HSD News Round-up
Keeping the Hockinson community in the loop!
HHS Annual Food Drive
Every November, HHS Leadership Students organize a food drive to support our community’s families-in-need. This year’s drive will run from Tuesday, November 9 through Friday, November 19. More information is available here.
Let’s Get Ready for Winter Sports
The Fall Sports season is drawing to a close and the Winter Sports season is set to begin. Actually, HMS Girls Basketball and Wrestling are already underway, but HHS Boys/Girls Basketball, Boys/Girls Wrestling, Boys Swimming, and Cheer begin November 15. HMS Boys Basketball kicks off in January. Click here for HMS sports schedules, here for HHS schedules, and here for registration information.
We want families to be aware of the special safety protocols for the upcoming season. The biggest change from outdoor and low-risk sports to high-contact winter sports is that winter athletes will be required to participate in twice-a-week COVID health screenings. Learn more about this statewide requirement here: HSD web article & WIAA/DOH FAQ.
Community Support Buoys Book Fair and Booster Auction
With your help, PWT and AAA Boosters recently raised over $63,000 to benefit HSD students.
Aside from putting books in the hands of HHES students, PWT’s Scholastic Book Fair generated $9,000 in proceeds that will add new book titles to the HHES, HMS, HHS Libraries, and classroom collections. The PWT would like to thank the amazing book fair volunteers, families, and HHS staff for making this event such a success. HHES students are already looking forward to the spring fair, which will be held during the final week of March.
The AAA Booster’s Virtual Auction raised over $55,000 which will all go toward supporting activities and athletic programs at HMS and HHS. The Boosters cover the costs that cannot be covered by the school’s budgets, including: Uniforms, equipment, tournament fees, and team meals. The auction also raised money to help bring an author to come speak to English classes later this school year. If you were unable to participate in the auction, the Boosters are accepting donations to help convert the supply shed into a concession stand on the home side. Click here for more information.
Inside the Classroom: Grade 7 Science
Recently, students in MollyAnn Callen's seventh-grade science classes concluded their study of the human brain. Students discussed the structures of the brain, how the brain responds to stimuli, and how the brain interacts with other body systems. At the end of their unit, students dissected jello brains and labeled the brain structures. They then - hold on to your stomachs - got to eat their jello brains as a treat. This unit of study connected to Middle School Next Generation Science Standards 1.3 (body is a system made of subsystems) and 1.7 (using models).
COVID Testing Update
Last month, the Hockinson School District was awarded a Washington DOH grant to offer a free drive-thru COVID testing service at the HSD District Office, located at 17912 NE 159th St. (Learn more @ HSD web article). Since October 25, nearly 250 tests have been administered, confirming a handful of positive cases and giving peace of mind to numerous staff members, students, and families. The testing center is open 6:45-9:00 am and 4-6:00 pm Mon-Thu and 6:45-9:00 am on Fridays. We are hoping to offer a Saturday testing option soon and to extend this service to the Hockinson community in December.
Community Ed News
Attention Parents! Hockinson Community Education is offering:
Full-day Day Camps on November 11* and November 24 (non-school days): Cost: $30 for Half Day (up to 5 hours) or $50 for Full Day (more than 5 hours). Students will engage in themed crafts, games, and free play. AM/PM snacks provided, but students must bring a sack lunch and water bottle. Come join us for a fun filled day! * Limited spots available for November 11
Youth Basketball: Students in Grades 3-6 will have the opportunity to play on teams made up of their peers and play against neighboring schools. Click here for registration information. Registration closes November 25. * If you are interested in coaching please contact Alex Elerick at alexander.elerick@hocksd.org. We are also looking for high school students to help with game officiating. Please contact Alex Elerick for more information.
Check out our new Community Ed Facebook page for future updates on our Winter Session!
HSD Students Show School Spirit & Talent
It was a “spirited” final week of October in Hockinson Schools - and not just because Homecoming Week coincided with Halloween! HHES, HMS, and HHS students and staff showed their creativity and school pride by participating in their respective Spirit Weeks. Check out the gallery here. In the case of the Hockinson Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band, they showed off plenty of practice and talent at their concert this past Thursday. Enjoy!
We’re Listening - and the HSD School Board Appreciates Hockinson is too
The HSD School Board is working through COVID’s many challenges along with our families and community. It has responsibilities that not everyone may agree with, is aware of information that cannot always be shared publicly with our community, and follows laws and legal advice that sometimes puts it in a difficult position. Consequently, not all HSD families may feel the Board is listening. The HSD School Board wants the Hockinson community to know that it is indeed listening and considering the concerns of constituents as it makes decisions and works to ensure student and staff safety and the continuation of school funding and in-person learning. The Board also appreciates that community members are keeping communication respectful at its public meetings and encourages attendees to continue this civil discourse moving forward.
Getting Ready for Winter: Inclement Weather Notifications
We are not exactly sure what kind of weather La Niña will bring this winter, but we can always count on the possibility of late starts or school cancellations due to inclement weather. Weather-related late starts and closure decisions are typically made with just a few hours notice so it is critical that we notify HSD families as quickly as possible. So we will be conducting a staff and family notification test this Wednesday, Nov. 10 at Noon. If you do not receive any messaging please update your Skyward Family Access account or contact your student’s school for assistance.
If school is canceled, we have one designated make-up day (Friday, Feb. 18). Any additional make-up days would be added to the end of the school year.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, November 6 @ 10 am: State XC at Sun Willow G.C. in Pasco, WA
- Saturday, November 6 @ 2 pm: Girls Swimming District Meet at Shelton H.S.
- Saturday, November 6 @ 6:00 pm: HHS Football v. Rochester at BGSD District Stadium.
- November 9/10 TBD: Girls Soccer State Tournament at Shoreline Stadium
- Monday, Nov. 8 @ 6 pm: Board Work Session (Meeting links under “District Events”)
- Thursday, Nov. 11: No School - Veterans Day
- Saturday, Nov. 20: Hockinson Holiday Bazaar 9 am - 4 pm at Hockinson H.S.
Connect with Hockinson Schools
Website: hocksd.org
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606
Phone: (360) 448-6400
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonSchools