Lansing Elementary Weekly Update
Lansing Elementary School Family Newsletter
Wild About Learning!
Wild About Reading
Wild About Behavior
Wild About Our Families
January 15, 2025
Dear Families,
We had a short week due to weather conditions! Our grounds crew have been working hard to clear our parking lots and roads. Thank you for your patience during arrival and dismissal. Safety is always our top priority! Mini-cheer has been rescheduled for February 5th & 6th, Please reach out to Amber Bollin with any Mini-cheer questions. Her e-mail is:
This week, we have our PTA meeting from 6:30-7:30 in the library. All are welcome to attend. We are continuing to plan our February 4th WATCHDOGS (Dad's of Great Students) launch. This will occur from 6-7pm . More information will be sent home to families. An example schedule of a typical DOGS day can be found below.
Have a wonderful week!
Dr. Jennifer R. Kolb
Lansing Elementary
Sample WatchDOGS schedule: 3rd Grade
Title I Family Presentation:
LES Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Traffic Pattern 2024-2025:
LES Calendar:
LES Calendar of Events
January 16: LATE Start- Building Opens @ 9:00
January 16: PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30
January 20: MLK Day- No School for Staff/Students
January 23: LATE Start-Building Opens @ 9:00
January 25: Book Bingo 3:00-5:00 PM in gym
Thursday Late Start Y-care:
Community Information:
PTA Book Bingo:
Hello Families,
The PTA is excited for the New Year and cannot wait to kick things off. We have three events happening this month.
1. PTA meeting on January 16th in the Elementary School Library. The doors open at 6:00 for social time and the meeting starts at 6:30. Free childcare is provided.
2. Pajama Book Bingo! This is a new event we are excited to host this year. Please join us on Saturday, January 25th from 3:00-5:00 in your pajamas and play bingo to win books! This is a free event for all Elementary and Intermediate families. We will have hot cocoa, snacks and a silent auction (please bring cash for these three only)
3. Skate Night at Skate City Wyandotte on Wednesday, January 29th from 6:00-8:00pm. The cost is $6 to get in and $2 for skate rentals. They also have a special on pizza for the night! We are also collecting canned goods for the Lions Pantry.
PTA Family Skate Night:
School Supply Lists:
Vaccination Information:
Bus Transportation Registration:
BUS COMPASS App Information:
Family/ Community Information & PTA:
Parent-Teacher-Association Contact Information:
Counselor's Corner- Family Events and Resources
Morning Arrival Procedures
Please plan to drop off students after 8:00 am (M-W & F) and 9:00 am on Late Start Thursdays. If you utilize Y-Care, please sign students in with them EACH day.
Car rider pick up procedures
- Choose from multiple calendars
- News and announcements
- Push notifications
Dr. Jennifer R. Kolb Principal @ LES
Location: 450 West Mary Street, Lansing, KS, USA
Phone: 913-727-1128