Hello, Howard!
Special First Day Edition
1st Day Success!
How lovely to see students filling the halls of Howard School today. The 4th graders settled right in, 5th grade enjoyed getting to know teachers and classmates, and 6th grade picked up on their rotating schedule like it was nothing!
Please review the reminders below and enjoy a few pictures from day 1.
A Few Reminders
Parent Pick Up - Until we get to know faces and cars, please write your child's name and grade on a piece of paper and place it in a visible place at the front of your car. Thank you!
Heat - the weather this week is forecasted to be toasty, and the classrooms warm up quickly. Please make sure your kiddos dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.
Aspen Re-Registration - All families must complete back to school paperwork in Aspen. You can find the instructions here.
Early Release on Thursday - Dismissal Thursday will happen at 11:30am. There is no school on Friday.
First Day Memories
Very mindful. Very demure in STEM.
Each student is beautiful and unique.
Getting to know Mr. Otto
Meeting new teachers