210 Days of Work and That's It!!!
June 20th, 2024
Let's Be Clear... 210 Days of Pay for 210 Days of Work
Eleven month employees are off the entire month of July. Your regularly scheduled work year does not include July at all. Your regular annual salary is based on 210 days that you select to work between August 1st and June 30th of a fiscal/school year. Those 210 days obviously must include all of the days that classes are in session, whether in person or virtually, regardless of whether you are school-based or not. If you use your leave, bereavement or otherwise, for any reason that requires you to be absent that is part of your 210 days.
Usually there are around 220 days within the eleven month timeframe from which you can select your beginning date and end date, as long as the specific 210 days are selected and agreed upon by supervisor and supervisee.
Some may choose to start a little later in August and complete their 210 at the end or June, while others may select to start the beginning of August and complete their 210 possibly a week before the end of June. That is totally and completely up to the supervisee and agreed upon with the supervisor at the beginning of each school year.
You do not get paid for working in July at all, unless you are working on some special assignment for which you have received written approval, notification and documentation. Your 210 day calendar is VALID, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do not volunteer your time and expect to get compensated. Do not let people play on your intelligence or emotions. Do not allow yourself to be bullied into working for free.
You must stand your ground, advocate for yourself and call the union when you feel as though you are being misled or violated.
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Negotiations Will Resume On Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Your Union At Work For You!!
Please stay tuned for updates and information on your participation in negotiations. We are fighting for better work conditions for all, as well as fair and equitable compensation for all, that will ultimately improve staff moral and the academic success of all PGCPS students. Negotiations will continue until PGCPS and ASASP reach an agreement on a contract, hopefully by the end of summer. There is no guarantee of that, but rest assured that the current contract will remain in place until a new agreement is reached.
ASASP Board of Directors
ASASP Board of Directors as of June 20, 2024
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Representatives
1300 Caraway Court Suite 204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Mr. Danny Miller - Treasurer
Ms. Jennifer Williams - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Simone Malloy - Board Member (At Large)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Assistant Principal (At Large)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Currently Vacant - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Currently Vacant - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from AFSA our National Affiliate AFSA