High School Warrior Weekly
Week of December 9, 2024
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730.
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730.
DPI WHS Report Card
Waunakee High School Families
We have had a wonderful fall at Waunakee Community High School! We are excited about creating a welcoming learning environment, collaborating as a teaching team, and meeting the needs of all of our students. As a learning community, we are continually looking to improve our teaching strategies at Waunakee Community High School. The school report card is one resource we use to reflect on our strengths and areas for improvement.
The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by state statute (Wis. Stat. 115.385) to generate a school report card and district report card for every publicly funded school and district in the state. The report cards are intended to help schools and districts use performance data to celebrate successes and improve their efforts to prepare students for their futures. These public report cards can be found online at: http://dpi.wi.gov/accountability/report-cards.
The current school report card is primarily based on last year’s performance during the 2023-24 school year, though multiple years of data are used throughout the report card. DPI encourages caution when interpreting scores and ratings.
At the foundation of the report cards are four priority areas. Schools and districts receive a score for each priority area:
Achievement - proficiency in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics on the annual state assessments
Growth - year-to-year progress in ELA and math achievement
Target Group Outcomes - outcomes for students with the lowest test scores
On-Track to Graduation - reliable predictors of how successfully students are progressing toward completing their K-12 education
The priority area scores are aggregated into an overall accountability score, from 0 to 100. This score is displayed on the front page of the school or district report cards. It is important to note that the 0 to 100 accountability score is not a “percent correct” measurement and is not aligned with traditional 0-100 grading scales. Based on its score, a school or district receives one of five rating categories, from Fails to Meet Expectations to Significantly Exceeds Expectations, as well as corresponding one to five stars. Our overall score was a 76.8, exceeding expectations, and it is important to acknowledge such great work by our students, staff, and families. Our school’s Achievement score was the same or higher than 94.2% of all high schools in the state which is an amazing accomplishment.
We want to share these results with you because they help illuminate some of our successes and help pinpoint areas of focus in our school/district. But as DPI stresses, these report cards are just one source of information about our school.
School and district report cards can be accessed online here along with resources that explain the report cards. We have included the report card for Waunakee Community High School here as well. Our school report card is also posted on our district website. The Notice of Educational Options for Families is here.
Please let me know your thoughts and questions as they arise. We look forward to working with you to make 2024-2025 a successful school year for your students!
Brian Borowski, Principal
Deanne Lensert, Associate Principal
Steve Hernandez, Associate Principal
Chad Gauerke, Associate Principal
Waunakee Community High School
It's a Winter Wonderland
Safety Drill Week
Monthly Safety Drill the Week of December 9
School safety is a priority in the Waunakee Community School District. We take several steps to ensure each child is safe and each school is secure. An important component of this work is that we participate in monthly safety drills using our Standard Response Protocol (SRP) methods for evacuation (fire), shelter (tornado), secure (danger outside the building), lockdown (danger inside the building), and hold (medical event, student crisis, etc. in the building). Our staff teach students about our safety drills in a matter-of-fact and developmentally appropriate manner, and explain that we participate in these drills as a way to stay safe so we know what to do in an actual emergency, even though the chances of a real incident are rare.
During the week of December 9, Waunakee High School will be participating in the evacuation drill. Prior to the drill, school administration and your child’s teacher will prepare your child for the drill, including answering any questions they have. During the drill, the safety protocol measures in SRP will be followed. Following the drill, students will be reminded that schools are some of the safest places to be and that the skills students and staff learn about safety can be applied anywhere, both in school and out of school. The law enforcement officers and school administrators will discuss what went well and areas to improve. We will then send you a message that same day so you are aware the drill took place.
We thank you for supporting our work to keep our school safe. For additional information about our SRP procedures, please feel free to visit the Standard Response Protocol website: SRP ♥ The "I Love U Guys" Foundation or our school district Safety and Security website. If you have any questions about the drill or school safety procedures, please feel free to contact your child’s building administrators at any time.
Providing Healthy Meals for our Community
Collecting Pop Tabs for a Cause
We are excited to announce a Pop Tab Collection Challenge to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities! We will be collecting pop tabs to help families in need from December 9-13.
Start collecting your pop tabs from your soda cans, energy drinks, or other cans with tabs over break and bring them to the office and put them in the appropriate bin located on a table by the main office entrance.
Counseling Office Connection
Attention Seniors
Madison College Free Workshop: December 10 from 9-11 a.m.
Seniors ~ if you are planning to attend Madison College and have not yet applied, this opportunity is for you! Madison College staff will be in the Counseling Office to help seniors apply and/or answer any Madison College program questions. There is no application fee to apply. Bilingual support in Spanish will be available. Sign up in Flexisched under Mr. Landis or stop in the counseling office for a pass.
Community Open House
The Village and MSA Professional Services will host a Community Open House for the CTH Q Corridor Study on December 12th, 5:30-7pm at the Waunakee Public Library (Community Room). This will be a chance for the public to view and comment on the proposed long-term vision for CTH Q between Centennial Parkway and Meffert Road before it's voted on by the Plan Commission and the Village Board in January.
The Wednesday Society Presents - THE PURPLE SAGE
The Purple Sage is written and produced entirely by Waunakee Community High School students. Opinions in The Purple Sage are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper staff or the school district.
Students, staff, and members of the community are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor (250 words or less with signature included).
Wave Warriors!
Girls Lacrosse Student Meeting
Lax vibes, high fives!
Girls interested in trying out for the girls lacrosse team should attend the meeting on Wednesday, December 18. The meeting will be held during Contact Time in the PAC. Sign up for Mr. Conrad's contact time for that date. If you can't make the meeting, please contact Coach Moran at erinmoran@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
- WHEN: December 18th at 9:50 am
- WHERE: Performing Arts Center (PAC)
- You will NOT want to miss out. Sign up today!
Library Media Technology Center (LMTC)
Featured New Book
"A Japanese American college student reconnects with her roots in Tokyo, Japan, while wrestling with feelings of loneliness, depression, and cultural identity confusion"--from the publisher
Meet Our Peer Tutors
Our Peer Tutors are available for any student who would like assistance with homework, papers, or catching up with assignments. These are juniors and seniors who volunteer their time each week to help you become more successful. Every one of them was nominated by one of their 10th grade teachers as someone who could work well with other students while being academically strong themselves. Visit them before school, sign up in Flexi to see one during Contact Time, or meet with one during your study hall. More information can be found here on the Peer Tutoring website.
Year: Senior
Sports: Swimming
Clubs: Civics Games, FLL
Grade: Junior
Clubs: Eco Club, Jazz Band, NHS,
Spanish Honor Society
Grade: Senior
Sports: Cross Country, Baseball, Golf
Clubs: Pay It Forward, NHS, French Club
Grade: Junior
Sports: Gymnastics
Clubs: HOSA, Science Olympiad
Leaders in the Field
In this edition of the newsletter we recognize FFA members of the month:
- Zach Klauer (High School)
- Wynn Shemak (High School)
- Annika Evans (Middle School)
Also being recognized is Mrs. Puntney, FFA Advisor
Bridging Brighter Smiles
For your convenience, here is a separate link to the Bridging Brighter Smiles Enrollment Form.
Census 2025
If you are a Waunakee Community School District resident and have children (birth through 18 years of age) not currently enrolled in our district, we would like to hear from you. The census is different from registration. Do not include currently enrolled WCSD students. The benefit to you is that if you fill out the census, you are in our system and we are able to contact you with information appropriate for the age of your child(ren).
It helps us plan our future enrollment in our district. It also allows us to provide you with information appropriate for your child.
Fill out form here: https://tinyurl.com/2025WCSDCensus
Volunteer Judges Needed
It is once again time to start thinking about DECA Districts at DeForest High School. We are excited to welcome over 900 student competitors on Saturday, January 11, 2025 for an exciting day of career development.
This competitive experience does not occur without your continued support of our student competitors. If you would like to serve as a volunteer judge for the conference, you can register here.
Event Information
7:45-8:15 a.m. - Judge check-in
8:15-9:00 a.m. - Orientation
9:00-9:20 a.m. - Individual event orientation
9:30- noon (approximately) - Conduct mock interviews
Lunch is provided after completing the mock interviews and scoring process. More information and registration can be found on our judge registration page.
Thank you for your consideration and continued support of our students. If you have questions, please reach out to Maggie Biermeier or Sandra Meinholz. Check out our NEW Waunakee DECA webpage for more information about DECA!
Accepting Electric Cord Donations
We are once again joining with Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC) to provide recycling drop off locations at our schools. This recycling drive helps WNC raise a few dollars and also keeps non-renewable, recyclable resources out of the landfill. All proceeds go directly to WNC. Here are the details:
- Starts: December 2, 2024
- Ends: January 31, 2025
- Location: One large purple WNC bin near each school office that will be regularly emptied. Additional bins located at the district office AND Ace Hardware in Waunakee!
- Acceptable Items: Christmas lights, phone chargers, and any electrical cords (leave plugs on). NO charger blocks
Questions? Email jessicanorth@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Student Financial Assistance Fund
The 2024-2025 school year has brought a renewed sense of energy and commitment to our Student Financial Fund Committee and Fund within the Waunakee Community School District.
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s financial situation and ability to pay. Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program, and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
Waunakee Community School District students and families at the 4K-12 levels were supported in several ways from the Student Financial Assistance Fund throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
The Student Financial Assistance Fund is proud to have provided $53,000+ in dollars to support students and families for the 2023-2024 school year. It is our hope that in the future this amount can increase to provide even more support for those in need. We are especially grateful to our community, staff, local partners and businesses, etc. for donating to the Student Financial Assistance Fund to make these requests possible year after year.
Examples include:
AP exam testing fees
Athletic and Booster Club fees
Support and collaboration with Family Teacher Organization (FTO) and school events
Book Fairs at Schools (gifts of $$)
Class and school t-shirts
Co-curricular club fees
Course fees
Field and class trips
Food service assistance
Gift cards (Walmart, Amazon, and Kwik Trip) for basic needs
Memory Books/Yearbooks
Scholarships for graduating seniors
Our goal for 2024-2025 is to provide the same amount + more support to our students and families. With this, we have a goal of $75,000. We invite you to support our campaign this school year.
Donate Online TODAY. Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/families/student-financial-assistance. Checks I Waunakee Community School District, 905 Bethel Circle, Waunakee, WI 53597
We look forward to continuing to support and help additional students and families in the years ahead.
With Appreciation,
WCSD Student Financial Assistance Fund Committee
Jessica Hickey, WHS Social Worker; Steve Summers, Executive Director of Operations; Rose Nadler, WHS Social Worker; Becca Biddick, Prairie School Social Worker; Allie Dye, Director of Business Services; Katie Dotzler, Board of Education Vice-President; Tom Marks, Food Services Director; Dean Kaminski, Prairie Elementary Principal; Deanne Lensert, WHS Associate Principal; Lisa Jondle, Director of Student Services; Danielle Dawson, Heritage Associate Principal; Mona Jean Harley, Intermediate School Social Worker; Jonathon Wild, WMS Social Worker; Kristin Meyer, Heritage Social Worker; Makenzie Lutz, Arboretum Elementary Social Worker; Julie Gengler, District Registrar; Anne Blackburn, Communications and Engagement Specialist.
Link to Classmunity: https://www.classmunity.com/waunakeewi/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2513
Order Your Yearbook Today
Price increases on January 1, 2025
Secure your copy now to guarantee the best price and a spot in the memories of the year. Follow this link for easy ordering and to check if you've already reserved your copy!
Yearbook Pricing Schedule:
- Now - Dec 31, 2024: $60 - All options available!
- Jan 1 - Mar 31, 2025: $70 - All options available!
- Apr 1, 2025 - Close: $80 - Limited availability for add-ons
Order Online Now: Visit www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter school code 3927.
Prefer to pay by cash or check? Email Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
Don’t miss out—order your yearbook today and keep the memories alive!
Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students can access the yearbook. Financial assistance is available—please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 or reach out to a high school social worker for more information. For language assistance, call 608-849-2000, option 2.
Join our #WAUNAKEEWAY team
We're looking for passionate individuals to support:
🎾Boys Tennis (Spring)
⚽ Boys Soccer (Fall)
🎾Girls Tennis (Fall)
🐴Equestrian (Fall)
Make a difference with us!
👉Learn more: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/human-resources/joinourteam
Anne Blackburn | Communications & Engagement Specialist
Waunakee Community School District
(608) 849-2000, ext. 8005 | www.waunakee.k12.wi.us
Final Exam Schedule (January 21-24, 2025)
Community Education
✍🏻ACT Test Prep Class Registration
Registration is open for Community Education’s ACT Test Prep class! Students in this class will learn about tools and strategies for taking the ACT. The class will examine the sections of the test and discuss the strategies and timing needed for each section. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under ACT Test Prep Class. Seating is limited to the first 50 registrants.
Adult Custom Sign Workshop: January 2025
Join us for a two-night hands-on workshop that is perfect for beginners and design enthusiasts alike, no prior experience is necessary. All supplies and materials will be provided, and participants will leave the workshop with completed custom sign projects. Participants must be 18 years old and older. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under Innovation Center Classes. We look forward to seeing you at the WCHS Innovation Center!
Community Events
2025 Assessment Dates
ACT: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Forward Exam: Wed., April 2 & Thurs., April 3 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT Secure: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT Secure: Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
**NOTE: Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days
**NOTE: There is no school on April 18 & 21
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 17-April 25, 2025
AP Exams: May 5 - 16, 2025 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
Click here for detailed course listing
Commitment to Learning
Congratulations to Waunakee Community High School, which was named to the 2024 AP School Gold Honor Roll! The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results and broadening access for students.
Schools can earn the Honor Roll recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing their school’s college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Waunakee Community High School had 70% of seniors who took at least one AP Exam during high school, 57% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP Exam, and 20% of seniors who took five or more AP Exams!
To all our students, teachers, staff, and family members who made this possible, your dedication, hard work, and support did not go unnoticed. On behalf of the Waunakee Community School District, thank you for your commitment to learning.
Snow Day Procedures
Winter is Almost Upon Us
Visit our website for School Closings/Weather Updates
Student Financial Assistance Fund
The Waunakee Community School District Student Financial Assistance Fund (SFAF) ensures ALL students in our school district can participate in district programs and activities, as well as community organized programs and activities.
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s financial situation and ability to pay. Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program, and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
PLEASE CONTACT: Your School Social Worker for more information on these opportunities with the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
Food Services
Taher's goal is to provide high quality, safe and healthy meal options to every student. Students need good nutrition to feed their minds and bodies to enable them to learn during the day.
To view their daily menus, please click on the following link: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Waunakee High School Main Office
Email: waunakeehighschool_schooloffice@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Website: https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us
Location: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee
Phone: (608) 849-2100