The Hawk Herald
January 2025
Message from Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
We would like to wish our Mill Hill families and staff a very healthy and prosperous New Year. We can't thank you all enough for your out pouring of support and generosity with our PJ Day, Annual Gift Card Drive, Toy Drive and Resale donations. We hope you found time to relax and unwind during our holiday break. The start of a new year brings with it a sense of renewed hope, fresh beginnings, and exciting opportunities. Here at Mill Hill, we are committed to fostering a safe, nurturing, and inspiring environment where your child can thrive both academically and personally.
We believe that education is a collaborative effort between school and home, and your involvement and support play a crucial role in your child's success. Together, let's continue to encourage curiosity, kindness, and a love for learning in our Hawks.
Our NWEA winter assessments will take place from January 6th to January 17th, with a designated time for make-up sessions during this period. The assessments will focus on the following areas and grade levels: K-5 Math, and Grades 4-5 Reading and Language Usage. For our K-3 students, the Acadience Reading assessment will be conducted from January 15th to January 29th. This data will help us set new academic goals for small group instruction to better support our Hawks. We appreciate your continued support in ensuring your child is present and well-rested each day.
To kick off the new year, we will dedicate time on January 2nd and 3rd for a SOAR refresher. During this time, students will visit different areas of the school to review the expectations of how we SOAR. A video slideshow is provided below for your reference. Thank you for your continued support of our Hawks!
Here's to a fantastic year ahead filled with learning, laughter, and boundless possibilities!
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
Tap the image below to view our SOARing Expectations
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 1st
- New Year's Day - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, January 2nd
- School resumes
Saturday, January4th - National Spaghetti Day
Sunday, January 5th - Tuesday, January 7th
- Above and Beyond Winter Preview
Monday, January 6th - Friday, January 10th
- Eat a Rainbow - Start the new year off healthy by eating a different colored healthy snack each day...see chart below
Wednesday, January 8th
- Talent Show Registration Opens
- Above and Beyond Winter Registration begins @ 8pm (through January 12th)
Friday, January 10th
- Student Leaders to attend the CAS Elementary Leadership Conference @ Housatonic CC (snow date is January 13th)
Tuesday, January 14th
- 4th Grade Field Trip to Discovery Museum
- Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
Wednesday, January 15th
- SOAR Ambassador Meeting @ 8:15am
Thursday, January 16th
- Town Meeting
Monday, January 20th
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
- Inauguration Day
- Kindergarten Field Trip to the Downtown Cabaret
- Spirit Day - Hat Day - Have Fun wearing a silly hat, sports hat or be creative and make one.
Monday, January 27th - National Chocolate Cake Day
Wednesday, January 29th
- SOAR Ambassador Meeting @ 8:15am
- National Puzzle Day
- Winter Concert @ 6pm for 4th Grade Orchestra
- Winter Concert @ 7:15pm for 5th Grade Orchestra and Chorus
- School Spirit Day - Sport your Hawk gear!
- High Touch High Tech opportunity for 5th Grade
Join us the Week of January 6th-10th
Home-School Math Fact Fluency Resources
Here are some home-school connections to reinforce math facts.
Addition Fact Guides
Addition Math Fact Progression Using Strategies
Subtraction Fact Guides
Subtraction Math Fact Progression Using Strategies
Multiplication Fact Guides
Multiplication Math Fact Progression Using Strategies
Division Fact Guides
Division Math Fact Progression Using Strategies
- Bridges At-Home: https://mathathome.mathlearningcenter.org/. Parents can select their child's grade-level to access activities aligned with our math curriculum.
- https://www.ck12.org/student - AI for math students. Students can ask questions about how to solve math problems, math vocabulary, etc.
- CK-12 can also generate practice problems for students.
- IXL - Grades 3-5
Winter Above & Beyond Update
The Above & Beyond Committee has been diligently preparing another round of amazing opportunities for our Hawks, which will run the week of Jan 20 through Feb (or early Mar, depending on school closures). More information about registration will be shared shortly.
Registration for Winter '25 Above & Beyond classes will begin Wednesday, 1/8 at 8PM. This session includes a wide variety of offerings - cooking, art, team sports, dance, coding and more - and classes will run from 1/22 through 3/10. A full preview with class and registration details will be announced in the coming days.
We understand that everyone's financial situation differs. We would like all of our Hawks to have the same opportunities to participate in our afterschool programs. If your families needs financial support, there is a link on the Above & Beyond page on the PTA site (see below).
Scholarships There is scholarship assistance available to qualifying students.
Please email mhsptapresident@gmail.com with a copy to millhill.activities@gmail.com with your request. Or if you prefer, you can reach out to Rachel Soares, the school social worker at Mill Hill. Her email address is rsoares@fairfieldschools.org .
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we honor the legacy of a remarkable leader whose tireless dedication to justice and equality continues to inspire generations worldwide. Dr. King's unwavering commitment to civil rights and nonviolent activism played a pivotal role in shaping our nation's history. His vision of a world built on fairness, unity, and understanding remains a beacon of hope, reminding us of the importance of compassion and inclusivity.
Together, let's honor Dr. King's enduring legacy by fostering a community where diversity is celebrated, and each individual is valued. Let's continue to inspire our children to become compassionate leaders who champion equality and justice for a better, more harmonious world.
Digital Wellness
January 27th at 6:30 pm: Join the child psychologists from Sasco River Center to hear about the Impacts of Technology and Social Media on Tweens and Teens. Register here for this event, hosted at the Fairfield Woods Branch Library.
From the Health Office
As the cold and flu season continues, please reinforce the importance of good hygiene with your children. Hand washing is the most important factor in preventing the spread of cold and flu viruses. When your child is home ill, please call the attendance line and indicate what the illness is. School Nurses are required to report monthly tallies of Communicable Diseases to the Health Department. Communicable Diseases which are reported are: Strep Throat, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Fifth Disease, Lyme Disease, Influenza (flu), Gastrointestinal Virus, Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis, Head Lice, Ringworm, Molluscum Contagiosum, Croup, Impetigo, and Coxachie Virus.
We also encourage the flu shot for all students and staff.
Children SHOULD NOT return to school until they have been FEVER FREE for 24 hours. (A child who is still sick may not have a fever first thing in the Morning, however, our body temperature rises as the day progresses so a child may still develop a fever later in the day) **Also, medications that reduce fevers i.e. Tylenol and Motrin, DO NOT make your child less contagious and your child SHOULD NOT come to school just because the medication has reduced their fever.
If your child is ill, has had surgery, or has an injury requiring a cast or splint, a note from your health care provider is required to excuse your child from P.E.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s health or need to update us on changes in your child’s medical status, please contact the Nursing Office.
Thank you!!
Liz Lundregan RN
Mary McCarthy, R.N.
School Nurses
Mill Hill Spirit Store is LIVE!
Mill Hill Spirit Days!
Follow us on Instagram
Would you like to Volunteer in the Library?
One hour shifts are available to assist Mrs. Han and Mrs. Gori-Montanelli with student book checkout and shelving. Volunteers may also help with other tasks as needed such as de-milling books that are no longer used and the LLC bulletin board.
2024-2025 LLC Volunteer Sign Up!
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on Sign-up: https://signup.com/go/WcdfYVr
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on Sign-up)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - Sign-up will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: Sign-up does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
or sign up with the QR code provided below
Please sign up!
Scan this code with your smartphone camera now:
Calling Volunteers for the Art Room! 🎨
We are looking for helping hands to assist with art preparation for grades K-5. Your support will involve tasks such as:
- Cutting and prepping materials for projects
- Labeling and mounting student artwork
- Measuring and cutting borders and applying large format vinyl paper to bulletin boards
- Hanging artwork on bulletin boards
- Assisting with preparations for our End of Year Art Show (May)
Some tasks may include typing out student labels, preparing materials in bulk or hanging displays on bulletin boards. Whether you can spare 30 minutes, an hour, or a few days, your help is greatly appreciated!
If you're interested, please sign up by Art Committee Volunteers or contact Heather Nokta hnokta@fairfieldschools.org
Quick Links
School Hours
School Hours: 8:55 AM - 3:30 PM
(Student drop-off 8:45am-8:55am)
Early Dismissals:
Delayed Openings:
10:55 AM - 3:30 PM
School Contact Information
Amy Yost ~ Principal
Amy Yost, Principal - ayost@fairfieldschools.org
Rebecca Feola, Assistant Principal - rfeola@fairfieldschools.org
Ashley Prosniewski, Secretary - aprosniewski@fairfieldschools.org
Elizabeth Miller, Office Assistant AM - emiller@fairfieldschools.org
Lisa Brown, Office Assistant PM - lbrown@fairfieldschools.org
District Website: Fairfield Public Schools District Website
Mill Hill's Website: Mill Hill Elementary School Website
Mill Hill’s PTA Website Mill Hill School PTA Website
Location: 635 Mill Hill Terrace, Southport, CT 06890
Phone: 203.255.8320