
@ The Library Hallway
chico_panthers_volleyball CONGRATS!! Liberty Clark will be signing to
swim D1 @ Indiana University
Mr. Reid's Anatomy students have been working really hard
on their 3-dimensional skin models
Color Guards Trick Tuesday - Video Below
Mrs. Mintzer's Ceramics Class
Happy Birthday!
Upcoming Announcements 👀 🏫
- FFA Meeting: Thursday 11/14 - During lunch @ Big Gym
- TWIRPS: FFA-Ag Leadership- Saturday, November 16th, (8:00) Lincoln Center Gym
- Students on the Saturday list are ineligible to purchase tickets to TWIRPS Check here
- Upward Bound Application Deadline is due on November 30th
- TWIRPS: FFA-Ag Leadership- Saturday, Novewmber 16th, (8:00) Lincoln Center Gym
- Students on the Saturday list are ineligible to purchase tickets to TWIRPS MORE INFO
- Saturday Class Check It Here non CHS Student guest pass Click Here
- Students on the Saturday list are ineligible to purchase tickets to TWIRPS MORE INFO
- Band Winter Concert: Wednesday, 12/11 (7:00) @ CFA & Silent Auction
- FFA Meeting: Wednesday, 12/11 (3:40) Lincoln & Gym
- Posada navideña: VOCES Latinxs + Ballet Folklorico: Friday, 12/13 (5:30) Lincoln & Gym
Upward Bound Application Deadline is due on November 30th
Saturday School and Detention
Saturday School Dates
Saturday School code
Scan the QR Code or Visit
Detention Information
Detention code
Scan the QR Code or visit
Need a Student ID Card?
Scan the link to place your order.
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
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Click on the Bitmoji room below to connect with Destiny Discover and MackinVIA.
🌞 🌞
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Website: http://chs.chicousd.org/index.html
Location: 901 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95926, United States
Phone: 530.891.3026
Student Last Names: A-Ge: Shannon Driscoll | (530) 891-3026 x 30153
Student Last Names: Gi-O: Larissa Wycoff | (530) 891-3026 x 30204
Student Last Names: P-Z: Jessica Fuston | (530) 891-3026 x 30156
Contact Us
For urgent issues, please contact the Administration directly at:
Erica Sheridan, Principal 530.891.3026 Ext. 30114 esherida@chicousd.org
Brandon Kessler, Assistant Principal serving students (A - Ge),
530.891.3026 Ext.30112 bkessler@chicousd.org
Gary Story, Assistant Principal serving students (GI - O),
530. 891.3026 Ext. 30115 gstory@chicousd.org
Sara Pasillas, Assistant Principal serving students (P - Z),
530.891.3026 Ext. 30113 spasillas@chicousd.org