Dragon Bytes
September 2, 2024

Around Campus
Week of 10/14/24
October 9 was National Walk to School Day!
National Walk to School Day was established to raise awareness and support for the health, community and environmental benefits of regularly walking or biking to school.
Students, families, and staff walked from Daggett Middle School to Daggett Montessori. Do you recognize any of the walkers?
DMS families and staff preparing for National Walk to School Day
DMS celebrating National Walk to School Day
We had a wonderful group of walkers, enjoying the benefits of walking to school.
Message from Principal E
Principal E Newsletter
Happy Friday,
Yesterday, I was off campus attending a principals' meeting. I rushed back to campus because we were hosting a district Whiz Quiz tournament for middle school students. Several school teams were present and every team represented their schools professionally. About the same time schools were arriving for the Whiz Quiz tournament, our middle school theater arts completed their play rehearsal. The hustle and bustle looked very much like an arrival/dismissal. What resonated with me most is not the busyness of the evening; I love a lively school. What resonated most were the smiles on every student whether they were a Daggett Montessori student or from another school. It was a late evening and the students were truly happy to participate and be a part of an extra-curricular activity.
Several activities and performances are scheduled for October beginning with our theater arts group and their performance of Charlotte's Web next week. In fact, all of our fine arts programs have a performance scheduled within the month. I'm equally as proud of our students in their hard work outside of the classroom as I am of their hard work in the classroom. As adults, we may be the ones who are physically tired with long days and our children's activities, but students thrive when they have a balance of curricular and extra-curricular activities. They thrive when they are performing and our school thrives when we have vibrant evenings filled with activities. Please look at the schedule and possibly enjoy one of our programs and as always, thank you for supporting our vibrant school.
V. Eugenio
New Information and Updates
Mark Your Calendars!
10/10-10/23 - Band and Orchestra Poinsettia and Wreath Sale (see flyer below)
10/14 - Student Holiday
10/16-10/17 - "Charlotte's Web" presented by DMS Theater (see flyer below for details)
10/17 - 4th Grade to Bass Hall
10/17 - PTA General Meeting at 6pm
10/18-10/19 - 8th Grade Leadership Trip
10/21-10/25 - Fall Book Fair (volunteer opportunities available - see sign up button below)
10/21-10/25 - Grandparents' Lunch
10/21 - DMS Skate Night at Rollerland West (see information below)
10/22 - Visual and Performing Arts Booster Club Membership Meeting (see information below)
10/24 - K and K/1 to Pumpkin Patch
10/24 - Keith, Itani, and Cook to Fort Worth Zoo
10/24 - FWISD MS Choir All City Concert
10/25 - Fall Fun Fest & Pansy Pick Up (see volunteer button below)
10/25 - K and K/1 Storybook Parade
10/25 - 4th Grade to the Botanic Gardens
10/27 - Gifted and Talented Nominations end (see information below)
10/28 - Author Visit - Chris Barton
10/29 - K and K/1 to the FW Museum of Science and History
11/5 - Student Holiday
11/14 - In-N-Out Burger Night and FWMSH Family STEAM Festival
11/15 - Dragon Dash (volunteer opportunities available)
11/20 - DMS Campus Spelling Bee
11/21 - PTA General Meeting at 6pm
11/25-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
12/2 - Santa Photos
12/9-12/12 - Jingle Bell Shop (volunteer opportunities available)
12/13 - Winter Dance - DMS Middle School Students Only
12/20-1/6 - Winter Break
Shop the Book Fair Oct 21-25 + Fall Fun Fest
Únase con nosotros para la Feria del Libro | Oct 21-25 + Fall Fun Fest
Invite Grandparents or Loved Ones to Lunch - Oct 21-25
Invita a su familia a comer - Oct 21-25
Visual and Performing Arts Booster Club Meeting - Oct 22
The Daggett Montessori Visual and Performing Arts Booster Club’s Membership Meeting will take place on Tuesday October 22nd at 5pm in the DMS cafeteria. Here is a Google Meet address for those who wish to attend virtually:
All are welcome to share their voices as we work to support our Dragon Artists!
Performances by Ball and Gonzales' classes and the Elementary Choir
Come see our magnificent singers at the Fall Fun Fest at 5pm and at DMS on Oct 29!
Practice Slides for Ball and Gonzales - Oct 25 - Fall Fun Fest performance
Fall Fun Fest music slides - Ball and Gonzales
Practice Slides for Elementary Choir - Oct 23 and Oct 29
Hello travelers!
Dragon-ventures is headed to Greece Spring Break of 2026! Would you like to join in on this fabulously wonderful experience? Contact Ms. Zarate for more information or click here to see the full itinerary for The Olympians trip to Greece! We look forward to traveling with you soon!
Counseling Corner
PTA Information
DMS PTA Officers 2024-2025
President-Elect - Travis Alexander
Treasurer - Dan Moody
Secretary - Amelia Owre
VP Communications - CoNeisha Cody
VP Fundraising - Valerie Alexander
VP Academics/Social Programs - Adugal Gomez
VP Membership - Leena Nasaredden
VP Advocacy - Bronwyn Scharar
PTA General Meeting
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 06:00 PM
Daggett Montessori School, West Jessamine Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Additional Information and Reminders
Classes begin at 7:50AM with students in their classroom.
Morning ceremonies/pledges begin at 7:55AM.
General Arrival Procedures
- Elementary students will enter the Lipscomb Ave. entrance. The Lipscomb doors open at 7:30. Elementary students will proceed to the elementary gym in preparation for morning ceremonies and pledges.
- Middle School students will enter the campus through the Jessamine St. gate. The Jessamine gate opens at 7:20 for middle school students and those wanting to eat breakfast.
For your student's safety - when arriving by car, please only drop them off at the curb.
Attendance Adds Up
School attendance is a primary indicator of academic success, and it starts on the first day of school. Missing out on a reading strategy or an Algebra lesson can set your student back - and it adds up with every absence.
While illnesses and family emergencies cannot be helped, it is important to ensure your child is on time to school and ready to learn every day. Because attendance is so critical for the quality of your child’s education, Texas has a required school attendance law.
Every absence is counted in a student’s attendance record, regardless of the reason. Even two absences a month for nine months of school can jeopardize a student’s ability to pass a class or graduate from high school.
The 90 Percent Attendance Law
State law requires children to attend school each day that instruction is provided. The student must be in class at least 90 percent of the time if they are to receive credit for the class. All absences count toward the 10 percent absence rate.
Elementary school students may be required to repeat a grade if they are in school less than 90 percent of school days. A student in middle school or high school might have to repeat a certain class if they did not attend that class 90 percent of the time.
When attendance drops below 90 percent
The student’s parent or guardian shall be given written notice prior to and at such time when a student’s attendance in any class drops below 90 percent of the days that class is offered.
This notice will provide students and parents with opportunities to work with either the campus principal or with an attendance committee in creating an attendance recovery plan. This plan is designed to help students earn credit for attendance, grades, or for both in order to pass a class or to graduate on time.
If student attendance drops below 75 percent, an attendance committee will automatically review the student’s attendance and grades to determine the student’s ability to pass a class or graduate on time.
If a student’s attendance has fallen below 90 percent it is important for that student to avoid any more absences for any reason. Continued absenteeism may impact the Principal Plan or Attendance Committee decision.
It all adds up
Every absence, for any reason, becomes part of a student’s attendance record. Too many absences can compromise a student’s grades or attendance credits and can impact their ability to succeed. The best action a student can take is to be in school every day, because it all adds up. Parents and students are encouraged to keep track of absences and work with their school to keep attendance above 90 percent.
Breakfast does the body and the brain good!
Breakfast is an important meal of the day and we are fortunate that breakfast and lunch are free to all FWISD students. Eating breakfast allows students to remain focused and energized for the day. However, in order to serve breakfast in a timely manner and get students into class on time, we need your help. Breakfast opens at 7:20. Classes begin at 7:50. Students must complete breakfast and be seated with the class at 7:50. In order to accomplish this, students must be physically in the cafeteria between 7:20 to 7:45.
Classes end at 3:20PM.
We have to begin the elementary dismissal at 3:10 in order to safely and efficiently dismiss all elementary students to their car ride.
Middle School students will be escorted from class to the Jessamine exit or released to their bus.
Elementary Dismissal
- We have to begin the elementary dismissal at 3:10 in order to safely and efficiently dismiss all elementary students to their car ride.
- Please have your student name card with the teacher name to show the staff member calling out students for both car ride dismissal or parent pick up dismissal.
CAUTION: Please, please do not park on both sides of Lipscomb north of the school. This will stop all traffic.
- Garden Dismissal - Elementary parents are welcome to walk and enter the garden/courtyard area to pick up their child.
- Car Rider Dismissal – Parents can also use the car line dismissal. Please display your student name card on the dashboard. A staff member will call your child to the pick-up area. Please be respectful to all who pick up and create a single curbside line of cars. If you are turning from Page/Elizabeth, it will necessary to head south on Lipscomb to get in the back of the car line.
- The school dismissal process and map is attached.
Bus Dismissal – If your child rides a FWISD bus, childcare, or recreation center bus, they will be escorted to the bus loading location. Bus route information can be found at FWISD.org/transportation or you call 817-815-7900. Please communicate with your child’s afterschool program provider to see when they will begin their program. We have several who pick up from the school.
If there are changes in dismissal plans, please notify the teacher or call the school by 2pm.
Parent Portal - Stay connected with your child's grades and attendance.
The Parent Portal is available to all FWISD parents with students enrolled in PK-12. This tool will transform the way you interact with your child’s campus by enhancing two-way communication and involvement. It works seamlessly with the District’s Student Information System (SIS) and allows you to monitor your child's progress in school by providing timely access to both assignments and grades that are entered by the teacher throughout the grading period.
- Request access to Parent Portal. Your child's school has up to 5 business days to approve your request
- Log in to the new Parent Portal
- Add a child to your existing account
- Reset your Parent Portal password
- Do you need help with a Parent Portal password reset? Please contact FOCUS Support at 817-814-3080. For all other Parent Portal questions, email parentinfo@fwisd.org.
We will be mindful of the heat index and follow FWISD guidelines to determine the amount of time spent outside.
Schedule for Lunch and Specials 24-25
- For the 2024--2025 school year, all students are eligible for free breakfast and free lunch.
- Students will enter the cafeteria and be seated at their designated table.
- Additional snacks may be purchased.
- You can create a lunch account through My School Bucks.
- Students are not permitted to share lunches with one another.
- All visitors must receive and wear at all times a visitor badge. A valid drivers license is necessary to receive a visitor badge. Lunch visitors are authorized to only visit the cafeteria and may bring lunch only for their student.
When parents and teachers communicate, our students succeed. Please do not hesitate to communicate with your child's teacher/s should you have a concern or question. You are welcome to leave a message with our school office as well. We also encourage students to communicate directly with their teacher/s should they have a question or concern. We want students to advocate for themselves which is a lifelong skill they will continue to utilize.
Safety Preparedness/Standard Response Protocols
Throughout the year, we practice many safety preparedness drills. As a district, each school practices various drills to prepare the staff and students in the event of an emergency. We want families to be aware of what we do to prepare for safety emergencies.
- Evacuation Drills (fire drills) are practiced to safely evacuate a building in an event of a fire within the campus. Each month we conduct a fire drill. Such drills are conducted at different times of the day. The alarm is engaged so students hear the actual alarm. Students and staff evacuate the building in an orderly manner using the predetermined evacuation routes.
- Hold (In your room or area) Drills are practiced to clear the hallways for an emergency within the building. This drill is practiced once in the fall semester.
- Shelter Drills are practiced to prepare for severe weather such as tornadoes. Students are guided to a location in the interior of a building away from exterior glass doors or windows. Students will assume a duck and cover position. Severe weather drills are conducted once per semester.
- Lockdown drills are practiced in the event an intruder makes their way into the building. In this situation, teachers will place their students in an area of the classroom away from visibility from the hallway. The teacher will ensure the classroom door is locked and cover the door window. Lock down drills are conducted once per semester.
- Secure (Lockout) Drills are practiced in an event where there is a situation occurring outside of the campus in the immediate community. In this drill, all exterior doors are locked, and teachers and students proceed with instruction. With multiple buildings on campus, students are not permitted to leave their immediate building. This drill is practiced once per semester.
Teachers discuss with their class their specific procedures for each drill as we prepare for them. We do not attempt to replicate any stressful or intense situation. The purpose of the drill is preparedness and not additional stress on any one individual. We will explain the process during morning meetings with the students. Again, we want to make sure students are prepared for an emergency and not scared of the drill.
FWISD Technology Expectations, Guides, and Applications
FWISD Device Expectations for Students
FWISD Device Expectations for Families
FWISD Default Applications by Device
FWISD Family Guide for Safe and Responsible Internet and Device Use
FWISD Una Guía Para Familias Sobre El Uso Seguro Y Responsable De Internet Y Dispositivos Por Parte De Los Estudiantes
Volunteer Information
The online volunteer application for new and returning volunteers is now available! We are now using Raptor as our volunteer management system. Raptor will simplify and standardize parent and volunteer engagement across the District.
We encourage you to complete your application and get your approval as soon as possible, so you are ready to volunteer when a volunteer opportunity comes up and we can easily communicate you.
Please visit https://www.fwisd.org/volunteers
Volunteers are vital to the success of Daggett Montessori. Just a few hours of your time can add up to immeasurable support & improvements to our school. This is also a great opportunity to get to know other parents and families at our school!! Get involved today by joining any one of these amazing DMS PTA committees.
School Information
School Hours: 7:50am-3:20pm
Jessamine gate opens for breakfast at 7:20am.
Lipscomb door opens at 7:30am.
Secretary - Ana De Luna - ana.deluna@fwisd.org
Secretary - Laura Garza - laura.garza@fwisd.org
Nurse - Trista Bachand - trista.bachand@fwisd.org
Counselor - Erin Bury - erin.bury@fwisd.org
Assistant Principal - Dr. Pamela Nunley - pamela.nunley@fwisd.org
Principal - Victorius Eugenio - victorius.eugenio@fwisd.org
Website - https://daggettmontessori.fwisd.org/
Location - 801 W. Jessamine St., Fort Worth, TX 76110
Phone - 817-814-6300