Lowell Lantern
July 17, 2020
Principal's Message
Hello Lowell Families!
I hope all of you have had a fabulous week! I want to provide you with some important information regarding the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
MSD Warren Township has adjusted the starting date for this coming school year. The new date for students’ first day of school is Thursday, August 6th. MSD of Warren Township's S.A.F.E. Reopening Plan and new school calendar are available to download on our website and are also located in our school newsletter.
You may download our 20-21 Reopening Plan on our S.A.F.E. Reopening Webpage.
We are still offering instructional options in either the physical school setting or virtually for families who are not able or are uncomfortable returning to school on the scheduled start date. Please know that this coming Monday, July 20th is the LAST day to register for virtual school. To register for virtual learning, please contact us at 317-608-0545 or warrenregistration@warren.k12.in.us. Again, this weekend through Monday, July 20 is the last opportunity to register your student for the virtual option. Additional information about the virtual option can be found on the website and in our school newsletter.
Starting Monday, July 20th our office is open to accept new registrations by appointment only. Please contact us at 317-532-3900 if you have registration or enrollment needs.
We anticipate a greater number of car riders this school year. If your student(s) will be a car rider this school year please email our secretary Mrs. Coram at kcoram@warren.k12.in.us with your child's information in order to have your car rider signs ready on the 1st day of school. This will help make our car rider process much faster and efficient.
Lastly, due to our new start date, summer food distribution will continue next week on Tuesday and Friday from 11-1pm at our designated sites.
As always, thank you for your continued support of Lowell Elementary! Take care and have a great weekend!
Mrs. Griffin
MSD Warren Township 2020-2021 S.A.F.E. Reopening Plan
You may download our 20-21 Reopening Plan on our S.A.F.E. Reopening Webpage.
Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year
Warren Township is currently accepting new registrations for the 20-21 school year. If your student ended the school year in a Warren Township school, you do not need to take any additional action to be registered for school. If you are new to Warren Township and want to register your student for the upcoming school year, you may register online:
Online - Go to the district home page www.warren.k12.in.us and select the 20/21 Registration / Enrollment Link.
Our registration hotline (317-608-0545 or WarrenRegistration@warren.k12.in.us) is available to assist all new and returning families with all of their registration needs.
Warren Township Virtual Instruction Option
For more information about Warren's Virtual Option, please visit the following page ~ Virtual Communication one-pager.
Both new and returning students have the option to select virtual instruction for the 20-21 school year. To register for virtual instruction, families can indicate their interest by:
contacting us at 317-608-0545 OR
emailing us at WarrenRegistration@warren.k12.in.us OR
completing this virtual enrollment form
Someone will return your call/email to get more information. We are asking that all families interested in registering virtually to do so no later than Monday, July 20th. If you register for virtual instruction after that date, you will be placed on a waitlist.
MSD Warren Township 2020-2021 School Calendar
Elementary School Supply List for 2020-2021
2020-2021 Elementary School Supply List
● 1 bottle of white, liquid glue
● 2 large, pink erasers
● 2 big glue sticks or 4 small glue sticks
● 1 box of tissue
● 2 boxes of crayons
● 1 box of markers or colored pencils
● 24, #2 pencils
● 4 black dry-erase markers
● 1 pair of safety scissors
● 1 small school box or zipper pouch for school supplies
● 2,two-pocket folders
● 2 wide-ruled notebooks
● 1 ruler (inches and centimeters)
● 2 highlighters
● 1 pack of 3x5 index cards (white)
● A backpack (no wheels)
● 1 pair of headphones
Classroom Donations Appreciated:
ziplock bags (quarts or gallon), additional pencils, boxes of tissues, dry erase markers.
Lowell Front Office Opens March 20, 2020 ~~~~~~~ By Appointment Only
Starting Monday, July 20th our office is open to accept new registrations by appointment only. Please contact us at 317-532-3900 if you have registration or enrollment needs.
We will be happy to help with any questions you have regarding registration and/or the upcoming school year.
Student Devices
Students who will be physically present at Lowell for the 20-21 school year are asked to bring their devices back to school with them upon our return. Items needed to be returned are:
- iPad or Chromebook
- Charging/Power Cord
- Device Case
Students who will be participating in virtual learning will keep their devices at home with them in order to support their learning. More information will be released prior to the start of school regarding tech support for devices and for those students who need a device for virtual learning.
Will You Be Returning To Lowell for the 2020-2021 School Year?
It is helpful to know if your family will be returning to Lowell for the 2020-2021 school year. If you have moved or are planning on moving and will no longer be attending Lowell Elementary, please call Mrs. Griffin at 317-532-3901 or email her at kgriffin@warren.k12.in.us Thank you for helping us to be better prepared for the 2020-2021 school year.
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Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1