MES Weekly Scoop
It's A Great Day to Be A Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
Principal's Note
October 14th - 18th
Dear Students, Staff, and Families,
As our focus remains on creating a positive and safe learning environment where every student feels respected, valued, and encouraged to grow, I want to emphasize on our commitment of reinforcing our CHAMPS expectations and celebrating students who exemplify readiness, responsibility, and respectfulness. This display of character goes beyond just the school hours. Our goal is for our students to portray these traits always; whether that is respect towards other adults they encounter or property within our community. Teaching our students to respect others or things is something that we proactively model and count on the partnership with parents and familities to instill this in our youth.
Let's keep up the momentum with a successful school year and make October a month of learning, kindness, and success!
Mrs. Janine Doebele
Marysville Elementary Principal
2nd grade Classroom Highlights π·β
This week, I had the opportunity to visit our 2nd grade classrooms and observe while students are engrossed in their phonics instruction. At MES, our core phonics program is called Pathways to Reading. Pathways to Reading was adopted by the district in 2020 and is used in our Kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms and is a structured literacy approach designed to teach foundational reading skills to our early elementary students. It emphasizes systematic and explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, and decoding skills. This program is grounded in the science of reading, focusing on how children learn to read through direct instruction that is structured, sequential, and multisensory.
PTR is broken down into these main components: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics Instruction, Word Work, Reading Practice, and Multisensory Activities.
Overall, PTR is designed to build a strong foundation in reading by systematically developing students' phonemic awareness, decoding, and word recognition skills through a consistent and engaging approach.
See below as our 2nd grade students are participating in these activities in their classrooms!
Marysville Elementary PTO-Open for All Parents to Join!
We have a wonderful PTO organization here at MES! If you'd like to be apart of the PTO, please reach out to Mary Feldhausen or Megan Smith. They host monthly meetings that keep parents informs of different events and ways to support the school.
Dads at the Door was a great success!!
This is planned for every other Tuesday morning starting at 7:30 AM. The next date will be on October 22nd.
Fire Prevention Week!
All of our preschool through 6th grade students were able to participate in Fire Prevention this past week. A huge thanks to David Bruna and the volunteer fire department in Marysville for providing this wonderful education to our youth. I loved seeing all the littles walking out of the building on Monday and Tuesday with their fire hats!
Important HANDBOOK Policy Updates
24/25 MES Parent Handbook
Please review the revised 24/25 MES Parent Handbook
1) School Start/End Times are NEW this year!
- School Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
- Morning Preschool Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Arrival time 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM)
- Afternoon Preschool Hours: 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM (Arrival time 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM)
2) Please Be Advised
Please refrain from dropping your child(ren) off or having them walk to school before 7:30 AM. There is not an adult on supervision until 7:30 and this is a safety concern if they are out there without supervision.
3) Visitors
We want parents and families to feel welcome at Marysville Elementary, but your childrenβs safety is our top priority and does not interfere with classroom instruction (See BOE Policy KM). Please follow the guidelines below when visiting MES:
If you are needing to meet with the building principal please call ahead and schedule an appointment to ensure they are available to meet with you.
If you are needing to meet with your studentβs teacher please contact them, or our office.
If you are dropping off student materials or belongings, please come to the front door of the school and ring the bell. The office staff will either grant you access into the building where you will need to check in with them in the main office, or they will have you leave items in the vestibule.
If you are entering the building for a special event, please go to the office to check in and receive a visitor pass before going to your designated area.
If you plan to eat a school lunch with your child for a special occasion or by invitation from the school, please order through the school office before 8:30am on the day you plan to eat with your child. If you are bringing outside food in, please let your studentβs teacher know your plans to visit and that your child will be bringing lunch from home that day. See attached food and drink policy prior to bringing an outside lunch into the building. Please refrain from bringing in non-food items (i.e. toys).
Please do not park in the BUS LANE if your visit will be longer than 5 minutes. There is parking on the other side of the concrete wall that visitors are welcome to park.
4) Student Health
School Wellness Policy
A local school wellness policy guides a school districtβs efforts to establish a school environment that promotes health, well-being, and the ability to learn. Marysville Elementary School supports healthy eating habits and physical activity. (See BOE Policy JGCA).
Health Room
A child must stay home if they have a fever of 100 degrees, have been vomiting, have diarrhea, or have symptoms that would keep them from participating in school.
MES follows the 12 and 24 hour rule. Children must be fever free for 24 hours without medication. Children should stay home for 12 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhea. If a child is prescribed antibiotics they need to stay home 24 hours after the first dose.
Our nurse can distribute medication. Medication must be kept in the nurseβs office, be in the original labeled container, and an authorization from the prescribing care provider/physician must be presented each new school year for all medications. Written requests from the physician or dentist AND parent/guardian should accompany all medication to be administered. All βover the counterβ drugs such as aspirin, Tylenol, and cough medicine, etc. will require a written form signed by the parent/guardian. Inhalers and cough drops may be kept in studentsβ book bags. Emergency medications for life-threatening allergic conditions may also be carried by the student with the appropriate documentation from the physician and parent/guardian. Please communicate with the school nurse or elementary office before sending medication to school for your student. (See BOE Policy JGFGB).
If your student has an allergy please let the nurse know and she will provide a form to be signed by your studentβs medical provider.
Student Accident/Injury
In the case of an accident during school, the studentβs parent or guardian shall be notified. If the accident is of a serious enough nature to demand immediate medical treatment, the local rescue unit will be notified as well as the parent/guardian. If we cannot reach the parent/guardian, we will notify the person listed on your childβs emergency contact. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP THE OFFICE INFORMED OF ANY CHANGE OF EMPLOYMENT AND WORK PHONE NUMBERS OR WORK HOURS. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO KEEP US UP TO DATE WITH PEOPLE TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY WHEN THE PARENT/GUARDIAN CANNOT BE REACHED. (See BOE Policy JGFG).
Communicable Disease and Contagious Condition Regulations and Guidelines
Head Lice: Per Kansas Department of Health and Environmentβs recommendations, Marysville Elementary does not routinely exclude students for head lice. When a student has been found with live lice, parents/guardians will be contacted and advised to treat the student after the school day is completed. If the presence of lice and/or nits appears to be an impediment of the studentβs ability to learn, administration may request for the student to be picked up from school early. Students may return once appropriate treatment has taken place. You will be contacted by our Family Advocate with resources and support for treatment. The student will be checked for live lice the morning following the initial discovery, and if live lice are still present after treatment, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the student will be sent home.
Other Communicable Diseases and Contagious Conditions: Marysville Elementary will follow recommendations from Marshall County Health Department and/or the Kansas Department of Health and Environment regarding a student returning to school following onset of symptoms and/or diagnosis. (see BOE Policy JGCC)
District policy and state guidelines read "students who are not completely immunized (within 30 calendar days after admission to school) and who have not previously claimed religious exemption, will be excluded from school until such time that they complete the series or provide a medically approved exemption or postponement." If your child cannot receive immunizations for medical or religious reasons, a new medical exemption form must be completed yearly.
Not all physiciansβ offices carry all immunization vaccines, so it is advisable to check prior to going. The Marshall County Health Department is open for immunizations and is now located at 600 Broadway in Marysville. Be advised that parental signatures are needed in order for a student to receive immunizations.
Marshall County Health Department hours are:
MβT-TH 7:30 AM β 5:00 PM; Wed 7:30 AM -6:30 PM; Fri. CLOSED.
Phone number is 785-562-3485.
Please see that your child obtains the necessary immunizations, and return proof of receiving the needed immunizations to the school nurse. Contact Kathy Huerter, School Nurse (phone 562-3641) or the school office where your child attends if you have questions. (See BOE Policy JGCB).
Health Assessment
This is a requirement for all children ages 8 and under who are entering a Kansas school for the first time. The assessment may be completed by appointment at the office of your care provider or at the Marshall County Health Department. Health Assessment Forms are available in your childβs enrollment packs or at your schoolβs office. Please take the form with you at the time of the appointment. The district policy allows 90 days from enrollment to complete this.
If your child has had a physical done within the last year, we can use a copy of that physical (this includes KanBeHealthy screenings). If your child has been seen by a physician recently for a well-child check, some offices will go ahead and complete the form. This varies greatly from one doctorβs office to another. It is the parentβs responsibility to obtain copies of previous physicals to provide to the school if this applies to your child.
Once the health assessment is on file for your child, he/she does not need to repeat this requirement when they enter kindergarten.
If your child has already completed the requested requirements, please contact the Health Room at Marysville Elementary School so student records may be updated. Contact Kathy Huerter, School Nurse (phone 785-562-3641) or the school office where your child attends if you have questions. (See BOE Policy JGCD).
October 14-18 Breakfast and Lunch Menus
October Calendar of Events! πππ»
Save at School has started! Save at School is a great program that encourages good savings habits at an early age. Save at School is every Tues. morning at MES at 7:35 am - 7:55 am.
Early Childhood Screenings Are Coming Soon!
6th Grade STUCO-Fundraiser Event!
6th grade Student Council (Jaycee King, Addie Koch, Corbin Roech, Lizzy Swearingen, Isaiah Wright, and Molly Johnson) have organized a Supply Drive for PEPC. This drive will be the week of Oct. 14th-17th. The classroom (K-2 and 3-6) that has the most donated items will get a prize! Let's help support a great local organization!
Order Yearbooks Today!
Order your 2024/2025 Yearbook! All sales are online. Students will be bringing home a flyer next week. We will be continuing to advertise these through the school year. Deadline is June 1st.
~October Is Bullying Prevention Month~
October is National Sensory Awareness Month
How to support individuals with sensory needs
People exhibit eight areas of sensory needs: proprioception, vestibular, visual, olfactory, tactile, auditory, oral, and interoceptive. Everyone has an area that they seek more than others. I am a tactile seeker. When I am out shopping I feel the clothing as I walk by and pick items up. In the classroom I fidget with a pen. You may have oral sensory needs and fill those naturally by chewing gum throughout the day and drinking out of straws. Our students have sensory needs too and donβt always know the best way to fulfill those needs. If your child craves fast and intense movement, or appears overactive, their body is seeking vestibular input. In the Student Support Center we can help students fulfill that need in a safe and productive way by spinning on a swing, using an exercise trampoline, or utilizing balance boards. These students can also use the monkeybars on the playground or hang upside down at recess to help fill this need. In the classroom, teachers can use a dance brain break to help these students. If your child presses down on hard surfaces, plays roughly, shakes their feet, or appears clumsy they may benefit from proprioception activities. The Student Support Center has rollers, weighted lap pads, sensory walks, a bridge, and other tools to support their deep pressure needs. Everything in the Student Support Center serves a purpose and we have a menu of options for all eight sensory areas from lessons on mindfulness and emotions to essential oils, and the gross motor movement opportunities described, we are here to support all students to be more successful in the classroom.
Bulldog Skill of the Week
Displaying Effort
We follow the three R's in our building.
Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
AND Be Safe
Our Bulldog Skill of the Week for October 14th-18th- Displaying Effort
The Second Step Skill of the Week is focused on Emotion Management