Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

February 28, 2025
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Natick High School Caregivers,
We have moved right back into the swing again following the February break! Below you will find a number of announcements regarding student activities that are happening now, including purchasing prom tickets, applying for senior scholarships, career fairs, registering for spring athletics and information on auditions for next year's show choir and chamber singers. You will also find a number of reasons to celebrate our students in the Redhawk Pride section, including recent accolades received by our student artists, writers, debaters, athletes and musicians. As we approached the vote on a potential FY26 budget override, you will also note a number of informational opportunities hosted by the town and the PTO. Lastly, I wanted to wish our Muslim families a Ramadan Mubarek - a happy Ramadan - in honor of the month-long period of reflection that begins this evening. There is information below on how we can support NHS students who may be fasting for Ramadan.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Josepha Blocker
Principal, Natick High School
Red/Blue Calendar for the Next Two Weeks
Notable Dates
3/3 - 3/4 - Auditions for Show Choir and Chamber Singers
3/5 - Virtual PTO-sponsored meeting with Dr. Spash on the FY26 budget override
3/6 - 3/7 - MCAS ELA March Retest
3/7 - Spring Athletics Registration Closes @ noon
3/10 - Deadline for Senior Scholarship Applications
3/11 - 3/12 - MCAS Math March Retest
3/12 - Early Release for Staff Professional Development @ 11 am
3/12 - FY26 Budget Override: Public Forum @ Morse Library, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
3/13 - Virtual PTO-sponsored meeting with Dr. Spash on the FY26 budget override, 7:00 pm
3/20 - Equity Co-Op Day
3/25 - 10th Grade ELA MCAS, Day 1
3/26 - 10th Grade ELA MCAS, Day 2
3/29 - Pre-ACT administered
3/31 - Eid-al-Fitr - No School
4/4 - Last Day of Term 3
Ramadan Mubarek!
Auditions for Show Choir and Chamber Singers are Next Week!
Auditions for Show Choir and Chamber Singers are happening NEXT WEEK on March 3rd and 4th. Scan the QR code for detailed audition information.
If you'd like to join any of our non-auditioned choirs, simply sign up with your counselor for Concert Choir, Men's Choir, or Musae.
Reach out to Ms. Spielman at bspielman@natickps.org with any questions!
Class of 2025: Senior Prom on May 18th
The night we’ve all been waiting for is almost here—PROM 2025! Get ready for an unforgettable Under the Sea themed evening filled with music, dancing, and memories that will last a lifetime. Dress to impress, bring your best moves to the dance floor, and celebrate the end of an amazing journey with your friends! Don’t miss out—secure your tickets before they sell out!
Date: May 18th, 2025
Venue: The New England Aquarium
Time: 7:00 pm
Tickets: To purchase tickets, students can scan the QR code on the poster above or click here.
Those who purchase their tickets early will receive a discounted price. The cost per ticket is as follows:
February purchase - $100
March purchase - $110
April purchase - $115
Students who plan to bring a non-NHS student as their guest must also fill out the GUEST FORM linked here or via the QR code above.
Seniors should be on the look out for more details coming soon on guidelines and expectations at the Aquarium. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Class of 2025 Advisors Mrs. Keefe (bkeefe@natickps.org) or Mr. Donohue (ndonohue@natickps.org).
Class of 2028 Fundraiser on 3/15 @ Chipotle
The 9th Grade Class needs YOU!
On Saturday, 3/15, Chipotle in Natick will be donating 25% of event sales to the Class of 2028. You can participate by:
- Ordering online between 5 pm and 9 pm on 3/15 and using the code 9YP2GWC
- Ordering in person at the Natick Chipotle location (219 Main Street) between 5 pm and 9 pm on 3/15 and showing the flyer above.
Natick/Framingham District Court's Law Day Celebration
All NHS students are eligible to participate in the Natick/Framingham District Court's Law Day Celebration. Interested students should follow the directions in this flyer to draft your submission. All entries should be returned to Ms. Crohan (Room 344) or to your social studies teacher no later than 11:00 AM on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. All submissions must have the required cover letter, which students can get from their social studies teacher. Students entering an essay for the competition MUST attend the Law Day Celebration at Framingham/Natick District Court on Thursday, April 10, 2025, which will require them to miss the first half of the school day. If your NHS student is interested in law or politics, this is a great learning opportunity.
Spring Athletic Registration Closes Next Friday 3/7!!
Thank you in advance for carefully reading the athletic registration information below. We look forward to working with your student athlete this season!
We are thrilled to be offering a traditional slate of spring athletic opportunities including:
- Baseball
- Girls and Boys Lacrosse
- Sailing
- Softball
- Boys and Girls Tennis
- Girls and Boys Track
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Unified Track
- Boys Volleyball
Spring Athletics Logistics
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025 @ noon
Payment Deadline: March 7, 2025 @ noon*
* Please note that payments received after the deadline will incur a $25 late fee.
MIAA-determined First Day of 2025 Spring Athletics*: Monday March 17, 2025.
* This date is the earliest date that spring sports can begin.
As our coaches and teams each choose specific first day details for the upcoming spring sports activities, that information will be communicated.
As the season approaches, there will also be opportunities for families to meet with and ask questions of the athletic department staff. Look out for more detailed information in the coming weeks about specific sites and times for the start of the season.
Registration and Payment
To register, each student athlete will need:
- A Completion of Course certificate from the two required online courses for student athletes
- A copy of the student athlete's up-to-date physical
- The online registration form and athletics fee
Information on each of these requirements, the registration link and the payment link are below.
To register, click here:
To pay your student's $225.00 Spring Athletics Fee, either
- Log into UniPay (Natick Public Schools) OR
- Drop a check off at the NHS Athletics Office.
Mandatory Online Courses
All student athletes from MIAA schools, including NHS, MUST complete two free NFHS (National Federation of High Schools) courses before registering for a sport: one general course and one concussion course. These courses are available at the links below.
After completing a course, a student athlete will earn a Completion of Course certificate, which the athlete will need to upload as a part of the registration process. Pleased note that all of the courses are embedded in the registration to make it easier to find them and to upload the certificates of completion.
A few details for multi-sport athletes:
- A multi-sport athlete must only complete the courses one time during the academic year.
- If an athlete has already completed the course after May 2024 the course completion certificate should already populate into the registration and/or the athlete should use their previous course completion certificate to proceed with the registration process.
Your Student Athlete's Physical
Your student's physical must have taken place within 13 months to suffice for athletics registration. If you need a new physical, and cannot get an appointment with your child's physician, you may need to consider going to an Urgent Care or Minute Clinic OR have your doctor write a note stating the date of your child's upcoming physical and that your child is "healthy and able to participate in sports". A current physical or doctor's note is necessary to participate in sports. Please note that you must submit a physical, not the summary.
Seniors: Our Local Scholarship Program Closes on 3/17
There are scholarship opportunities for all seniors. Some opportunities include scholarships for those going to college or into a trade; others are for students pursuing certificate or vocational programs. Last year, 166 seniors were awarded close to $280,000!
By filling out the application and submitting it, seniors will find out what opportunities they are matched with.
Suggested Initial Application Completed by: Monday, February 17th*
* Leaves time for additional requirements for specific scholarships like essays)
Final Deadline for All Submitting All Scholarship Materials: March 10th
The Basics
The information below is VERY important. Please read through it very carefully, it will help you navigate the application process smoothly.
An account has already been created for each senior using your school email address. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. Duplicate accounts will be deleted from the program. Students will just need to reset their passwords.
Here is the link to the online scholarship application: https://natickps.awardspring.com/
This guide will walk students through the process of applying for scholarships using the AwardSpring platform.
To apply, your senior will need a transcript and a recommendation. Information on both is below.
Students should submit their initial application by Monday, February 17th, leaving plenty of time to complete additional requirements (essays, statements, etc.) for individual scholarships. The deadline for submitting all application materials is March 10th.Once you have completed and submitted your application, you will be matched to all scholarship opportunities that you meet the qualifications for.
THERE ARE NO EXTENSIONS. The portal will automatically close at the end of the day on March 10th.
Transcripts for Scholarship Applications
A transcript will be emailed to seniors Wednesday, February 12th. They will need to download it from the email, and then upload it into their applications when prompted. The link to their transcript will only be available for 1 week.
They should not use a transcript without semester 1 senior year grades. Scholarship committees are expecting to see senior year grades. The transcript they will receive by email is the one to use.
Recommendations for Scholarship Applications
Students should make sure they request their counselor recommendations through Guidance Administrative Assistant, Donna Slattery (dslattery@natickps.org).
For teacher recommendations, we suggest that students use one that was already written for their college applications. Students who choose to request a new recommendations must talk to the teacher before submitting their name in order to guarantee that the teacher will be able to write the letter.
Two Career Fair Opportunities
MetroWest College & Career Fair, 3/15 in Ashland
When: Saturday, March 15
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM
Where: Ashland High School 65 E. Union Street in Ashland, MA.
The college and career fair is free and open to the public.
The event will give students and parents from MetroWest area high schools the opportunity to speak with representatives from over 100 colleges, universities and gap-year options, as well as provide students with an opportunity to engage with professionals from a variety of careers. In addition, there will be ongoing speakers to discuss topics such as the college application process, financial aid and SAT/ACTs.
For more information regarding the MetroWest College and Career Fair and a complete listing of participating colleges please go to: https://mwccf.org
Pathways to Success Career and Training Fair, 3/18 @ Framingham High School
This event is designed to help students explore diverse postsecondary pathways beyond the traditional four-year college experience. Attendees will have the chance to connect with local employers, training programs, and colleges, gaining valuable insights into various career and educational opportunities.
This event is a partnership between Natick High and Framingham High and will be held on 3/18, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Framingham High School.
Guidance Department Website
The Guidance Department maintains a website full of useful information geared towards each grade. It changes regularly, and highlights some of the information that is shared with students during their guidance seminar. Parents and guardians are encouraged to bookmark the site and review it regularly.
Inside this month's update, you will find information on student course registration for next year.
School Town Forums on the FY26 Potential Budget Override
The next School-Town FY26 Potential Budget Override: Public Forums will be held on 3/12.
Visit the FY26 Potential Budget Override dedicated webpage to keep up to date and stay informed today and throughout the weeks ahead.
Sign-up for alerts and receive updates on meeting notices, financial documents & more.
- Go to: https://www.natickma.gov/list.aspx?ListID=550 to receive regular updates. (Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage.)
Submit "Q&A Tool" questions & receive official responses from Town & NPS staff. (Responses will be published weekly, see the FY26 Potential Budget Override dedicated webpage for details.)
PTO-Sponsored Information Sessions with Dr. Spash
The PTOs are sponsoring two upcoming virtual meetings with Superintendent Spash regarding the potential FY26 budget override. You and your high school student are invited to attend. Information is below.
Meeting #1: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 @ 8 pm
Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 203 856 6119
Passcode: 987179
Meeting #2: Thursday, March 13, 2025 @ 7 pm
Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 203 856 6119
Passcode: 987179
NHS Wrestling Team Wins MA Wrestling Officials Association Sportsmanship Award!
We are so proud of our student athletes on the wrestling team, not just for their athleticism, but for representing Natick High School as outstanding citizens. Congratulations to Coach Anniballi and the whole team for a great season and for winning this award. The team won 29th Bay State Conference Championship and were D1 Sectional Champions. There are also seven student wrestlers moving on to compete in the State Championship this weekend. Go Redhawks!
Pictured: Wrestling Team Captains Matt Pini, Sean Keady, Erick Ferro, and Eddie Anniballi with the team's Outstanding Sportsmanship Award.
NHS Speech and Debate Team students qualify for National Championships!
After the past few weeks of national qualifying tournaments, we have seven students who qualified to attend one of the two national tournaments:
In May, the team will travel to Chicago to compete in the NCFL Grand National Tournament. Representing Natick will be:
- In Public Forum Debate
- Team #1: Christa Belev (’26) and Doris Yu (’26)
- Team #2: Daniel Ibraev (’26) and Arnie Karanjit (’26)
- In Dramatic Performance: Max Cohen (’25).
In June, the team will travel to Des Moines to compete in the NSDA Grand National Tournament.
Representing Natick in the category of Congressional Debate will be Sanjhbati Das (’26) and Nathan Moldover (’25).
Congratulations to the student debaters and their Coaches Amanda Parker, Sarah Donnelly and Joyce Albert!
Natick Speech and Debate Team
NSDA , one of the Competitive Organizations
Sanjhbati Das (’26) and Nathan Moldover (’25)
West Street Singers Win Gold Medal, Second in Division and Best Choreography!
On February 8th, the West Street Singers, under the direction of Music Teacher Bethany Spielman, performed at Tantasqua Regional High School's show choir festival. They received a gold medal, placed second in their division, and received the High Caption award for Best Choreography. Congratulations to all of our student performers and to Ms. Spielman on her leadership!
NHS Jazz Ensemble Earns Commendations!
Also on February 8th, the Natick High School Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Craig Chisholm, performed at Endicott College as part of the Essentially Ellington Regional Festival. As a non-competitive festival, medals and places are not awarded. However, the band received commendations as follows:
- Outstanding Rhythm Section
- Outstanding Saxophone Section
- Outstanding Trombone Section
The following students also received commendations:
- Outstanding soloist: Henryk Baran, Trombone
- Outstanding soloist: Erik Broberg, Trombone
- Outstanding soloist: Ethan Ren, Alto Sax
- Outstanding soloist: Evan Simon, Clarinet
Congratulations to our exceptional student musicians!
NHS Student Artists and Writers Win Scholastic Art and Writing Awards!
Natick student artists had a significant presence among those recognized in the annual Scholastic Art Awards presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. Below are the 11 award-winning submissions from our 9 student artists.
Additionally, Keira Lavelle and Jessica Liu had work accepted into the Emerging Young Artists and Designers Juried Exhibition hosted by UMass Dartmouth. Jessica also won a 2D Recognition Award in the EYAD show.
Artwork in above image from top left to bottom right:
Maya Rodriguez: Drawing & Illustration Music in Color, Honorable Mention
Keira Lavelle:
- Drawing & Illustration, Many Comforts, Honorable Mention
- Ceramics & Glass, Sonder, Honorable Mention
- Drawing & Illustration, What Holds Us Back, Silver Key
Ethan Weisman: Drawing & Illustration, Stuck in Place, Honorable Mention
Annabel DeGroot: Ceramics & Glass, Snake no. 2, Silver Key
Aiza Shuja: Photography, Found You, Silver Key
Bridget Chick: Photography, Morning Dew, Honorable Mention
Stella Gillis: Mixed Media, Growth, Honorable Mention
Camie Medrano: Digital Art, Longing, Silver Key
Hannah Zarin: Painting, Reclamation, Honorable Mention
Congratulations to all of our student artists and writers!
Congrats to NHS's Two National Merit Finalists!
Congratulations to Benjamin Vose and Liliana Temper, NHS's two National Merit Finalists. Lillian and Ben are amongst an elite group of students nationwide - in the top 1% of the 1.3 million students who took the PSAT. If selected, they will receive the coveted scholarship to put towards college tuition. Congratulations on this monumental achievement!
Pay Your Student's Class Dues
All students are required to pay class dues, a one-time fee during their four years which supports class events. Those dues are required to attend class events, including the Junior Boat Cruise and many of the senior activities. It is essential that students pay dues early so we can begin planning the events with the necessary deposit funds. Please note that EACH CLASS has a UNIQUE LINK to use to pay class dues. Below, you will find the information needed and who to contact if you have questions.
CLASS OF 2025 (12th Grade)
- Advisors: Neil Donohue (ndonohue@natickps.org) and Brenna Keefe (bkeefe@natickps.org)
- Dues Amount: $100
CLASS of 2026 (11th Grade)
- Dues Amount: $100
- To Pay:
- Use THIS LINK or
- Write a check payable to Natick High School with your child's name and "Class of 2026" in the memo line
- Advisors: Rebecca Tramontozzi (rtramontozzi@natickps.org) and Jessica Stefanini (jstefanini@natickps.org)
CLASS of 2027 (10th Grade)
- Dues Amount: $100
- To Pay:
- Use THIS LINK or
- Write a check payable to Natick High School with your child's name and "Class of 2027" in the memo line
- Advisors: Deanna Kanavas-DeRocher (dkanavas-derocher@natickps.org) and Jim Brosnihan (jbrosnihan@natickps.org)
CLASS of 2028 (9th Grade)
- Dues Amount: $150
- To Pay:
- Use THIS LINK or
- Write a check payable to Natick High School with your child's name and "Class of 2028" in the memo line
- Advisors: Emily Diesl (ediesl@natickps.org) and Kelsey Wiliams (kwilliams@natickps.org)
If your family requires financial assistance in paying class dues, please fill out the district's financial assistance forms to qualify.
Other Essential Information
- Student parking
- School buses
- Food services, including how to order lunch ahead of time
- Purchasing a Yearbook
- Annual notifications from our nurses
- How to find out about, and purchase tickets for, athletic events
- Junior and senior "priv"
- Our cell phone use practices
- How to call your student in absent
- CORI checks for parent volunteers
- Joining the PTSO
Natick 180 Life Skills Workshop Series After School, 3/3 - 3/6
Next week, Natick 180 is hosting a week of free life-skills workshops for NHS students directly after school, from 2:30 - 3:30. Topics include resume and job prep training, self-care and healthy choices, taxes and personal finances, and how to start your own business. Speakers will include Natick 180 staff, the Natick Service Council, math teacher Ms. St. Jean, and NHS graduate/local businessman Derek Orifice.
Your NHS student can register for one or more workshops by scanning the QR code above or visiting: https://bit.ly/NHSlifeskills
Please email Elizabeth Chalfin at Natick 180 with questions.
Quick Links
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Pages to Bookmark
A collection of helpful links.