Jackson Jaguars ROAR!
---------------------August 2023-------------------------
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From the Principal...
Welcome to a wonderful new school year! We are so happy to be able to welcome our new Jackson families as well as welcome back our past Jackson community! The new school year always fills me with such excitement!
Meet & Greet
Jackson's Meet & Greet and Ice Cream Social will be on August 15th 4:00-6:00pm. This is an opportunity to meet your child(ren)'s teacher, drop off you school supplies (list below), see your friends, and eat some ice cream. Class lists will be posted out in front of the school on August 15th before the Meet & Greet.
Attendance Matters
This year, we will be focusing on rebuilding our attendance percentage. Since COVID-19, we have seen a drastic increase in Chronic Absenteeism and Extreme Tardies and thus, a decrease in student success. Please make sure you follow Colorado Law and do not allow for your child(ren) to miss more than 4 days in a month OR 10 days in an entire school year. (This include excused and unexcused.) If you need assistance, please contact the office.
Class Dojo & District 11 App
It is essential that your phone number stays up to date with the school office in case of emergency, illness, or weather alerts. Please sign up for the District 11 app AND ClassDojo. ALL of our communication can be found on either (and both) the D11 Loop and Class Dojo!
AVID at Jackson
Jackson is an AVID school, which means students learn how to take ownership of their learning. They are organized with materials and in their thoughts. They take notes in a way to help support their learning and collaborate with each other to further understand what they have been taught. Ask your child(ren) what new thing they learned at school each day, what they enjoyed about their day, and how they worked with other students.
I look forward to a terrific, new school year and as always, if you need anything, please call, email, or ClassDojo me, your classroom teacher(s), Social Worker, Counselor, Academic & Behavior Interventionist, etc. Together, we will make a difference!
Thank you,
Sara Miller, Principal
Upcoming Events
August 14th 8:00-11:00:
Kindergarten Jumpstart Day 1
August 15th 12:00-3:00:
Kindergarten Jumpstart Day 2
August 15th 4:00-6:00:
Meet and Greet and Ice Cream Social for ALL families
August 16th 7:50-2:50:
August 31st 4:30-6:00:
Back to School Night for ALL families
September 4th:
Safety at Jackson & How You Can Help!
Safety is absolutely our #1 priority at Jackson, but we MUST work together to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and entire community!
We can do this by driving the speed limit while in our school zone, down Holland Park, and Edwinstowe Avenue. We all need to be alert, patient, and courteous drivers to our students and families who walk in the mornings and afternoons.
- The front parking lot is for a QUICK drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon.
- There is only one way in and one way out. NEVER use the exit to enter!
- When you enter the parking lot, there is only one lane, but midway through the parking lot, it opens into two lanes.
- Please remember that the Jackson staff do their best to help keep traffic moving. We all must work together to follow the procedure.
- No one should be crossing through the Kiss N Go Lane. Please walk around the Kiss N Go Lane, use all sidewalks, and of course, cross walks
- Be kind to one another!
We have trained crossing guards at three different crosswalks, as well as multiple staff members who assist around the Kiss N Go Lane. While it may be a few feet away from where you WANT to cross, ALL parents/guardians who park across from the school, MUST walk your student(s) across the street, USING THE CROSSWALKS.
To enter the building, all guests must ring the doorbell at the front doors to be let in. Please do not hold the door open for someone behind you. This is for safety reasons, first and foremost!
All guests must sign in and receive a guest badge before being allowed to enter past the office. If you would like to meet with your child(ren)'s teacher, Principal, or other faculty member, please contact them directly to set up an appointment.
The safety of our students is incredibly important, and I hope we can work together to keep students safe.
Attendance Matters
Why is Attendance Important?
Over the last 3 years, educators have seen a steep decline in attendance and an increase in Chronic Absenteeism. This is directly connected to lower test scores, reading levels, and math calculating.
"Colorado Law clearly states that children, ages 6-17, must attend school everyday and are only permitted to miss 4 days in a month OR 10 days in a school year." (Please note that this pertains to both EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED absences.)
If a child misses more than 10 days in a school year, they are considered Chronically Absent. This year, our Home-School Connection team will be working closely with our families of students who are Chronically Absent to ensure that they are at school every day AND ON TIME (by 7:50am).
If you need assistance of any kind, please reach out to Jackson Elementary to talk with the following staff members so that we can support you on getting your child(ren) to school everyday ON TIME:
- Sara Miller, Principal
- Leslie Clinite Ruiz, Social Worker
- Kyla Kahrs, Academic & Behavior Interventionist
- Jan Kisler, Counselor
- Becky Hemphill, School Staff Assistant & Attendance Clerk
- Classroom Teacher
District 11 Transportation
Please log onto the District 11 Transportation website to get all of the information you need about bus schedules, bus stop locations, and if you qualify for this transportation.
FREE Breakfast & Lunch
Breakfast & lunch are now free!
Breakfast will be served in the classroom from 7:50-8:10. Any student arriving after 8:10am will not be able to receive breakfast. So, please make sure your child arrives on time!
Lunch is now free to all students! This is very exciting for our community. If your child would like to continue bring their own lunch each day, they may. Please note that there is not much time for our students to eat lunch, so please help encourage your child(ren) to eat more, than talk at lunch time.
Jackson is a Certified AVID School
What does this mean for the Jackson community?
Our goal for our students is to be prepared for the next phase in their learning by the time they leave to go to Middle School, then onto High School, and finally College or a Trade School.
School Supply List
Jackson Elementary School
Email: sara.miller@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Domain/37
Location: 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-5800