The Westgate Wire
November 17, 2023
We wish all our families a wonderful Thanksgiving!
News from Dr. Buch, Mrs. Yoder, and Mrs. Giacomin-Ferris
Below are a few important things to put on your radar...
Report cards are being sent to parents today. Please be sure to look for them in your email Inbox.
We will not have school next week. We look forward to seeing our happy Wolverines on Monday, November 27th.
It is important to pull into the circle drive when dropping off or picking up your children. For safety reasons, we do not want students exiting or entering cars on Dwyer Street while in the carline to enter the front circle drive. Thank you for your help keeping our Wolverines safe!
Highlighting The Student Leaders Team
The Student leadership team is composed of 3rd 4th and 5th grade students. These young leaders are growing their leadership skills and acting as role models for the entire student body. They are promoting monthly school wide activities, organizing school wide community service projects and having lots of fun. In November they organized a Veteran Letter writing project.
Westgate Spirit Days- Show your Wolverine Pride!
Friday, September 1st - Westgate Day
Friday, September 29th - Pajama Day
Friday, October 27th - Hat Day
Friday, November 17th - College Wear or Favorite Sports Team
December 18th - 22nd Spirit Week
Friday, January 26th - Dress up like your favorite winter animal
Friday, February 23rd - Crazy Hair Day
Friday, March 22nd - Pajama Day
Friday, April 26th - Construction Mode
Food&Nutrition Services|Seasonal Menus
The Food & Nutrition Services Department is continually working to provide our students with lunch menu items that they enjoy, while providing a variety of nutritious options for our students. To achieve this, the department will be having seasonal menus this school year. All elementary and middle schools will have a Fall (8/17-11/17), Winter (11/27-2/14), Spring (2/20-5/31) Menu. Many of our favorite menu items will stay on the menu, however, this allows us to add some new products to our menus!
Our elementary and middle school students taste-tested a variety of new menu items this fall, and we have selected several of those items to be placed on the winter menu. We had quite a few items our students enjoyed, so some of the student-approved items will also be placed on the spring menu.
Updated menus will be posted on our website as well as on our app. Nutritional information can also be found on our website. We look forward to continuing to serve our students delicious and healthy lunch options.
Important Dates- New Information
Report Cards-11/17
Fall Break-11/20-11/24
Winter Break-12/25-1/9