CSSE Summer Update
July 14, 2023
Important Dates
Aug. 8th - Meet the Teacher - 3:00-5:30pm
Aug. 8th - CSSE Spirit Night @ Chicken N Pickle from 6-8pm - 8400 N Oklahoma Ave
Aug. 10th - First Day of School! - EARLY DISMISSAL! Details to come
Aug. 14th - Dads' Club Golf Tournament - see details below
Aug 22nd - Middle School Parent Night (required) - 6pm
Aug. 24th - PK-5th Parent Night (required) - 6pm
View the 2023-24 Academic Calendar
Congrats, Class of 2023!
We are just so proud of our students, and want to take one more opportunity to wish our Class of 2023 graduates well as they approach the beginning of their first year of high school! We miss you already!
Summer Professional Development
While summer is more laid back time for most of us, many of our teachers have been taking time to grow in their knowledge!
The majority of our kindergarten through 5th grade teachers attended Literacy First training with other teachers from around the Archdiocese.
Mrs. Lupp (MS Reading) has been in Connecticut attending Confratute, which provides educators with research-based practical strategies in gifted pedagogy for engagement and enrichment learning for all students. Mrs. Goldsworthy attended virtual Confratute. Confratute alumni include Mrs. Goldsworthy, Mrs. Lupp, Mrs. Ruffin, Mrs. Duginski, and Mrs. Jansen. We hope to send more teachers in the coming years!
Our Teacher Leadership Steering Team met this summer to reflect on our school goals and objectives and set our annual goals and begin our actions plans. This team works together with Mrs. Goldsworthy to continue to align our work towards our mission and philosophy at CSSE!
Construction & Security
We hope to install time barrier film as a safety enhancement to our exterior glass. We need an estimated $7,000 to complete the project. If you or someone you know are interested in supporting this safety enhancement, please email Mrs. Goldsworthy.
The church construction project is moving right along! The restructuring and rebuilding of the main sewer lines has been underway since July 1st and expected to be complete by the end of July. Ross Hall, PK hallways/rooms, and the outside near Eagle Cove have been affected.
The gym is also moving along with improvements! The CSSE Athletic Commission raised funds to have our basketball goals upgraded to adjustable height goals. There will also be half court practice goals installed. Our CSSE basketball teams are going to hoop it up in style next season! Thank you to CSSE alumni Aaron Hartman, our CSSE Basketball Coordinator, for leading this project!
School Supply Fee
Pass on the Plaid
To stock the Uniform Closet, we invite you to Pass on the Plaid. If you have clean, gently used uniforms you no longer need, please drop them off weekdays from July 19th-25th between 8am & 2pm on the porch outside the school office outside doors. There will be a collection tub. If items are stained, faded, or ripped, please toss them in your rag bag.
Our PTO will be opening the Uniform Closet for FREE used uniform shopping from 6pm-7:30pm on July 31st in the church meeting rooms, and again during Meet the Teacher on August 8th.
Chicken N Pickle Fundraiser Night
Ruthie Herber Triplets Update
Dads’ Club Golf Tournament
Save the Date for the Eagle Run
Previous School Year (22-23) Parent Survey
Thank you for being part of our school family for the 2022-23 school year. We appreciate your trust and support as we all work together to give your child a Catholic education. As part of the new continuous improvement process, the archdiocese would like to ask for your input regarding our school. Below is a link for an extremely brief, anonymous survey that will take one minute or less depending on your response. We thank you for your support of CSSE and for your time in completing this survey. Please complete this survey by July 25, 2023.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GJNJZ7N (22-23 families only)
Staffing for the 2023-24 School Year
Quick Links
School Contact Info
Tuition: Liz Metz tuitiondirector@steugeneschool.org
School Secretary: Janie Patrick jpatrick@steugeneschool.org
Eagle Ambassador: Caroline Schoppa eagleinfo@steugenschool.org
School Principal: Molly Goldsworthy principal@steugeneschool.org
Communication: Kim Hattaway media@steugeneschool.org27 More Days Until School Starts!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: Eagleinfo@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Phone: 405-751-0067
Facebook: www.facebook.com/csseokc
Twitter: @csseokc