Gator Bites
February 6, 2025
A Message From the Dean
Practice Respect and Kindness to one Another
One of the very first things we talked to all students about at the beginning of the school year was to be kind and respecting one another.
This week I have been going class to class to remind students of the power of their words. Making jokes, or using hate speech based on race, gender, national origin, ancestry, religion or disability will not be tolerated and carry serious consequences.
The Student code of conduct states: "I will treat every student and staff member with respect, kindness, and courtesy."
I challenge our students to respect themselves and let others know when they are being disrespectful toward them. In addition students should stand up for others as well.
Respect is the foundation to everything we do. Now is a good time for parents and guardians to speak to their children about respecting our friends, teachers, and the learning process.
Principal's Corner
I believe the groundhog saw his shadow so we have 6 more weeks of winter! Sort of hard to believe when we have 70 degree days but I hear the cold is coming back so make sure you have your coats out of the lost and found.
We enjoyed celebrating the 100th day of school with our kindergarten class this week. Did you know that the day our kindergarten students celebrate 100 days of school is also the day our 5th graders celebrate 1000 days of school? There are many things to celebrate as we learn at Littleton Academy.
This week is School Counselor appreciation week. I don’t know of anyone on our staff who cares for the wellbeing of ALL our students more than Ms Sarah Krier. She has an amazing heart and her ability to connect with students is the best in the business. We all hear about the increasing mental health needs for our children and Ms Krier keeps up with the latest research, tools, and processes to keep our students safe. We are SO blessed to have her as an integral part of our staff and community. If your child comes through the afternoon carpool with a sticker in their hand, they probably got it from Ms Krier as they left the building. She sends kids home with a smile. Every. Single. Day.
I have had a couple of parents reach out regarding the demolition of the Lumen building down the street. We received assurances from the demo team and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment "CDPHE", which did a tour of the site last week, that all concerning substances (like asbestos) have been successfully removed from the site. There are no environmental concerns for our school and the current demolition plan is designed to keep our neighborhood safe. I have asked to get continuing updates from the contractor through the demo process. They are removing the building with the environment and maximum recycling in mind.
Volunteer PSA: For our whole school safety and security, when you sign in to volunteer, please make sure you just "BOP" in.
B: Be where you are supposed to be - do not interrupt class instruction or use this access to the building to do something else, find a teacher, talk to your other children, etc.
O: Only say hi in passing. For confidential conversations please request a teacher conference.
P: Pick up kids from the office only. We will call your children out of class!
Dress code reminder: As the colder months require outerwear, please remember that the only sweatshirts allowed to be worn in the building as “uniform” are the official embroidered sweatshirts and middle school embroidered hoodies. These can be worn all through the day and during class. The fun LA sweatshirts that are purchased from our spiritwear store can be worn full-time on spirit shirt days (every Friday) or can be worn as an outside covering for recess but not all through the day on regular uniform school days. Thanks for supporting our spirit shirt days!! I love all the LA colors every Friday.
Upcoming Events
Specials Newsletters
First Grade Connections!
The first graders enjoyed making connections from the groundhog’s shadow to the Core Knowledge units of “Light and Sound,” “Sun, Moon, and Stars,” and the poem “My Shadow” by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Kindergarten's 100th Day of School!
Kindergarten students had a fantastic time celebrating their 100th day of school! Dressed like they were 100 years old or wearing 100 items, the children made colorful 100th-day hats, created trail mix with 100 different ingredients, and even completed 100 exercises. It was a day full of laughter, learning, and excitement as they marked this special milestone in their school year!
5th Grade Geography Bee!
The annual library-sponsored Geography Bee was held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, among our 5th graders. Everyone had a great time and showed off their geography knowledge well. The finalists from 5I were Adam H and Ellie W and from 5P were Harlan G and Emma K. After a run-off, Harlan was our overall winner. Congratulations Harlan! Many thanks for the hard work of all the 5th graders!
I Ski/Ride With LA Day!
Come join us for the 8th annual I Ski/ Ride event!
We will have a meeting area set up in the Utah Junction parking lot (AKA C-Lot) near the Challenger lift (AKA C-Lift) this is on the Mary Jane side of Winter Park (yes Mary Jane is part of Winter Park resort)
There will be a grill set up for lunch (also to keep us warm) . A sign up genius will come out closer to the event for people to donate hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, drinks and snacks for our lunch this year. You can also coordinate with me to drop off your own food, or chairs the day prior to the event. This event has people coming, going and eating lunch throughout the day at the meeting area. There will also be bathrooms close to our meet up area.
If you have additional questions please email me at JGraeber@lps.k12.co.us
I hope to see you on Saturday March 1st!
Accelerated Reader
Congratulations to our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who reached their AR goal in January! You have a dress of choice next Tuesday, February 11th, and certificates will be coming home today. February goals are set for everyone and you have until the 28th to earn the next dress of choice. Click here to access the AR website and please reach out if you have any questions.
Happy Reading!
Ms. Cox
We Are Hiring!
We are hiring a Security and Operations Manager! This is a full-time, unarmed position with special security training that will be a part of the Emergency Response Team in the event of an emergency. All LPS schools currently have this position in their school and our Governing Board in conjunction with administration has prioritized adding this position to our team to increase the safety and security of our building! Please read the job description in the link below to learn more about what this position entails. Please note that to avoid conflicts of interest in the event of an emergency response we are not able to hire anyone that has a relative at Littleton Academy either as a staff member or as a student.
Order Your Yearbook Now
Some that have a Lifetouch account have already ordered but this
is the first time we have advertised in the newsletter. This is you
first opportunity to order your yearbook!
Click the button below to order and use code 13283925
Order Deadline April 1, 2025.
All Yearbooks must be pre-ordered.