DEC 2024
Happy Holidays! We hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break! We are grateful for our amazing Ranch View Teachers, Staff, and YOU; our amazing Pit Crew Volunteers! December is a short month, but Pit Crew has a lot of fun events to bless our teachers! See how you can get involved and stay connected below!
Happy Holidays! It's that time of year! Looking for an easy way to give gifts to RVMS Teachers and Staff? We've made it easy with Gift Crowd. Just simply click the link, choose the teacher/staff from the list, and choose an amount. Give as little as $2/person! Teachers will not know how much you have gifted, only that you have sent a gift. You can even write a personalized digital card! At the end of the event, each teacher/staff will get one lump sum to choose a gift card from over 400+ options; everything from groceries, clothes, special events, or even charities. Thank you for helping show our Ranch View Teachers and Staff how much appreciate them! https://app.giftcrowd.com/app/join-event/QgHGqkGx-v
Get those Oven Mitts Ready! Our Annual RVMS Teacher Cookie Exchange is coming up! Bake, Buy, or Donate treats for our teachers and staff! We'd like to provide each staff member with at least one dozen treats (homemade or store/bakery bought) to take home and enjoy with their family. The staff will pick their dozen of treats from all the cookie trays to get a variety of their choice. Sign Up or Donate HERE https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C094BA5AC2CA5F94..
On Dec 11th Pit Crew will be providing Panda Express Lunch to all of our teachers and staff!
What Happened in Nov?
We were busy in Nov! We had an In N Out Fundraising Truck, Qdoba Restaurant Night, we provided a delicious Mocktail Brunch to all the teachers and staff, and filled the lounge with yummy snacks and treats to help our teachers stay recharged through this busy time! Thank you for those of you who helped make those successful!
If you'd like to support RVMS Pit Crew and help us to continue supporting our Teachers & Staff, we are always accepting donations https://www.rvmspitcrew.org/square-store . Follow us on socials or sign up for our email list to stay up to date and find out how you can also donate your time or cooking skills!
Looking to be more involved? Stay Tuned: We will begin looking for board members and committee leads to take the torch for the 2025/26 school year. If you're interested or have ideas on how we can make our service better please email us @ rvmsPITCREW@gmail.com. We cannot do it without our wonderful RVMS Family Volunteers!
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