KMS Friday Principal's Press

Friday, October 11, 2024
Happy Friday! Here is some important information from KMS:
Transition To Smore:
We are excited to migrate our Friday Blast Messages from Principals to Smore which will improve our overall school-to-home communication. Welcome to our new KMS Principal's Friday Press on Smore! 😎
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences Update:
Parent Teacher Conferences will be different this fall at KMS. More specific information is forthcoming. In the interim, we believe it is important to explain some of the changes.
Communication from school needs to be happening routinely so parents have consistent access to their child's grades, benchmark data, clear explanations of course content and expectations for learning, info from teachers, school events, and more. As a school, we work to continually update parents on the progress of their child using the tools below.
- Skyward (Our Student Information System)
- Schoology (Our Learning Management System)
- Talking Points & Emails from Teachers
- Postal Mailings (e.g., benchmark information)
- KMS Principal's Friday Press
Parent-teacher conferences are just one of the many ways we communicate with families. With our master schedule shift to true teaming, our teacher teams are working to select students who are most in need of a family conference. Next, all families will have the opportunity to sign up for a conference with any of their child’s teachers if they wish to do so. Please know that our teachers will not have the capacity to conference with all of their students during the two-day fall conference window.
Lastly, please know that parents/guardians are also able to communicate and request to meet with teachers outside of the two-day fall conferences window.
Fall Sports Pictures Update:
Strawbridge Studios will be back at KMS on Tuesday, October 15 to photograph our Fall sports teams. To order pictures online, visit and enter code FM465888. Click here to see the order form.
Yearbook Sales Update:
Yearbook order forms were sent home on Thursday this week.Yearbooks are $20 if ordered before March 31, 2025. Order online at for additional personalization options. Use online code: YB31991. Additional yearbooks will be for sale in person at the end of the school year until we run out. The only way to guarantee a yearbook is to pre-purchase one before March 31.
8th Grade DC Trip Update:
8th grade will be traveling to Washington D.C. on Monday, October 28th. Permission slips for Washington D.C. were due today. If your child has not turned in their form, please encourage them to do so by MONDAY (10/14). If cost is a hardship, please reach out to your child’s history teacher to discuss options.
Next KMS PTO Meeting:
Looking to get more involved in your child’s education and the happenings at KMS? Our next PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30 PM. If you are interested, please email PTO President Kelly Figueroa at
Kennett Marching Band Fundraiser:
Kennett Marching Band is having a fundraiser at Go Green ‘n’ Clean Car Wash for the month of October. Go Green ‘N’ Clean is near the Kennett Walmart, 196 Onix Drive Kennett Square. For every $22 car wash the band will receive $11! At the car wash kiosk, select Enter Wash Code located in the bottom left corner. Enter our fundraising code 5 4 7 6 2 then select the $22 car wash. Thank you for your support!
A Proud Tradition Continues:
Former KMS Principal Lorenzo DeAngelis began having the faculty read the quote below at staff meetings. We are proud that to this day, we still open all of our faculty meetings by reading this powerful quote from Haim Ginott:
- “I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”
We believe that revisiting this quote monthly helps us remain focused on how we treat students and the learning environment we create.
Hispanic Heritage Month at KMS:
At KMS, we have been busy celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Whether your child's ELA class is reading about important contributions to society from Hispanic individuals, making a fun project in art class, or competing in our daily Hispanic Heritage Month homeroom trivia, we are actively celebrating Hispanic culture at KMS.
The month-long celebration provides more time to properly recognize the significant contributions Hispanic/Latino Americans have made in the United States. Hispanic Heritage Month does not cover one single month but instead begins in the middle of September and ends in the middle of October.
The dates for Hispanic Heritage Month were chosen to coincide with the Independence Day celebrations of many Latin American nations — Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua — that declared their independence from Spain on September 15, 1821.
Parent Poll: We Are Curious...
How is your child's school year going so far at KMS?
If you chose "D" indicating that your child is having a very difficult year, please make sure you email your child's grade-level principal with specific concerns so we can work through them together.
- 6th Grade - Dr. Jake Moore |
- 7th Grade - Mrs. Erin Miller |
- 8th Grade - Ms. Katie King |
Upcoming Events:
Monday, 10/14: KCSD School Board Meeting at 7:00 PM at MDLKC
Tuesday, 10/15: Fall Sport Pictures
Wednesday, 10/23: PTO Mtg at 7:30 PM via Microsoft Teams
Monday, 10/28: 8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, 10/30: End of Marking Period 1
Thursday, 10/31: Fall After-the-Bell Ends
Friday, 11/1: No School, Offices Open
Tuesday, 11/5: No School, In-Service
Friday, 11/8: Picture Retakes
KCSD Calendar:
Red Ribbon Week 2024:
KMS will once again participate in Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a drug-free life. It presents an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to reinforce the drug-free messages they share with their children throughout the year.
Archived Resources:
Sincerely with Kennett PRIDE! -The KMS Principals
Kennett Middle School195 Sunny Dell Road Landenberg, PA 19350
(610) 268-5800
INSTAGRAM: @kcsd_kms
Facebook: Kennett Middle School