Grades 6-12
February 2020 Science Newsletter
Jenny Nord
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.us/science
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Standards, Model Curriculum, Nature of Science, and Cognitive Demands
We spent a great deal of time during the day learning about the benefits of student discourse and how to incorporate it into our lessons. We accomplished this through an activity where each participant received an artifact; created questions about the article; decided on 1 question per team; researched that question to determine claim, evidence & reasoning; shared out our findings full group. After each presentation, the participants in the room had the opportunity to ask questions or comment. This would also be a great way to front load vocabulary.
To consider the Nature of Science, we were given chapter one of the book Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia. We were to decide what would be science and what would not (such as ethics, socio-economic standing, emotions).
As homework, we are asked to read Chapter 11 Equity and Diversity in the Framework:
Census 2020
We then split into our separate disciplines. The Census department has developed some very good lessons. They do not have any classified as science. Below is a link to a sheet that gives some suggestions of these activities that you might be able to utilize in science. Most of them would have to do with collecting data, graphing, and analyzing data. Lessons should be completed by April.
Please be sure to check with the other teachers in your grade to make sure that you are not duplicating the activities they have chosen.
Opportunities for You and Your Students
The Orton Geological Museum Open House: In celebration of the 150th anniversary of The Ohio State University please come visit the Orton Geological Museum, our doors are wide open! You won't be able to believe your eyes when you take a behind the scenes tour in our collection rooms. Hang out with Jeff the Giant Ground Sloth, and Cryolophosaurus elliot, and their fossil gang. Our museum scientists will be here to show you real rocks, minerals, and fossils, and answer your questions. From exploring the exhibit gallery to climbing the bell tower, visiting the gift shop and its new items, or just watching paleontologists prepare, and 3D print fossils this will be a family fun event you won't want to miss!
Want more sciences? Don't worry more researchers from the School of Earth Sciences will be there to share their science with you! Both Mendenhall Lab and Orton Hall will be open for you to explore the world of earth sciences.
Come anytime between 10am-2pm on March 21st!
Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation: Conservation Poster Competition
This contest is open to students K-12. This year's topic is: Pollinators
See link below for details.
Ohio Corn Education - Feed the World:
-Speaking of water quality.....Here comes H2Ohio!
The plan includes phosphorus reduction best practices for farmers. Through a certification process, H2Ohio will provide economic incentives to farmers who develop a nutrient management plan that includes a combination of the best practices, including:
- Soil Testing
- Variable-rate fertilization
- Subsurface nutrient application
- Manure incorporation
- Conservation crop rotation
- Cover crops
- Drainage water management
- Edge-of-field buffers
- Wetlands
-Four ExploreAg Camps in 2020
Ohio is projected to have 18,000 new jobs in agriculture through 2020. Your freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can explore ag careers in these great free camps!
Students will interact with and learn directly from teachers, scientists and researchers. Subject areas include food science, precision agriculture, animal sciences, natural resources, management skills, technology, and agricultural business. In addition to the classroom experience, scholars will participate in field experiences that highlight cutting-edge research and meet industry partners to provide a glimpse of various careers in related fields. There will also be sessions focused on soft skills such as interviewing, resume building and public speaking to prepare participants for the workforce. Learn more here.
COSI Big Science Celebration Saturday: May 9, 2020
The 2020 COSI Science Festival culminates in an exciting and fun celebration of science along the Peninsula surrounding COSI. This FREE event will include dynamic experiments, incredible demonstrations, and engaging hands-on activities hosted by Franklin County’s own science, technology, engineering and mathematics focused organizations.
Ohio River Foundation—School Programs:
Ohio River Foundation offers a variety of educational programs for schools and youth groups. Students climb into rivers to study fish, macroinvertebrates and water quality as part of the River Explorer Program. Ohio River Foundation can also bring their Mussels in the Classroom program, a freshwater mussel husbandry experience, right to your school!
Additional information about these school programs (and others) including registration information can be found at:
Environmental Film Series at The Ohio State University Earthrise and Earth Days:
February 11, 2020
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Looking back to 20 million people participating April 22, 1970. Eyewitness remembrances. Seeing Earth from space for the first time. An Ohio State student will ask: How can we have an Earth worth celebrating in 2070?
*There are more environmental films to enjoy at The Ohio State University. The 5th Environmental Film Se-ries begins January 21, 2020. Participation is free and all are welcome. Details can be found at:
OSU Translational Data Analytics Summer Camp for Girls: The Translational Data Analytics Institute hosts a free summer camp that introduces 30 young women in grades 8-10 to data science and analytics–an exciting, fast-growing field centered on scientific methods and processes for extracting new knowledge from data. Students who learn these skills can combine them with an unimaginably wide range of interests, from business and biology to health care and education, to city planning and social services–and they are in high demand by employers. Check this website for registration information: https://tdai.osu.edu/summer-camp/?utm_campaign=umar_faculty-staff-newsletter_fy20_oncampus%20today%2020191209&utm_medium=email&utm_source=EOACLK
It's not too late! Do your students have an interest in going green? Do they care about our watersheds? Students for Zero Waste Week: During this campaign, students focus on reducing land-based waste in order to protect the health of local marine environments. These young leaders are raising awareness of how single-use plastic and other types of litter affect the health of local watersheds, national marine sanctuaries, and the ocean. In addition, some schools are looking at ways to reduce their energy use on campus with hopes of raising awareness of how the burning of fossil fuels also impacts the health of the ocean. https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/education/ocean_guardian/zero-waste-week/
International Field Studies, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Columbus operating a field station on Andros island in the Bahamas. They work with many other schools in neighboring school districts across Ohio and would like to reach out to us with a professional development opportunity. They are hosting a field-based Climate Change Course with Wright State University in July of 2020 and would love to extend this opportunity for professional development including graduate level college credits or CEU hours to the teachers in our district. See the attached flyer below with additional information. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. You may also contact Professor William Slattery for details or application instructions: william.slattery@wright.edu.
All Things Environmental
SWIFT: Soil and Water Information for Teachers
April is Ohio Native Plant Month. This past summer, House Bill 59 of the 133rd OH General Assembly was signed into law, designating April as Ohio Native Plant Month. With this
legislation, the state of Ohio became one of the first states in the country to designate one month each year to recognize native plants and the essential role they play.
Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO)
EECO 2020 Annual Conference
“EE 2020 The Vision of the Future”
April 3-5, 2020
Hueston Woods State Park, Oxford, OH
Earth Day: A Brief History
1960s: Americans becoming aware of the impacts of pollution on the environment
1962: Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” was published.
June 1969: Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, OH catches on fire. Although the river had caught fire several times prior to 1969, an article in Time magazine, brought national attention to the issue.
1969: Senator Gaylord Nelson developed and announced the idea for Earth Day.
April 22, 1970: 20 million Americans (10% of the total population of the US at the time) assembled for the common purpose of raising awareness about environmental issues and rallying for a healthy, sustainable environment.
December 1970: Environmental Protection Agency is established to protect human health and safeguard the natural environment– air, water and land.
1970: Clean Air Act of 1970 was enacted and authorized the development of federal and state regulations to limit emissions.
1972: The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was amended and became the Clean Water Act.
1973: 80 nations sign the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The United States Congress passed the Endangered Species Act.
Franklin Soil and Water Conservation Mini Grants
Franklin Soil and Water’s annual Conservation Mini-Grant program offers up to $2000 to three non-profits that demonstrate the need and ability to carry out on-the-ground conservation projects. Example projects include:
Rainwater storage/harvesting with rain barrels/cisterns
Reducing or slowing stormwater runoff by planting rain gardens or buffer zones
Green infrastructure with blue or green roofs, underground detention and pervious surfaces
Streambank or riparian zone stabilization/revegetation
Landscaping and gardening with native trees and plants
Invasive species removal
Habitat improvement such as litter collection, addition of wildlife shelter(s), bird houses or pollinator sites
Soil improvements such as the addition of compost, green manures or cover crops
Applications are being accepted through February 28, 2020
Please visit https://www.franklinswcd.org/conservation-mini-grants for the grant application and award details.
2020 Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Envirothon
The ENVIROTHON is an interactive, outdoor competition designed to stimulate, reinforce and enhance interest in the environment and natural resources among high school students. The Envirothon tests students’ knowledge of soils, forestry, wildlife, aquatic ecology, current environmental issues and encourages cooperative decision-making and team building. While each student on a team is challenged to contribute his or her personal best, the score that counts at the end is the team score.
In Ohio, the Envirothon is sponsored by the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (OFSWCD). Five “Area Envirothons” are conducted around Ohio late each spring. The top four teams from each of these Area competitions progress to the state contest in June.
Area 5 Envirothon Competition
Tuesday, May 5th
Slate Run Metro Park, Pickaway County
Theme: “Water Resource Management: Local Control and Local Solutions”
Franklin SWCD is able to provide presentations & resource materials to teams.
Registration Deadline: March 25th
Find more information about the area contest on our website:
Past tests and scores are available on the Area 5 Envirothon website:
Articles You Might Find Interesting
-Phase Changes between States of Matter: https://tinyurl.com/tshxpzp
-What Is a Chemical Reaction: https://tinyurl.com/vxkm2jg
-There Are Three Phases of Matter: https://tinyurl.com/vmv6gco
-What Is the Visible Light Spectrum: https://tinyurl.com/t8gey28
-What Is Fire: https://tinyurl.com/qqz9pfn
-Density and Buoyancy: https://tinyurl.com/vwtetfo
Education Week:
-Teachers, the Robots Are Coming: https://tinyurl.com/uzajyze
-Good Sleep Habits for Test Performance: https://tinyurl.com/wslklrp
-How Teenagers See Climate Change: https://tinyurl.com/r9mqapn
-Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: https://tinyurl.com/u2qnkfq
-What Teachers Can Do to Boost Student Motivation: https://tinyurl.com/vhs22q4
-Promise and Pitfalls of AI and Personalized Learning: https://tinyurl.com/rqbd9pv
-Project-Based Learning: https://tinyurl.com/swqy72e
-How Much Should Teachers Talk in the Classroom: https://tinyurl.com/vzly6cl
-Lesson Sharing Websites Have Poor Quality Materials: https://tinyurl.com/vr7scpc
-Flexible Seating: Pros and Cons: https://tinyurl.com/ueb98dp
ReturntoNow: France Bans Pesticides: https://tinyurl.com/y4o73quj
UniLad: Bees Most Important Living Thing on Earth: https://tinyurl.com/u9flmqj
Ditch That Textbook: 4 Test Quiz Strategies: https://tinyurl.com/suvxucb
SunnySkyz: Planes Can Plant 1 Billion Trees per Year: https://tinyurl.com/tcyaury
Helpful Resources
Climate Change Lesson Plan: https://tinyurl.com/s93fhjj
Exploring Melting Glaciers Video Series: https://tinyurl.com/uh9zjpo
Drought Impacts and Solutions Activities: https://tinyurl.com/vn79fwp
26 Climate Literacy Videos and Activities: https://tinyurl.com/qm2xygb
PASCO: Video Lending Library: https://www.pasco.com/resources/video?q=chemistry
Carolina Biological: Optics of the Human Eye Activity: https://tinyurl.com/v5zvxbe
TPT Freebie: Dominant and Recessive Worksheets: https://tinyurl.com/w3p8cvv
TPT Freebie: Ionic Compounds Formula Activity Using Ion Dice: https://tinyurl.com/s4bhoo2
TPT Freebie: Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt Puzzle: https://tinyurl.com/ug4xyed
TPT Freebie: MS Leap Day Puzzles: https://tinyurl.com/tc2b3ba
TPT Freebie: Making Inferences Sample Assessments: https://tinyurl.com/urcxoxh
TPT Freebie: Scientific Vocabulary Graphic Organizer: https://tinyurl.com/vtfonso
TeacherTube: Albert Einstein Music Video: https://tinyurl.com/rdbhd7m
Hooked on Science: Teabag Rocket Video: https://tinyurl.com/vzeu3mo
Feed the World: Water Quality Activities: https://tinyurl.com/uep489k
Feed the World: Water Quality Unit Link: https://tinyurl.com/r9js3ea
Ditch That Textbook: 10 Social Media Inspired Learning Activities: http://ditchthattextbook.com/10-social-media-inspired-learning-activities-no-accounts-necessary/
Are you an Edcite user and in a tested subject: https://www.edcite.com/collection-air-practice-assignments-2019-2020-ohio
Can Never Say Too Much about SAFETY!
Make sure you are considering all safety precautions with your labs and activities. Please do NOT use any chemicals or equipment with which you are not familiar or do not have the lab facility to safely use. This would include proper storage and storage facilities.
For middle school, we are asking that you do not have any chemicals in your rooms that carry a safety warning higher than 0-1 for fire, health, and instability; even if you are only using this chemical for a demonstration. The issue is that middle schoolers can be unpredictable and many of our middle school rooms simply don't have the proper storage facilities that are necessary to maintain safety.
Spruce Run Nature Center
We will be looking for scientific evidence to determine what animals are awake during the winter months. Do you have what it takes to become a nature detective? Need more practice? Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz02S-CizAU To register for this event CCS students and families can go to http://www.ccsoh.us/engagement
Spruce Run Nature Center is an excellent resource for outdoor education. What a wonderful experience for your students this year! Contact Geri Granger if you are interested in having an experience with your class. Make sure to save your date early in the school year as fall and spring dates fill up quickly.
Spruce Run offers public programming 1 Saturday a month! Please visit this link to see all the opportunities:
Design Thinking Enrichment Experience 2020
Valentine's Day Science
Remember...if you use any lab or activity that you find online, be sure to follow all safety guidelines. Make sure that it is safe and appropriate to our safety guidelines before you ever attempt it. Also, be certain that it aligns with the standards.
MS Valentines Day Science Activities: https://www.teachhub.com/more-chemistry-valentines-day-science-activities
MS Science Experiments for Valentines Day: https://creeksidelearning.com/cool-science-experiments/
Black History Month Science
TeachRock: The Science and Civics of the Flint Water Crisis https://tinyurl.com/wjpphss ***Note the warning about the video language
ScienceNetLinks: http://sciencenetlinks.com/collections/black-history-month/ Several different lessons for different subjects in science
Scholastic: https://tinyurl.com/rztlr8c 5 STEM lessons to celebrate Black History Month
Science Buddies: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/blog/black-history-month-scientists Learn about these 19 black scientists
Engineers Week 2020 Science (February 16-22)
Science Buddies: https://www.sciencebuddies.org/blog/great-ideas-for-engineers-week-1
12 great ideas for engineers week activities.
STEMJobs: http://edu.stemjobs.com/engineers-week-activities/ Activity ideas for each day of the week
STEMJobs: https://edu.stemjobs.com/5-more-activities-for-national-engineers-week/ 5 more activities for engineering week (click on pages at bottom)
ScienceNetLinks: http://sciencenetlinks.com/collections/national-engineers-week/ Lessons by grade level for engineering week
Office of Teaching and Learning
Sandee Donald, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning
Alyse Clark, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us