Smore App for the Classroom
Delicious Web 2.0 Student Engagement
What's Smore?
Smore allows its users to design single-page websites for marketing an idea, promoting an event or selling a product. For educators, this is an easily learned app available for use on laptops, tablets, and phones allowing us to engage students in learning...and it's even fun!
Where do I find this?
Tasty Classroom Ideas
Topic Teasers
Book Reviews & Character Sketches
Classroom Newsletters
Guaranteed to be engaging.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I use this app for?
Answer: Classroom newsletters, club and team updates, flyers, science and social reports, book reviews, entrance/exit slip assessment, fundraising notices, infographics, biographies and autobiographies, student self-reflection, quick introduction to a new unit...the list goes on!
Can I have students use this?
Answer: Absolutely. With the Educator version, you will have the quota room to let the students get creative (with the free version you're only allowed five flyers per month).
Is it difficult to use?
Answer: Not at all. It's very intuitive. Check out the tutorial links below.
Answer: Check it out here
Can I contact you for information regarding pricing, tech support, and so forth?
I am not employed by Smore, but rather am a full-time teacher who is always on the hunt for engaging tools to use with and for my students. Please contact Smore directly for any inquiries regarding pricing, tech support, and so forth.
What Else Do I Get?
Flyer Analytics
Printing Your Flyers
About the Author
Twitter: @mmclassroom