New Albany Intermediate School
Family Update- September 16, 2024
Dear Intermediate Families,
Hopefully you have had time to read last week’s email message from Superintendent Sawyers celebrating the recent release of Ohio’s School Report Cards that shared NAPLS is 1 of 18 school districts out of 607 public school districts in the entire State of Ohio to receive an overall rating of “5 Stars” AND “5 Star Ratings” on ALL components measured by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
New Albany Intermediate School is very proud to have received a 5 star rating overall by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW). A “5 Star Rating” is the highest rating possible, for “significantly exceeding state standards” and we know this is directly related to the combination of our hard working students, our incredibly supportive families and our dedicated staff members. Go Eagles!
Thank you,
Megan Ballinger, Principal
Homecoming Spirit Week: Week of September 23rd
Important Updates
Fall Sports Reminder
With Fall sports underway on our school campus, including upcoming high school home football games, we wanted to share a reminder for families and students that applies to attendance at sporting events. Our Preschool to Grade 6 Handbook states, “The district sponsors many extracurricular events [i.e. high school football games, evening programs, etc.] which families are invited and encouraged to attend. For reasons of safety, a parent must accompany elementary students or a responsible adult designated by the parent. Elementary students must be under the supervision of an adult at all times on these occasions. School rules for behavior apply whenever students are on school property.” Thank you for your cooperation in providing a safe environment for our students.
Fifth Grade Choir Information from Music Teachers Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Lichtman
Does your child have a love for singing? Check out 5th grade Choir! We rehearse before school on Friday mornings in the McCoy Center. Fifth grade choir has been a tradition in New Albany for over 25 years. We have several concerts planned where we perform for the school, the parents, and at the competition trip to King's Island in the spring. Click here for information that explains everything and lists the dates for the concert. The deadline to enroll is Monday, October 7. We hope you will come and sing with us!
Fall Festivals
We are looking forward to our upcoming Fall Festivals at New Albany Intermediate School! Our Fall Festivals replace classroom parties in grades four, five and six. It's a wonderful afternoon of celebration for each grade level with music, games, inflatables, snacks and more! In order to make each afternoon run smoothly, we hope to have the assistance of parent volunteers. Please sign up here!
If you plan to volunteer your time, you must have a background check on file with New Albany-Plain Local Schools. If you don't have one yet, please follow this link for instructions: https://securevolunteer.com/NEW-ALBANY-PLAIN-LOCAL-SCHOOL-DISTRICT/home. Please note it takes 7-10 days for a background check to be completed. If you are unsure if your background check is current, please email Administrative Secretary Donna Mercurio at mercurio.1@napls.us and she can verify the status of your background check.
Each Fall Festival runs from 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm and is located on the Middle School football field on Kardules Fields Way. All volunteers should check in directly at the check-in table located on the Middle School football fields.
4th grade - Wednesday, October 2nd
5th grade - Friday, October 18th
6th grade - Friday, September 27th
Finally, please consider donating items for all three upcoming festivals. All items can be dropped off at or delivered to the Intermediate School at 177 N, High St. by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. Please label all items "PTO Fall Fest" so the office staff will know what the delivery is for. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please contact either Programming Chair for NAIS PTO:
Elizabeth Buck 415-407-9580 elizabethannbuck@yahoo.com
Brooke Keaton 614-946-5525 brookerozanczyk@yahoo.com
Important Upcoming Dates
September 27 - Sixth Grade Fall Festival 1:00 - 3:00
October 2 - Fourth Grade Fall Festival 1:00 - 3:00
October 3- Teacher Professional Day - No Students
October 4 - Teacher Work Day - No Students
October 9- Picture Makeup Day
October 14-18: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
October 18- Fifth Grade Fall Festival 1:00 - 3:00
November 8 - End of Trimester Grading Period
November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly
PTO Information
Hello Intermediate Families!
Thank you for attending the Curriculum Nights- we had a great turn out.
Next PTO sponsored events will be our Fall Festivals or each of the 4th, 5th and 6th grades.
Please signup for any donations you are interested in contributing here:
What is the PTO supporting at the Intermediate School in 2024?
- Purchase materials and construction of the Wheel for the newly adopted House System. The Wheel will be used as a fun, interactive way for students to be sorted into Houses. They will spin the wheel, which will have the four House colors, and whatever color the wheel lands on, that is the student's house for their entire time at NAIS! We will also use the wheel at "House Rallies" and for student House Leaders to spin when they achieve various accomplishments.
- Pay for field trip for all 394 6th grade students Biztown
- Pay for field trip for all 379 5th grade students Skate Zone
- Pay for field trip for all 365 4th grade students The Works
- Provide appreciation lunches/meals for 148 teachers and staff members 9 times during the school year
- Fall festivals expenses- DJ, game items, rental of the inflatables, photo booth, etc.
- 6th Grade Celebration expenses (DJ, games, prizes, etc.)
- Financial Aid for students in need for school supplies, etc.
- Annual Author Visit Contribution- cost split between all participating NA schools
- LIFT t-shirts purchased for the LIFT program
- Sponsorship of the Intermediate School Composting Program
- Academic and Cultural Arts Programs: Falconry, Skydrome, 4th Grade OWC Experience
- Popsicles on the Playground- provide popsicles and water to families new to our school community and host welcome event
Does your business or your family want to sponsor a staff luncheon? The PTO provides approximately 9 of these events throughout the school year. Donation would be just a portion of the total cost of the meal for over 148 teachers and staff members. Approximately $400-500 each meal would need to be donated. PTO will cover the rest of the expense of the luncheon. Please find a location to sign up at the end of this Sign up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4DA8A92AA4F49-50292468-ptohospitality#/
We look forward to a great year together! If you have any ideas on how to make our fantastic school even better, please let us know! Email us at: naispto@napls.us.
Mara Ackermann Ziminski
NAIS PTO President
2024-2025 NAIS PTO Board
President: Mara Ackermann Ziminski
President-Elect: Alix Hoekzema
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Andrea Wiltrout
Communications: Kiki Piletz and Katie Yun
Fundraising: Sarah Aklilu
Membership: Missy Matusicky
Programming: Brooke Keaton and Elizabeth Buck
Hospitality: Leanne Mohler and Erin Howard
Additional Information
The Intermediate School website has information about our daily schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, school supply lists, and much more. Please click here to visit the page. For information concerning transportation services, click here.
Do not hesitate to call the Intermediate school (614-741-3000) with any questions you may have. Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger, Building Principal
Ryan Grashel, Assistant Principal
Mike King, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Intermediate School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/intermediate
Location: 177 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-741-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyIntermediate/
Twitter: @napls_is