Hornet News
January News #readytofly
A Note from Mrs. Phillips
Happy New Year!
I hope you have had time with your family and are ready to send your kiddos back to our teachers. We look forward to reviewing expectations and routines/procedures these first few days. As we enter second semester, it's time to have conversations about state testing and student progress.
Your child's report card and NWEA mid-year test results will be coming home in Thursday folders. If you have any concerns or questions please reach out to your child's teacher. We have RTI interventions happening and are closely monitoring academic performance. To help you see what is coming up in quarter 3, we've shared the high priority standards for each grade level. You may utilize these documents to begin conversations with your child on what he/she is learning. Please see the images below, or follow this link.
Grades 3-6 will be diligently following our ELA and Math curriculum maps to ensure all content has been taught before state assessments. The ILEARN window is quickly approaching. We will test IREAD (grades 2-3) in March and ILEARN (grades 3-6) in April. Did you know we monitor our high-priority standards with Common Formative Assessments (CFA)? How is your student doing with these short assessments? Again, talk to your child's teacher if you'd like to know more on how we use CFA data to target review, practice, and extension lessons for your child during WIN time.
I'm excited to start my second semester here at FCE. I am always open to feedback on how we are doing as a school and more specifically on my leadership. Be on the lookout for an upcoming parent survey. I look forward to your answers and how we can continue to grow as a school and a district.
My goal is to be as transparent as possible as your leader. If there is anything we can do better, please let me know. You can always message me on Dojo, Facebook or Twitter. I am also available by email and phone. I will return your communication within 24 hours. I am thankful for your continued support of both your child and our school community! I am hopeful you will find time to enjoy your family over Thanksgiving Break.
Mrs. Phillips
1/4: Welcome Back! (tardy bell rings at 7:50)
1/5: Report Cards in Thursday folder/K-Kids mtg
1/10: Mobile Dentist /Meet & Greet with Mrs. Day
1/11: Hornet News
1/16: MLK Jr Day- No school for students
1/19: K-Kids mtg
1/25: Hornet News
1/26: Yearbook Candid pictures
Welcome to Mrs. Brianna Day- 5th grade teacher
Thank you for supporting our Book Blast!
Thank you Deputy Sherriff Blaes - School Rocks is complete!
Roots provided Christmas for FCE families. THANK YOU!
Home of the Hornets
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
Follow directions, Listen and learn, Your personal best
Email: kphillips@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://faycentral.fayette.k12.in.us/o/fayette
Location: 2928 North County Road 225 West, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: 765-825-6261
Facebook: facebook.com/fayettecentral
Twitter: @FayCtrPrincipal