The Jim Plain Insider
News, updates, and upcoming events for Jim Plain Elementary!
Week of September 2nd
Hello JPE Pride!
As August comes to a close, we wanted to share with you one of the great things happening here at Plain! One way we celebrate our students is with our Star Class of the Week. Each week Ms. Hodge, our counselor, selects a class that exhibits our ten ethical principles and graduate profile characteristics. She announces the star class on Friday afternoons, and students get a certificate to bring home (usually with a free food treat coupon!). Last week Ms. Grant's first grade class was our class of the week, and this week it's our other Ms. Grant's third grade class! Way to go!!
Just a reminder that Monday is Labor Day, and it is a student and staff holiday. We will see you all on Tuesday morning. Have a great weekend!
đź’–Mrs. Ulatoski
Ms. Grant's First Grade Class
Ms. Grant's Third Grade Class
Jim Plain Vision
We aspire to be a safe and loving community that empowers students to be lifelong learners who positively contribute to the world.
Important Dates to Remember
September 2
- No School - Labor Day
September 3
- PreK Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Third Grade Curriculum Night at 5:00 in classrooms:
- Mehlow & Grant in Mehlow's room
- Cravens & Hushka in their classroom
- Danhauser & Krone in Krone's room
- First Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
September 4
- Kindergarten Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Second Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
September 5
- Fourth Grade Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Fifth Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
September 6th
- Future Friday & Glenn High School Spirit Blackout Day - wear your favorite college, career, or military shirt OR a black shirt to support GHS!
September 9
- Grandparents Day Lunch (see info below)
September 10
- Sharks Burger PTA Spirit Day ALL DAY! Order at either location and let them know you're with JPE, and they'll donate to our PTA!
Curriculum Nights
Please join us the week of September 3rd for Grade Level Curriculum Nights. You'll get to hear more about what your child will be learning this year, grade level expectations, how you can help your child with learning at home, communication methods, and more! This is an optional event for parents and students do not need to attend. Teachers will send out the information in their newsletters following the curriculum nights for those that cannot attend. This is not a time to meet with teacher to discuss your child's needs. Please set up a conference if you need to speak with the teacher about your child.
September 3
- PreK Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Third Grade Curriculum Night at 5:00 in classrooms:
- Mehlow & Grant in Mehlow's room
- Cravens & Hushka in their classroom
- Danhauser & Krone in Krone's room
- First Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
September 4
- Kindergarten Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Second Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
September 5
- Fourth Grade Curriculum Night at 5:00 in the library
- Fifth Grade Curriculum Night at 5:45 in the library
Grandparents Day Lunch - September 9
Plain Elementary is excited to welcome all Grandparents to Grandparent's Day Lunch!
Grandparents are invited to come and eat lunch with their grandchildren on Monday September 9th, 2024. Please be sure that you complete the Google Form to RSVP as all visitors will need to be checked in through our Raptor system.
Nurse Alli's Newsletter
Get your 24-25 Yearbook!
Yearbooks are already on sale! Click on the link to order yours now! Yearbooks are $18 from now until November 15th. Prices increase to $20 on November 16th.
Destination Imagination
Does your 3rd-5th grade child like to build, design, invent, create, perform, and work with a team to solve challenges? If so, they might be interested in participating in Destination Imagination (DI). Destination Imagination (DI) is an extracurricular, school-sponsored program that fosters students' creativity, team-based problem-solving skills, and life skills. Leander ISD Destination Imagination is open to all third through fifth-grade students. Each team must have a team manager to facilitate team practices. You can find more information on the QUEST website as well as the form to fill out.
If your child is interested in participating in DI, please read the DI information and complete the DI registration form with your child. All registration forms are due by October 1, 2024. You may print them and return them to your child’s teacher or email them directly to the QUEST teacher at emily.riordan@leanderisd.org
Car Rider Dismissal
Thank you for your patience as we work to reflect and improve our car rider dismissal. To help our staff, please be sure you have the SDM app downloaded so you can give our staff the daily code, which will signal your child's teacher to let them know you are here to pick up. Not all students recognize their car in the line, so please be sure you have a sign in the front window with your child's name and grade level. This allows our staff to tell your child to come to their car. We can provide you with a sign or you can create your own.
Campus Communications
Please make sure you do the following to ensure you are receiving timely information from us:
- Make sure your email addresses are correct and up-to-date in Home Access Center
- Subscribe for email and/or text delivery of Reminds - Remind is how we send the Plain Insider to all families each week as well as other campus information! Remind makes it easy to choose how you receive these messages. Please make sure you are set up and that notifications are turned ON so you don't miss anything!
- Read the Plain Insider (this newsletter) every Friday for communication on events as well as instructional updates (comes via Remind!)
- Follow Plain Elementary on Facebook
- Read all weekly emails from teachers
- Bookmark the Plain website for additional information and events
School Spirit Days
We show our Plain Pride spirit by wearing our Plain school shirts on Mondays!
This year we will also celebrate Future Fridays -- wear a DMS, LMS, or GHS shirt to celebrate our future LISD schools, wear your favorite college t-shirt, or wear a future career, company, or military shirt to show off our BRIGHT futures!
Jim Plain PTA
We love our JPE PTA! They work together to create incredible experiences for our students, staff, and families. Interested in joining or learning more? Find out more about out JPE PTA here and be on the lookout for the PTA table at our back to school events!
Volunteering at JPE
Volunteer opportunities are everywhere! Take a moment to complete your volunteer application for 2024-25 if you have not had the chance to do so already: https://www.leanderisd.org/volunteering/