Pre Fair Barn Blast

Important Reminders
What is a Barn Blast?
This is how 4-H Extension Staff gets out information out to our livestock families during the Scotts Bluff County Fair! Each night a new barn blast will be released for the events the following day. If you have announcements you think we should include, reply to the Remind text or contact an Extension Staff member.
Fairgrounds Clean Up & Exhibitor Meeting
Livestock 4-H members, families, and volunteers are asked to help clean up the fairgrounds on Thursday, July 25th @ 5:30p.m. We will be cleaning the livestock barn, pavilion, and surrounding areas. Bring your gloves, brooms, rakes, etc., if everyone helps the clean up and set up should not take more than an hour. An Exhibitor Meeting be at 6:00p.m. in the Pavilion.
The second Small Animal Schoolhouse cleanup is happening July 14 @ 3:00p.m.
Static Barn Clean Up/Set Up
2024 Livestock Sale Letter
Attached is the Sale Letter for 2024, this includes the letter that can be send out to potential buyers as well as information on processors.
4-H Show Attire
**ONE shirt will be provided by Scotts Bluff County Ag Society and youth will be exhibiting in these shirts during shows.**
Visit this website to purchase extra Scotts Bluff County Fair t-shirts.
DAIRY: You are required to wear a white shirt, white pants, and closed toed boots or shoes.
For questions please call the Fair Office at 623-1823 or the 4-H Extension Office at 632-1480.
- DO NOT tape anything under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES to the stalls. Tape will rip off and remove paint, please use zip ties or cords to attach signs to stalls.
- REMOVE ALL zip ties and/or cords from your stall upon RELEASE on Sunday.
Weigh-In Reminders & Information
Don't forget to bring your Drug Affidavit to the scale with your animal. You will not be allowed to weigh-in without your Drug Affidavit. Each child should fill out a form for all of their market animals. If you have more than one animal, bring the drug affidavit to the first weigh-in and we will have it at weigh-in for other species. Forms can be found here:
Weight Requirements for Market Animals
The MINIMUM WEIGHT requirement that MUST BE MET TO show at the Scotts Bluff County Fair is set by average industry market animal standards, NOT Superintendents OR Extension Staff. To be eligible to show in the market divisions, your animal MUST weigh at the specified minimums. Once your animal crosses the official show scale, the weight recorded is final. There are test scales located around the livestock barn so families are STRONGLY encouraged to utilize these scales, BEFORE crossing the official show scale. RE-WEIGHS ARE NOT ALLOWED. The minimum requirements are as follows:
Market Heifers -1,050 lbs
Market Steers -1,150 lbs
Market Lambs -100 lbs
Market Swine - 230 lbs
Market Meat Goats - 50 lbs
Market Dairy Goats - 30 lbs
What if my animal does not meet the minimum weight requirements?
Underweight animals in showmanship are only allowed if this is your only animal project in that organization (FFA/4-H) and species. These approved animals are only kept on the fairgrounds until immediately after the showmanship class. Example A: A member has a 4-H breeding sheep and a 4-H market sheep that does not make weight and no other animals. Example B: A member has a 4-H breeding sheep and market swine that does not make weight and no other animals. In both examples, the breeding sheep will be the animal they show in showmanship. The underweight animals will not be permitted to remain on the fairgrounds.
Can my animal weight too much?
Beef – 1500 lbs
Swine – 300 lbs
Goats – 120 lbs
Important General Livestock Rules
- No animals allowed on the fairgrounds prior to ONE day before weigh-in at the county fair (Saturday)
- Advertisements with company name and information will not be allowed on pens or handed out.
- The stalls, pens and exhibition places must be cleaned before 9:00 a.m. each day and all refuse matters disposed of as the Superintendent of the division may direct.
- If any animal is found to be affected with an infectious, contagious, or otherwise transmittable disease, or is suspected of being so affected, it will be removed immediately to a place of quarantine as ordered by a licensed veterinarian. A veterinarian will be at all livestock weigh-ins.
- Any animal deemed as dangerous to others or the fairgrounds will be REMOVED at the discretion of the superintendents of the division.
- All livestock may be tested for illegal residues. The exhibitor will stand the loss if any illegal residue is found in the carcass.
Animal Grooming Reminders
- 4-H members are encouraged to wash, groom and fit their project animals by themselves, but other CURRENT Scotts Bluff Co. 4-H members, and leaders are permitted to help when needed along with the exhibitor actively participating.
- The management disapproves of any animal or animals that have been subject to artificial preparation for competition and has the right to take action. An animal(s) that is tampered with by unusual means to change appearance or weight will be declared ineligible for competition by show management (Livestock Committee, FFA Advisors and Extension Staff).
- Tranquilizers can only be used when prescribed by a veterinarian as an extra label drug. The reason for use, date of use, and withdrawal information should appear on exhibitors’ health paper. ANY such animal CANNOT be used in showmanship.
- ANY ANIMAL entered in youth livestock classes at the Scotts Bluff County Fair is subject to urine, blood and/or tissue testing at the discretion of the superintendents, official show veterinarian, or show management (Livestock Committee, FFA Advisors and Extension Staff).
- IF the results of testing indicate the use of compounds or drugs used outside the specified withdrawal requirements of the FDA, or compounds or drugs not approved for use in that species by the FDA, unless prescribed by a licensed veterinarian, these animals will be declared ineligible for competition and awards. Animals and exhibitors in violation will forfeit award and sale premiums.
- Show management reserves the right to suspend violators for five years from the Scotts Bluff County Fair.
Ringworm, Warts, Abscesses, and Open Wounds Policy
Animals that have active ringworm, visible warts, or abscesses, will NOT be allowed entry into the Scotts Bluff County Fair, and will NOT be allowed to remain on the premises. The inspecting veterinarian may judge the ringworm to be inactive if the lesion is not encrusted, and hair has begun regrowth in the area, and is so stated on a letter/health certificate from the inspecting veterinarian. Animals with warts that are visible by a hands off inspection will NOT be allowed to exhibit and will NOT be allowed to remain on the premises. Animals that have visible abscesses will NOT be allowed to exhibit and will NOT be allowed to remain on the premises. Animals that have visible signs of open wounds that do not appear to be healing will NOT be allowed to exhibit and will NOT be allowed to remain on the premises. Animals that are injured or lame upon check in/weigh in, will NOT be permitted to exhibit, and will NOT be allowed to remain on the premises. The Superintendents reserve the right to have animal(s) remain on the trailer until a veterinarian arrives to examine said animal(s). The Superintendents reserve the right to have an animal removed from the fairgrounds if said animal is determined to be a safety or health risk to the public, exhibitors, other animals, or itself. If said animal is dismissed because of a health risk, it shall be supported by a veterinarian opinion. Please refer to general health requirements for additional information on dismissal or livestock because of health reasons.
Protest Policy
All rules laid down by the 4-H Council and Ag Society must be strictly adhered to. Exception will be made only when respectfully presented to a Protest Committee, made up of the Superintendent(s) of the division involved, and the 4-H Council President. The following outline should be followed when presenting a complaint:
1. Names of persons involved
2. Nature of concerns, exact time and date of occurrence
3. Situation and documentation of concern
4. Recommendation for corrective action or constructive problem resolution
5. Specification, rule, etc... in question
6. Additional persons the committee may contact for further clarification
- The committee will review the written protest. They may discuss the solution with affected persons and show officials to include fair management if appropriate. The recommendations will be followed and communicated both verbally and in writing to the group or individual affected.
- In cases of protest, the exhibitor may be allowed to show, but results of showing will be subject to change based on the outcome of the protest process. This allows for smooth operation of the show and facilitates appropriate processing.
- The management reserves the right to withhold premiums and/or awards. The exhibitor may be excluded from the show if action warrants.
- Protests will NOT be accepted after a 24 hour period from the time of the occurrence. Protests related to judges' integrity, decisions, placings, or other evaluations will NOT be accepted.
Do I need to clean my animal's pen every day?
Yes, you need to clean your animal's pens and alley ways as they get dirty! We want to make a good impression on the public and it is the best thing for your animal. You will also be responsible for dumping your trash can. All trash sacks go in the orange corral on the west side of the Livestock Barn. NO TRASH IN THE SHAVING DUMPSTER!
Can I take my market animal home after I show?
No, market livestock MUST stay the entire week of the fair until check-out time on Sunday, August 4 at 7 am. It is important that we have the animals on display for the public throughout the fair. If an exhibitor takes any market animal home before checkout on Sunday, they will not receive their sale check. Exceptions to this include sick animals excused by superintendents and barn bosses and animals leaving after the sale on official buyback trucks.
Stall Bedding
You are responsible for providing your own shavings the entire week of fair, no shavings will be provided this year
FFA Market/Breeding Show Reminders
- All general livestock rules will be the same as 4-H, unless otherwise stated in the fair book.
- Exhibitors will wear their county fair issued FFA t-shirt.
4-H Code of Conduct
This is a friendly reminder that all Youth, Parents, and Volunteers all signed the 4-H Code of Conduct when they enrolled. Our Expectation is that everyone follows these rules, as they will be enforced in their entirety. Please review these below.
Livestock Superintendents
The Scotts Bluff County Fair is a great experience because we have awesome members, families, and volunteers all working together. Remember, 4-H is about learning and having fun! A huge “Thank You” goes out to our 4-H Animal Superintendents. These are the folks that have been thinking about fair all year and how to make it better. If you have a question they are a great place to start. These volunteers can be identified with green lanyard name tags.
Head Barn Boss: Ty Marker
Sheep: Doug Hubbard
Meat Goat: Jennie Wyckoff
Swine: Kerry Marker
Beef: Chip Huckfeldt
Dairy Goat: Patty Pittman
Rabbit/Poultry: Becky Ulrich & Jennifer Splichal
Horse Superintendents
Head Superintendent: Craig Schadwinkel
Superintendent: Juanita Baker
Superintendent: Gwyn Cooper
Static Superintendent
Static Head: Laurie Zitterkopf
Sale Committee
Head: Kate Schmer
What if I have questions during Fair Week?
During Fair week all of our Extension staff are at the fair! We have an onsite 4-H Office located on the south side of the Livestock Pavilion. Look for the 4-H Clover. We are also at all the shows. If you can't find one of us, contact us through the Remind 101 system. Text @sbc4hani2 to 81010.
Scotts Bluff County Extension Staff
4-H Educator: Nathan Rice
4-H Extension Associate: Audra Brown
Early Childhood Extension Educator: Jackie Guzman
Horticulture, Landscape & Environmental Systems Extension Educator: Emily Stine
Water & Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator: Gary Stone
Administrative Assistant: Stacy Brown
Office Assistant/Receptionist: Courtney Larson