Welcome to Plympton!
Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
School Information
Email: adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/jfk
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781-314-5760
Adrienne Norris - Principal
email: adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Amanda Brennan - Assistant Principal
Health Services
Sharon Duquette, BSN, RN, NCSN
Phone: (781) 314-5763
Call with any health related concerns, issues, or questions.
Support Staff
Taylor Johnson: taylorjohnson@walthampublicschools.org
(781) 314 - 5766
Bridge Program: Katie Bates: katiebates@walthampublicschools.org
(781) 314-5774
Call a counselor with any mental health related questions/concerns, issues with friends, etc.
School Resource Officer
Officer Dani Henderson (daniellehenderson@walthampublicschools.org)
As the School Resource Officer, Officer Dani is at the school from 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM as an extra support to ensure that the school is a safe place for all students to learn.
Evaluation Team Leader
Meredith Lee: meredithlee@walthampublicschools.org
Contact with any special education questions/concerns
School Handbook
Daily Routines
General Information:
- Students cannot be dropped off to school prior to 8:25am.
Doors open at 8:25am for students wanting breakfast.
Morning Drop Off
Beginning at 8:25am, student should line up by grade at the following locations:
K & 5: Bacon Street doors (K inside sitting by classroom; 5th outside)
1 & 2: Front/Main Doors of Building (1st on Bacon St. side; 2nd on Caughey St.side)
3 & 4: Caughey Street doors (3rd inside/4th outside)
Students should remain lined up by grade at all times in their assigned areas.
Students will enter by grade level and report to their classrooms at 8:35am, led by a staff member.
The tardy bell is at 8:42am. If your student(s) enters the building after 8:42am, they must enter through the main doors and check it at the office. They will be marked tardy.
All bus and van students are dropped off in the front of the building.
Afternoon Pick-up
If your student is a walker or you are picking them up at the end of the day, please be sure to communicate with your child's teacher about whether they should exit through the BACON ST. door or CAUGHEY ST. door. Please meet your child at the BACON ST. door or CAUGHEY ST. door. No student will be dismissed through the main office to a parent or guardian.
Bus students only will be dismissed through the front doors.
*Please note that all Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students must be accompanied by an adult at the bus stop for all bus pick up and drop off times. Any K-2 student that does not have an adult present at the bus stop at drop off will be brought back to the school by the bus driver.
Students may only ride the bus they are assigned through the PIC. Bus assignments are based on home address.
Absences: Leave a message on the absentee line at 781-314-5770
Waltham Public School's Transportation Department
Students may only ride the bus they are assigned and that assignment is based on home address.
Zak Kolar - Digital Learning Teacher
Contact with any technology questions or concerns.
Technology Information - English
Technology Information - Spanish
Aspen (Online Gradebook)
Aspen is Waltham Public School's Student Information System (SIS). Aspen allows students, teachers, and parents to access data, including class schedules, school events, student grades, and more. All Parents/Guardians with an email address in Aspen are able to view current information in the Aspen Student Information System.
Account Setup - Haitian-Creole
After School Activities
Girl Start
Girlstart’s mission is to empower girls through STEM. We envision a future where all who identify as girls believe they can change their world through STEM. Their comprehensive programs are designed to engage, increase confidence, and introduce STEM careers to girls who have been historically marginalized by providing meaningful, hands-on STEM programming through after school, summer camps, and other community events.
Brandeis Enrichment
Drama Club
Families in Need
For families who are in need of extra assistance, Plympton is here to help. Please let us know if your family needs clothing, toiletries, or school supplies.