High Lites May 31, 2024
A Message from Perkiomen Valley High School
HS News
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As this school year draws to a close, I'm amazed at how quickly time has passed. In my case, the past 19 years seem to have flown by in an instant. As many of you already know, I have decided to retire, with my last day being in July. While I look forward to the next chapter, leaving the district is a mix of excitement and nostalgia.
Looking back on my journey, I vividly recall joining PV in 2005 as the Red House Principal. Back then, our high school had just unveiled its new Science and Technology wing. We had around 1,400 students and a faculty of approximately 100 teachers. Since then, we've seen remarkable growth in numerous aspects. Our academic offerings have expanded, our students consistently excel on AP, SAT, and state assessments, and our co-curricular and athletic programs have flourished.
Being part of this community and witnessing our collective progress has been a privilege. I extend my best wishes to the PV community for the road ahead.
Currently, the district is in the process of interviewing candidates for the lead principal position. Additionally, there are upcoming administrative changes at the high school level starting in July. Mr. Ryan Marsh will be transitioning to Evergreen as the principal, Dr. Amy Sacks will join the high school team as the Blue House Principal, and Mrs. Sharon Franciosa will join as an Assistant Principal. I am eager to see the impact they will have on PVHS. Please join me in welcoming our new administrators to the high school.
Warm regards,
Cyndi Moss
Commencement Information
Senior parents, please refer to the Complete Guide to PVHS Graduation 2024 document to find out all things Graduation. I am closely watching the weather for June 7th. A little rain does not concern me, but thunderstorms do. I am hoping the forecast will be favorable for an outdoor ceremony however if we have to move the ceremony inside I will make the decision no later than noon on June 7th. If we need to move the ceremony indoors that information will be communicated via the website and via our mass communication source. Please refer to the Complete Guide to PVHS Graduation 2024 for more information regarding ticketing for the ceremony as well as other pertinent information.
Commencement Livestream
Chromebook Return Class of 2024
Seniors can return their chromebook and charger to the Genius Lab during school hours. in order to receive the cap and gown after graduation practice on June 5th we ask that all materials be returned by 3pm on June 3rd. If seniors have a debt after this time their cap and gown distribution will be delayed.
Underclass Final Exams
Any student who is absent from a final exam, for any reason, must make arrangements to make up the exam (after the initial exam) within two weeks. Please reach out to Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Prettyman if any exams will need to be made up after the last day of school.
Finals will not be administered prior to the scheduled dates.
Educational trips will not be approved during final exams.
All A.M. Vo-Tech students who arrive on the bus in the morning should report to the CAFETERIA upon arrival and remain in the CAFETERIA for study hall during the first exam (7:50 - 9:43) on June 7th, 10th and 11th.
The last day for Vo-Tech students is June 6th.
On June 7th, 10th and 11th, students should report directly to their final exam classroom at 7:50.
Thursday, June 6th - “E” Day
Regular Schedule for Periods 1 - 8
Period 9 Exam: 12:48 - 2:30
Friday, June 7th - “F” Day
Period 1 Exam: 7:50 - 9:36
Period 6/7, 7/8 Exam: 9:44 - 11:30
Monday, June 10th - “A” Day
Period 2 Exam: 7:50 - 9:36
Period 10 Exam: 9:44 - 11:30
Tuesday, June 11th - “B” Day
Period 3 Exam: 7:50 - 9:36
Period 4/5, 5/6 Exam: 9:44 - 11:30
Educational Trips (Board Policy 204)
Upon receipt of a written request from the parents of the students involved, students may be excused from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or a trip during the school term at the expense of the parents.
An Educational Trip Request form must be submitted to the Principal five (5) days prior to the student’s departure. Approval for such trips is limited to five (5) school days per year. Additional days will be classified as unexcused and be subject to legal attendance regulations. A signature of the parent(s)/ guardian(s) must accompany the application.
Every effort should be made to avoid proposing trips during final examinations and the State testing dates for students in participating grades and/or courses as such absences cannot be recorded as excused. Please see the testing schedules for PSSA and Keystone Exams included in this handbook. Non-school educational trips are not recommended for students in academic difficulty or with excessive absences and will not be approved.
The five (5) days will be recorded absences and fall within the attendance policy. It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her/their teacher to make arrangements to make up for work missed during an educational trip. For additional information, contact your school principal. Students attending a college visit must complete an Educational Trip Form and return it to the attendance office with proof of the college visit.
Senior Trip Class of 2025
Parents and Guardians of the members of the Class of 2025 and Students: Please refer to the Class of 2025 Senior Trip page for information regarding the Disney trip which is running February 28 - March 4, 2025. All information can be found here: https://sites.google.com/pvsd.org/2025vikings/senior-trip
Remember, to be considered registered, the following steps must be completed by June 7, 2024:
1. $200 DEPOSIT- Must be paid via cash or check (Made payable to PVHS) and turned in to Ms. Behl (room 129) or the main office
2. TRAVELING STUDENTS MUST Join Google Classroom! Code: yjk2alk
3. Complete the “Class Trip Registration” Google Form assignment on Google Classroom.
4. Complete and turn in the SIGNED CONTRACT (last page of the packet or on Google Classroom) to Ms. Behl (room 129) or the main office
First Payment (non-refundable): $200 per seat is due by Friday, June 7th, 2024
Second Payment: $375.00 on or before Thursday, August 29th, 2024
Third Payment $375.00 on or before Friday, September 27th, 2024
Fourth Payment: $375.00 on or before Friday, October 25th, 2024
Final Payment: $365.00 on or before Friday, November 22nd, 2024
*First Payment must be made by cash or check (Made payable to PVHS) and turned in to Ms. Behl (129) or the Main Office secure drop box just outside the main office.
**Please make sure all payments are in an envelope marked with your Student’s Name
***All other payments can be made online in the fee portal, or by cash or check.
****Payments must be received BY their Due Date!
Parking Permits 24-25
Information regarding parking permits as well as the application for the 24-25 will be posted in the website in June. Students must have a valid license in order to apply.
Pathways to Graduation
Important Dates
May 31- June 4 Senior Finals
June 5 - MANDATORY Graduation Practice 10am
June 6- Senior Walk and Senior Picnic
June 7 Commencement 7pm
Counseling and Career Corner
Our students can submit an anonymous tip through the Safe2Say Program. Tips are typically related to a variety of challenges our students experience or witness, such as bullying, harassment, disrespectful language, safety concerns, etc. When a tip is received, the State (who runs Safe2Say) immediately follows up with building administrators
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Did you know that the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?
When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.
The previous Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) will always remain available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis.
Senior Exam Schedule
Exams are scheduled for Thursday, May 30, Friday, May 31, Monday, June3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024.
Exams will take place in the auxiliary gym.
Seniors are to enter and leave school through the gym lobby
Seniors will be given assigned seats when they enter the gym, based on teacher and course.
Seniors must arrive no later than 7:55 for the first test each day, and 9:45 for the second test each day. If a student is not present when the exam begins, they must reschedule.
All textbooks should already be handed in
If a student is removed from the testing area for inappropriate conduct, they are risking participation in graduation exercises
Seniors who finish an exam early may turn the exam into a proctor. Seniors may then go home, or wait in the gym lobby for the next test to begin
There are 15 minute breaks scheduled between exams. Seniors are not permitted to go elsewhere in the building for any reason.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Test I 8:00-9:30 Math
9:30-9:45 Break
Test II 9:45-11:15 English
Friday, May 31, 2024
Test I 8:00-9:30 Science9:30-9:45 Break
Test II 9:45-11:15 World Lang, health, Art
*Any student who needs to take both health and world language/Art will take health in make-up sessions.
Monday June 3, 2024
Test I 8:00 -9:30 Electives I (Music, Business)
9:30-9:45 Break
Test II 9:45 - 11:15 Electives II (Tech ed, Social Studies, Make-ups)
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Test I 8:00 -9:30 Electives I (Music, Business)
9:30-9:45 Break
Test II 9:45 - 11:15 Electives II (Tech ed, Social Studies, Make-ups)
Seniors can save some or all of their Google Drive files and emails to take with them when they graduate. If needed, they can read through this information about using Google Transfer or Google Takeout. Please note, their PV account will be disabled and will no longer be accessible after July 15, 2024.
Senior Dates- UPDATED
Perkiomen Valley High School
Email: cmoss@pvsd.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/pvsd.org/perkiomen-valley-high-school/
Location: 509 Gravel Pike, Collegeville, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 489-1230
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PerkValleyHS/
Twitter: @PerkValleyHS