sue Grant
Important Information
- Students are free to arrive at school by 7:35 am. We will have staff coverage to allow students to come into the school to choose a space that works for them - cafe, gym, library, or the playground.
- We will have our Prek students lining up in front of the school for arrival.
- At dismissal time, the kindergarten and first grade students line up in the back by our cafe, facing Backus Lane, and closer to the ice rink on their line spots. These spots are lines for each class with the teacher's last name. Second graders are out front.
- Any students who will be a parent pick up, will be going in parent vehicles, will be walking home, or meeting adults outside, will find their students on the classroom spots at 2:30 pm.
- Adults may be invited into our school for very specific events throughout the year. But, these events will be scheduled and preplanned.
- Any visitors to our school need to share their identification with the front office staff in exchange for a visitor's badge. You will need to sign in as well.
- There will be no charge for lunches again this year. However, all families should complete the free and reduced lunch forms that were sent home with teacher assignment letters.
- As students spend time outside everyday, please be sure they are dressed for the weather. We would like to request students do not bring umbrellas. Instead, they should have coats with a hood or hat to walk in the rain to their cars, their homes, or to the Club. Umbrellas are not safe in our lines for walking.
Upcoming Events
- No school for students - Election Day 11/5/24
- NES School Council Meeting NES Library 3:00 pm 11/7/24
- No school - Veterans' Day 11/11/24
- NPS School Committee LGI 6:00 pm 11/12/24
- NPS SEPAC meeting NHS 6-8 pm 11/20/24
- NPS 1/2 day dismissal at 12:00 pm 11/26
- NES Guest Reader Day 11/26
- NHS Island Cup Football Game at Fenway 11/26
- No school - Thanksgiving Break 11/27, 11/28, 11/29
- NPS 1/2 day dismissal at 12:00 pm 12/4 Parent Conferences at NES
- Trimester 1 Ends 12/6
- NPS 1/2 day dismissal at 12:00 pm 12/11 Parent Conferences at NES
- NPS Joint School Council CPS Cafe 3:00 pm 12/12
- NES Report Cards posted in Aspen and sent home 12/13
- NHS December Delight 12/14
Nantucket Elementary School
Website: www.npsk.org
Location: 30 Surfside Road, Nantucket, MA 02554, USA
Phone: 508 228 - 7290