Rose L. MacDonald School
May 3, 2024
Important Dates
May 6th-Lifetouch Spring Individual & Group Picture Day
May 8th-Half Day of School Dismissal at 12pm
Grade 1 Career Day (More Details Below)
May 10th & 28th- Little Bee Yoga
May 13th-School Committee Meeting 6pm MSHS
May 14th &15th-Grade 3 Math MCAS
May 17th-Grade 2 Aquarium Field Trip
May 24th-Grade 3 Boston Tea Party Field Trip
May 27th-Memorial Day No School
May 28th-Grade 3 Howard School Transition Tour
May 29th-RIF Distribution
May 30th-Grade 1 Southwick Zoo Field Trip
June 3rd-Marks Close
June 3rd-School Committee Meeting 6pm MSHS
June 4th-Grade 3 Field Day (Rain date June 6th)
June 5th-Half Day of School Dismissal at 12pm
Barn Babies Grade 1 (PTO Sponsored)
June 10th-Grade 3 Farewell (More Details to Come)
June 11th- Last Day of School
Report Cards Electronically Distributed
May 8~ First Grade Career Day
First graders have been working hard on a class book and excited to share with their families!. Each student brainstormed what they want to be when they grow up, organized their thoughts, wrote a rough draft, edited their draft, wrote a final draft, and colored a detailed picture to match their writing. Career Day is an event where students celebrate all of their hard work, and showcase their writing to families. Each student will read their page from the class book to the audience, and dress up as their chosen career. We are so excited for this special event! Families, please arrive at 9:30; parking is in the playground area.
The annual West Bridgewater Town Meeting will be Monday, May 6th starting at 6 pm in the MSHS auditorium. There will be student volunteers and surround care staff for child care in the Learning Commons. The Learning Commons are upstairs from the cafeteria. The volunteers will be there from the start of the meeting until 9 pm.
Grade 1 Happy Arbor Day!
Trees were distributed on April 25th to the grade 1 students in honor of Arbor Day on April 26th! The purchase of these trees go to a scholarship fund for students entering into the arborist field. A big thank you to John Ames the Grounds Specialist for the Town of Easton for organizing.
"Love trees and make the world beautiful with your care"
Student Council Fundraiser
Student council fundraiser winner Olivia Bazile invited her friend James to accompany her on the firetruck ride to school. Olivia and James’ classmates were able to greet them getting off the truck.
The fundraiser raised over $1600 for Dana Farber/Jimmy Fund.
Grade 3 Wax Museum
From the School Nurse
From the School Nurse
Just a reminder, if your child has medication in the health office that needs to be taken home at the end of the school year, please make arrangements with me to come in and pick it up. Children are not allowed to transport medication home.
Physical Examinations Incoming 4th grade students
Your son/daughter is scheduled to have a school health examination for the next school year. Massachusetts’s law requires a health examination four times in a student’s school life. These exams are done upon entrance to kindergarten, fourth, seventh and tenth grades. Because your child’s physician has a comprehensive knowledge of your child’s health, we recommend that he/she perform the examination.
The exam forms are available on the school website at www.wbridgewaterschools.com (click on Health Services) or your physician may use his/her own form. The form should be completed and returned to the school nurse at the Howard School before the end of December 2024.
RLM Student Council
RLM StuCo continues to work hard on achieving as many of its group goals as possible. So far, they have hosted a school-wide March Math Madness challenge, ran a fundraiser for cancer research, participated in decision-making activities with our Food Service Department, and prepared presentations to share with our school and classes during morning announcements or discussions with teachers. Last week, they worked a bit more on yet another goal - starting a school garden!
Want to learn more about all that our student leaders are accomplishing and all that they are teaching their peers to do? Come see us at the Academic Showcase on May 9th. We will have a table there on display along with some student representatives to talk more about all that is going on!
Morning Inclusivity Readers
Inclusivity Nominations!
Save The Date: Second Annual Walk For Childhood Cancer May 4th 4-7pm
The SECOND ANNUAL PLEDGE WALK FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER will take place on Saturday, May 4th from 4-7pm. Hosted by the MSHS student-run Committee for Childhood Cancer Awareness, this event raised over $18,000 last year for the Jimmy Fund Clinic at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and their goal this year is to top $25,000! It will be a fun day with food trucks, music, games, a chance to dunk Mrs. Page and to just be with the community to help an important cause. Please contact the MSHS with any questions. We hope to see you there!
Please fill out this form to register for the walk: https://forms.gle/h16onUbUbuqyNKnF8
*Join us at our next PTO meeting on May 1st at 7pm in the RLM Cafeteria*
Join us tonight for the Neon Era Dance Party (Details Below)
Stay connected on facebook @WBridgewaterPTO
Wildcat Cafe
May brings us all sorts of fun activities and field trips! Watch for special links from your teachers to order lunches for field trips packed by the Cafe for Free! In addition, each student will have a snack provided for the field trip for free from the Cafe.
This year at RLM we started working on a sustainability project with the kids and introduced reusable metal flatware. The kids have been doing an amazing job of bringing back the flatware to be washed at the end of the meals and we will have an ice cream treat on May30th to celebrate their success for any student who orders a school lunch that day. In addition, with our new filtered water bottle filling station we have drastically reduced the number of disposable cups we were consuming- so keep sending in those water bottles especially as the weather gets warmer.
Monthly Menus - Click on WB Food Services to find May's menus. Locally grown apples from CN Smith Farm are still being served each week.
Food Assistance- Project Bread Food Source Hotline , West Bridgewater Food Pantry.
WB SEPAC is a group of West Bridgewater families whose children have IEPs and 504s. We offer webinars and events to support families with special needs. If you'd like to learn more, please email us at InclusionMattersMA@gmail.com to join our private email list.
See our upcoming events below and on our Facebook page at @InclusionMattersMA and our website at www.InclusionMattersMA.com
River Walk 2024
The West Bridgewater Open Space Committee’s 7th annual River Walk will take place on
Sunday, June 2nd from 10 AM to 2 PM (rain date Sunday June 9th). It is an opportunity
to get out and celebrate some of WB’s great outdoor spaces, rich history and
farming heritage. Each year, River Walk features a variety of music,
activities, and great food & beverage options along car-free,
pedestrian-friendly River Street. This year, we are especially excited to
announce an expanded Crafter’s Row, and Silent Auction. And be sure to check
out West Bridgewater Police Department’s Safety Day, while you are there. So walk, bike,
train or paddle your way along River Street, but definitely don’t miss out! For
more information, or if you’d like to help out, message us on facebook. We’d love to hear from you!
Contact Info:
Keitha Goulet
Email: kgoulet@wbridgewater.com
Website: https://www.wbridgewaterschools.org/o/rose-l-macdonald
Location: 1 Steppingstone Drive, West Bridgewater, MA, USA
Phone: (508)894-1240
Facebook: facebook.com/RoseLMacDonaldSchool
Twitter: @rlmschool