The "Voice" of VPSS
Bi-Monthly News from the Vermilion Parish School System
August 18, 2024 - Newsletter #1
From the office of Superintendent Tommy Byler...
As we completed our first full week, we were greeted with the typical back to school variety of emotions that comes every year. We were greeted by happy faces, scared faces, anxious faces and some not so happy faces. And what makes it really unique is that I am not only talking about the kids, but also the adults in the building. Every start of the year brings a gamut of emotions for all and we hope that all of the hard work prepping for the new year allows us to handle whatever is thrown our way.
For me personally, I figured out this was my 50th first day of school dating back to my first day of Kindergarten in 1974. You would think I had this first day stuff figured out, but the reality is that I was as anxious as ever as we kicked off the 24-25 school year just over a week ago.
As I begin year five as the superintendent of schools, I want to say thank you for those who have been supportive of our efforts in keeping Vermilion the top choice of public school systems in the Acadiana area. I know that the onset of school choice is alive and well all over the country, but for those of you who remain with VPSS and the traditional public school system I say thank you for being part of our system and the village it takes to educate a child.
We know we have had a few kinks along the way as we started the year, but I ensure you that my team is working hard each and every day to work with our schools to troubleshoot the best that we can
Thank you for understanding and working with us and we look forward to a great year. Thanks again for making VPSS your choice.
Yours in education,
Thomas J. Byler
August 19 - August 30
Monday, August 19th
- Middle School Football Practice Begins
Tuesday, August 20th
- BESE Committee Meetings - Baton Rouge
- Athletic Director Meeting - Central Office
Wednesday, August 21st
- BESE Meeting - Baton Rouge
- MFP Task Force - Baton Rouge
Thursday, August 22nd
- HS Football Scrimmages
Monday, August 26th
- Transcript Reviews Begin - School Admin and Central Office Staff
- Accountability Hearing
Wednesday, August 28th
- VPSB Special Board Meeting - 6pm (Millage)
Thursday, August 29th
- HS Football Jamborees at Rayne High
Friday, August 30th
- HS Football Jamborees at Abbeville High Wildcat Stadium
Future Notice...
September 2 - Labor Day - No School