Holy Ascension of Christ
May 2024
Ode 1: Irmos of the Paschal Canon
It is the Day of Resurrection!
Let us be radiant, O people!
Pascha! The Lord's Pascha!
For from death to life, and from earth to heaven,
Christ our God has brought us, as we sing a hymn of victory!
To Ponder...
From St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection I
From Palm Sunday to Bright Monday
From the Sisterhood
Thank you to all who help prepare, set up, clean-up, and make treats for our parish meals and feasts! Our fellowship is important, edifying, and enjoyable!
Glory to God for all things!
From the Parish Council
We are truly grateful to all for your daily and weekly prayers and labor for our church and community. Thank you to all who helped prepare our church and grounds for the Feast of Feasts!
If you are interested in helping with projects and chores (large or small), please reach out to our church warden, Sasha Soubotin (el_cawa@hotmail.com), or our head sisters, Vicky Selznick (vmselz@icloud.com), and Stephanie Rindell (srindell@yahoo.com).
FOR A DETAILED CALENDAR, visit our website: https://www.holyascensionofchrist.org/calendar
May 1 - Holy and Great Wednesday
- Holy Unction Service - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Bridegroom Matins - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
May 2 - Holy & Great Thursday
- Vesperal Liturgy - 9:00 am
- Matins with the 12 Passion Gospels - 6:00 pm
May 3 - Holy & Great Friday
- Royal Hours of Pascha - 9:00 pm
- Vespers and the Bringing out of the Shroud - 3:00 pm
- Matins with Lamentations and Procession - 5:30 pm
May 4 - Holy & Great Saturday
- Vesperal Liturgy - 9:00 am
- Reading of the Act of the Holy Apostles - 9:00 pm
- Midnight Office - 11:10 pm
May 5 - PASCHA
- Paschal Matins & Paschal Liturgy - 12:00 am
- Agape Vespers and Matins - 3:30 pm
May 6 - Bright Monday
- Paschal Hours & Divine Liturgy with Festive Procession - 9:00 AM
May 12 - Second Sunday of Pascha: Thomas Sunday
May 14 - Day of Rejoicing
- Pannikhida - 6:30 pm
May 17 - Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
May 19 - Third Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Myrrhbearers
May 24 - Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
May 26 - Fourth Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Paralytic
May 31 - Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
Please note the following service schedule:
- Confession is available at 5:30 pm before Vigil
- Vigil is served at 6:30pm each Saturday and before each Feast.
- Hours and Divine Liturgy are served at 9:00am unless otherwise noted.
Check out our monastery, St. John of San Francisco Monastery, and our seminary, St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary.
Email: nchernja@rr.rochester.com
Website: holyascensionofchrist.org
Location: 650 North Landing Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-217-6746
Facebook: facebook.com/111704451556556/