Cragin Community Update
August 2024
Message from Mr. Rodriguez
Welcome Cragin community!
I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to return for a third year as the principal of our fantastic school. I look forward to working together to continue Cragin’s tradition in creating a very caring, collaborative, and dedicated community that support each other and our mission of creating well rounded educated cougars. As your principal, I am committed to building relationships and working together with you. I strive to always be available, be transparent when communicating and look forward to meeting each one of you.
Alexander Rodriguez
Cragin Cougars know they can!
21st CCLC
Gifted & Talented (GATE)
Opening Minds thru The Arts
August Dates
- Wednesday, July 31st
- Meet the teacher @ 2:00pm
- Thursday, August 1st
- First Day of School
- Tuesday, August 13th
- PTO Meeting @ 5:15pm Library
- Tuesday, August 20th
- Open House @ 5:30pm-6:30pm Cafeteria
- Wednesday, August 21st
- No School- Professional Development
- Monday, August 26th
- Stories that Soar Magic Box Assembly @ 9:30am Cafeteria
- Tuesday, August 27th
- Fire Drill and Bus Evacuation 9:30am
September Dates
- Monday, September 2nd
- Labor Day - No school
- Monday, September 9th
- Cafecito/ Coffee Talk with the Principal @8:45am Room 5
- Tuesday, September 10th
- PTO Meeting @5:15pm Library
- Wednesday, September 11th
- Site Council Meeting @3:30PM Zoom
- Wednesday, September 18th - Friday, September 20th
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal @11:45am
- Friday, September, 27th
- Movie Night - Doors open @ 5:30pm, Show starts at 6:pm
Bell Schedules
Daily Schedule
School Hours
8:00am - 2:45pm
Main Office Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm
Cafeteria Hours
8:00am - 8:30am
11:00am - 12:50pm
Warning Bell
Late Bell
Daily Dismissal
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Lunch Schedule
Kindergarden 11:00am - 11:35am
1st Grade 11:15am - 11:50am
2nd Grade 11:30 - 12:05am
3rd Grade 11:45am - 12:20pm
4th Grade 12:00pm - 12:35pm
5th Grade 12:15pm - 12:50pm
Early Dismissal
Parent - Teacher Conference
September 18th-20th, 2024
February 13th-14th, 2025
Early Dismissal Lunch Schedule
Kindergarden 10:00am - 10:10am
1st Grade 10:10am - 10:20am
2nd Grade 10:20am - 10:30am
3rd Grade 10:30am - 10:40am
4th Grade 10:40am - 10:50am
5th Grade 10:50am - 11:00am
August Highlights
Welcome back to school!
Welcome back to school, Cragin Cougars! We’re thrilled to have you back with us! On July 31st, we hosted our Meet the Teacher event, giving families the opportunity to meet their students' teachers and explore their classrooms. Our campus was decked out with fantastic decorations to boost school spirit, and we’re grateful to everyone who helped bring it all to life!
Open House / Title 1 Meeting
What a great way to Kick off the school year! We had a successful Meet the Teacher and Open House / Title 1 Meeting. It was so nice to talk to families and thank you to those who stopped by and introduced themselves. We also hosted a game of interactive BINGO game in which students and parents got to locate various places around campus for a chance to spin the wheel for a prize! Parents were also entered in a Raffle when they filled out a survey! What a Win! Thank you for your participation!
Stories that Soar Assembly
We recently held an exciting and interactive Stories that Soar Assembly, where students have the opportunity to craft their own unique stories. They then can place their creations into the Magic Box, from which stories will be selected to be transformed into live performances. What a wonderful way for students to see their imaginative tales come to life on stage! September 13th will be the last day for students to participate in placing your great stories into the Magic Box. The Magic Box is placed in front of the Office. Don't miss out!
Kinder Mini Morning Olympic Race
As we wrap up August, we want to highlight some of the exciting things happening on campus! Our Kindergarteners had an absolute blast participating in a mini track race right before the bell rang. It was a delightful and energetic way to start the day!
Specials began the week of the 12th, and students have since started visiting the library to check out books. It’s great to see them diving into reading and exploring new stories! They also began attending the counselor’s classroom for Character Strong classes, and OMA classes are now underway as well! It’s been a busy and exciting start to the term, with plenty of opportunities for learning and growth.
Fire Drill and School Bus Evacuation
We conducted our first Fire Drill and Bus Evacuation recently, and it was a great opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with evacuation procedures in a non-emergency setting. Excellent job to everyone for following instructions so attentively!
Counselor's Corner
Meet Ms. Karen Hundersmarck
Hi! I took these few days to introduce myself to students and what my role is. However, I think it is important for you to also know who I am.
A little about me:
I’m Ms. Karen and I am so excited to be here with you all this year. I have a MA in Developmental Psychology and currently completing my Clinical Licensure Program. I have been in the mental health field for over ten years, and this is my fourth year in a school setting. I am looking forward to incorporating my experience in our Character Strong curriculum. My hope is to create a welcoming, inclusive, safe environment for all. One that empowers children to be confident, successful, and lifelong learners. I was born and raised in Boston, MA and have been in Tucson for about seven years. I have three younger sisters and a younger brother. When I am not at Cragin, I spend my time with my family exploring new areas for our son to enjoy. Additionally, my wife and I enjoy supporting local businesses and using our Tucson Foodie membership to try new restaurants.
What Else
In addition to Character Strong, I will be providing support during transitional times (pick up/drop off, lunch, recess etc.) In addition to Character Strong, I will be providing support during transitional times (pick up/drop off, lunch, recess etc.)
As the year takes off, I will be conducting targeted small groups to help support students with peer relations, effective communication, self-esteem, advocacy, etc.
What Is Said In Here, Stays In Here
-Someone is hurting you
-You want to hurt someone else
-You want to hurt yourself
-You give me permission to share
I will begin Character Strong Lessons with students 8/12 as Follows:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Family Engagement Corner
Meet Ms. Karina Acuña
Hello Cragin Families, my name is Karina E. Acuña and I am delighted and excited to serve as the Community Liaison here at Cragin Elementary.
I’ve enjoyed these first weeks of school so far as I get to talk to the kids, know the staff and parents.
I also want to thank each one of you for welcoming me to this wonderful school. I am excited and I am fully committed to support and assist the school, families and students with resources, services and basic needs.
My goal is also to encourage parents and community members to be more engaged at our site
by volunteering at our school activities and be part of our community I’ve seen a diverse community, and I am excited to serve but we cannot do this alone.
Join our Cafecito / Coffee talks with Mr. Rodriguez once a month in Room 5.
I’ll be sending emails, flyers and information to everyone.
Yo Hablo Español
Room 5
Volunteers and Visitors
Parent volunteers are welcome on Campus! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our office manager (Ms. Lupita Rivera-Madrid) or our Community Liaison (Ms. Karina Acuña) to learn how you can volunteer throughout the year. We also highly encourage families to attend PTO Meetings and Cafecitos / Coffee Talks to learn ways how you can support our school. Please register as volunteers on the TUSD website (https://jobs.tusd1.org/volunteer) as the process takes a few weeks. For all non-parental volunteers, please contact the front office before registering as a volunteer so we can explain the process and coordinate.
Please sign-in at the front office anytime you are on campus.
PTO News
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 school year PTO Board! We had a successful first meeting filled with ideas and so much to do! Please see this section in future Newsletters for upcoming events, ways to support and announcements!
- President - Liz Niemeyer
- VP - Pat Schwichtenberg
- Secretary - Lucy Comber
- Treasurer - Jonathan Niemeyer
Please Contact PTO President Liz Niemeyer for any questions.
Coupon Book Fundraiser
This is our first fundraiser for the year. Your child might have brought home a packet about this. This starts September 3rd - September 24th. You can start selling starting on the 3rd. These are very similar to the Entertainment books back in the day. They are a small book that has tons of coupons to different restaurants, businesses, and entertainment. These books are $25 each. However, if you sell 5 books, then you get 1 FREE!!! Relatives in other states can even buy one in their area. The whole family can get one. If you need help, just ask PTO President Liz Niemeyer.
Parent Drop Off / Pick Up Reminders
Parent Drop-Off
If you use the parent drop-off bay before school, please remember that learning time begins at 8:30a.m. The gate will close promptly at 8:35 a.m. If you arrive after 8:35 a.m., please walk your student to the front office for a late slip. In case you find yourself inside the building after 8:35 a.m., please use the front office exit to leave the campus. Breakfast is served from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m., so be sure to bring your students on time to ensure they don’t miss their morning meal and are ready for a successful day ahead!
Parent Pick-Up
If you use are parent pick-up bay after school, please remember to stay in your vehicle and we will bring your student to you. If you would like to get out and greet your child, please park in the parking lot, we have plenty of parking. Also, a good tip to avoid long waits in the pick-up bay is to arrive a few minutes after the rush. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we get our cougars connected with you.
21st Century Corner
Homework Help
All students are eligible!
Please come between 7:30am - 8:15am, Monday - Friday starting on September 9th -December 13th!
Students need to come through the front door from 7:30am-8:00am. Please use Parent Drop-Off after 8:00am
Follow us on Social Media
Stay in contact and check out our latest School news on our Facebook page and Cragin website!
School Contact Information
2945 N. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday
520-232-6700 – Attendance
520-232-6700 – Office
520-232-6701 – Fax
Mission / Vision Statement
The mission of Cragin Elementary School, in partnership with parents and the Cragin community, is to assure each student receives an engaging, rigorous and comprehensive education.