MES Weekly Scoop
It's A Great Day to Be A Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
Principal's Note
November 4 - 8, 2024
Dear Students, Staff, and Families,
November is here, bringing a few important events! This Tuesday--November 5th is Election Day and this also marks the Kiwanis Pancake Feed at the Armory. As this is an all day event (6 AM-7 PM), our 3rd grade students will be singing at 6 PM. This is always a fantastic community event and a great way to support our local Kiwanis organization.
As Daylight Savings Time ended on November 3rd, be sure to make sure to set your clocks back an hour. We want to make sure students are arriving to school on time, as this is always an adjustment since Daylight Savings only happens twice a year.
We are looking forward to a great month with your continued support.
Mrs. Janine Doebele
Marysville Elementary Principal
4th Grade Classroom Highlights! 📷⭐
Marysville Elementary PTO-Open for All Parents to Join!
We have a wonderful PTO organization here at MES! If you'd like to be apart of the PTO, please reach out to Mary Feldhausen or Megan Smith. They host monthly meetings that keep parents informs of different events and ways to support the school.
Dads at the Door! 🏫🚍
The next, Dads at the Door, will be on Tuesday, November 5th from 7:30-8:00 AM. Come join in on the fun!
To sign up for a week, please use the link:
Important HANDBOOK Policy Updates
24/25 MES Parent Handbook
As temperatures are dropping, it can oftentimes bring on unwanted sicknesses. Please review the revised 24/25 MES Parent Handbook on our policies for staying home when sick and when to return to school. If your child went to the doctor, please bring a doctor's note upon returning to school.
Health Room
A child must stay home if they have a fever of 100 degrees, have been vomiting, have diarrhea, or have symptoms that would keep them from participating in school.
MES follows the 12 and 24 hour rule. Children must be fever free for 24 hours without medication. Children should stay home for 12 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhea. If a child is prescribed antibiotics they need to stay home 24 hours after the first dose.
Our nurse can distribute medication. Medication must be kept in the nurse’s office, be in the original labeled container, and an authorization from the prescribing care provider/physician must be presented each new school year for all medications. Written requests from the physician or dentist AND parent/guardian should accompany all medication to be administered. All “over the counter” drugs such as aspirin, Tylenol, and cough medicine, etc. will require a written form signed by the parent/guardian. Inhalers and cough drops may be kept in students’ book bags. Emergency medications for life-threatening allergic conditions may also be carried by the student with the appropriate documentation from the physician and parent/guardian. Please communicate with the school nurse or elementary office before sending medication to school for your student. (See BOE Policy JGFGB).
If your student has an allergy please let the nurse know and she will provide a form to be signed by your student’s medical provider.
November 4 - 8 ~ Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please note for lunch, there is only one option at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and will notify families when this changes. Please keep in mind that the students are offered salad, veggies, and fruit from the salad bar daily.
November Calendar of Events 🍂🍁🦃
Early Childhood Screenings Are Coming Soon!
MES Picture Retakes-November 13th!
Order Yearbooks Today!
Order your 2024/2025 Yearbook! All sales are online. Students will be bringing home a flyer next week. We will be continuing to advertise these through the school year. Deadline is June 1st.
Bulldog Skill of the Week
Accepting Feedback
We follow the three R's in our building.
Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
AND Be Safe
Our Bulldog Skill of the Week for November 4-8 is Accepting Feedback
SAY, “OK.”
The Second Step Skill of the Week is focused on Emotion Management