Counselor Connection
IHS Counseling Center Newsletter
Summer Edition!
We made it to June!! This is a time for celebration as we get ready to send off our graduating Seniors and reflect on the accomplishments of all our students this year. We are so proud of the growth and hard work our students have demonstrated!
As we embark into summer we do want to notify families on Mr. Palmer's caseload that he will be leaving our district at the end of June. We are sad to see him go but are wishing him the best with his next adventure back to International School Counseling! We will update our information when new staff is hired.
We are wishing all of our students and families a summer of sunshine and relaxation!
Summer Edition newsletter will include:
- PROJECTED School Counselor Assignment Chart for 24-25
- Summer Counseling Center Hours and Staffing
- Work Permits
- Summer School Information
- 2024 Graduate Transcript Requests
- Schedules for 2024-2025
- Fee Waiver Reminder
- Seniors 2025 - What to Be Doing
- Naviance
- Welcome Class of 2028!
- PSAT Information (Current 10th Grade Students)
- Upcoming Events
- Additional Resources
As always please don't hesitate to reach out to your student's counselor with any questions!
The IHS Counseling Team
PROJECTED School Counselor Assignments for 2024-2025
(Subject to Change)
Counseling Center Summer Hours & Staffing
The Counseling Center will be open from 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Fridays June 27th through August 30th. Clerical staff will be available during that time and School Counselors will be in periodically through the summer. We appreciate your patience in returning phone calls and emails during this time period.
If you have an urgent need to speak to a staff member please contact the Main Office.
The Counseling Center will be closed on July 4th.
Work Permits
Students can obtain their work permit through the College and Career Center through the remainder of the school year. After June 26th, students will need to request permits through the Counseling Center. Use the link below to view the work permit application.
Summer School Information
For students who do not succesfully earn credit or pass a Regents exam in a course, you will be notified by your students teacher at the end of the school year. If your student is able to complete credit recovery over the summer for the course or exam, your students School Counselor will reach out to register your student and provide more information.
Dates: Wednesday July 10 – Tuesday August 20 (Aug 19, 20 are Regents Days)
*No Friday Classes
Times: 8:00am-12:30pm for 2 courses (If your student only needs 1 course their time slot will be TBD)
Location: East Irondequoit Middle School
*Transportation will be provided from IHS
A few reminders:
- Summer School is for credit recovery for a failed course; students are not eligible to attend for new credit
- Attendance is mandatory; students missing multiple days are at risk of being dropped from the course they are enrolled in
- Regents Exams will be administered on August 19th and 20th (no classes those days)
- If your student passes a course but fails the Regents exam, they will only be required to re-take the exam, not the course. Prep courses will be available.
- Not all courses are available during Summer School programming. Your students School Counselor will work with you on options for courses not available.
2024 Graduates Transcript and AP Score Requests
IHS Official (Final) Transcripts
Class of 2024 Seniors completed an Exit Survey with school counselors in English courses. This survey gathers information on where students Final Transcripts will be sent. Please know we will send these automatically to the school your student indicated in the survey. Official Final Transcripts are sent out after July 1st.
If your student changes the school they plan to attend in the fall of 2024 and needs an Official Transcript sent to a new school, please click the link below to complete the Transcript Request Form. This is ONLY necessary if your students plans change from the school they indicated in their Exit Survey.
Sending AP Scores
Sending Dual-Enrollment Credits
Students who earned Dual-Enrollment credit through MCC or RIT need to request an Official Transcript directly from the college to transfer credits. This does NOT happen automatically from the IHS transcript. Please visit the websites at the links below to start the process.
RIT Transcript Request
Schedules for 2024-2025
Schedules for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in the Student Portal mid-late August. School Counselors will be available to answer schedule questions August 26-29.
School Counselors have individual course registration meetings with students every year. These thoughtful planning conversations lead to schedules being created. As a result, schedule changes after the school year begins may be limited due to class sizes and other scheduling constraints.
- Schedules are subject to change leading up to the school year, so please continue to review your schedule in Infinite Campus prior to the start of the year.
- Counselors cannot accommodate requests for schedule changes based on individual teacher preference, lunch, or peer groups.
- If you have a change request or question about your schedule you may reach out to your students counselor via email or phone prior to the first day of school September 5th.
- Students will be required to stay in their schedules once the first day of school starts for 4 school days before making a change (exceptions: your schedule does not reflect your course requests or there is an error).
- If a student would like to add a course and there is room in the schedule, you may reach out to your counselor to request the additional course anytime within the first two weeks of school.
- If dropping a course, students must maintain the required minimum courseload of 5.5 credits, and are encouraged to take a full schedule and advantage of our comprehsensive course offerings.
- Students will not be able to drop a course after the first quarter.
Below is the course catalog to view the extensive list of comprehensive offerings available to students!
Fee Waiver Reminder
Rising Seniors - Class of 2025!
Prepping for Post High School Planning
Congratulations on making it to the final stretch of your high school career! We will be jumping right in with Seniors this fall to continue our work on planning for after Graduation. Counselors will meet 1:1 with all Seniors beginning in September so that we can individual planning for each student. For those that are college bound and want to get a jump on the application process here are some things to be doing:
- Hopefully you took the SAT or ACT this spring! Consider re-taking in the fall (or for the first time). There will be test dates October-December. We encourage students to take the exam twice!
- Think about which teachers you'd like to write you a letter of recommendation - feel free to reach out to them now or over the summer to let them know you'll be officially requesting them in the fall!
- Update your Resume on Naviance
- Continue with your college search and exploration - visit different campuses and attend any events being offered
Common App is the universal application that most colleges and universities use for their application process. This will open in August for the 2025-2026 application year. Students can get started prior to school on filling out the different sections. School Counselors will guide students and answer questions when we meet 1:1 in the fall. Please note, there are colleges that will require students to use their own individual application - you can find out what a school requires through the Admissions page on their website.
Naviance is our college and career exploration program. Students are exposed to Naviance each year to work on different components of the post high school planning process. Some features to note:
- Resume Builder
- Career Exploration
- College Search Options
- "Favoriting" a school (clicking the ❤️) adds it to the "Colleges I'm Thinking About List" which identifies students to notify for college rep visits
- Tracking Colleges/Universities of Interest
*Students also utilize Naviance in senior year for the application process including requesting letters of recommendations from teachers and keeping their list of schools applying to.
On student laptop - Launch Google Chrome Browser
Click "Clever" App
Click "Log in with Microsoft"
Click "Naviance" App
Welcome Freshmen Class of 2028!
Welcome to our rising 9th grade class! We look forward to meeting you and working with our new students and families. You will be invited to attend Freshmen Orientation the week prior to school starting where you'll be paired with a Link Crew mentor. You'll be provided with an opportunity to tour the school and find out what to expect in Freshmen year!
Freshmen Orientation Date: Wednesday, August 28th
Location: IHS
Time: 8:00am-12:00pm (tentative)
If you missed the 9th Grade Parent night on May 8th please know there will be an additional presentation during Freshmen Orientation (tentatively 11:00am-12:00pm).
New Resource!!
Please check out our High School Planning Guide for students and families. This resource provides information on the Counseling Department, graduation requirements, what to expect through your four years, and more! This electronic document is also available on our Counseling Department website and includes links to additional resources. Click below!
Attention Current 10th Grade Students:
The PSAT/NMSQT is a practice SAT exam that will give students the opportunity to experience what sitting for the SAT will be like and what types of questions you will be asked. This exam is also used as a qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship competition, which provides college scholarships to students who earn high scores on the exam.
For students who will be in 11th grade during the 2024-2025 school year, the test will be offered on Saturday October 19th from 8am-11:30am (for standard time test takers). In order to sign up for the test, please fill out this electronic form: https://forms.office.com/r/K3aQssGBL1.
Please note, that by filling out the form, you are committing to paying the $30 fee for the exam (unless your family qualfiies for free/reduced lunch) regardless if your student shows up to the exam or not. More information about the test will be sent home in September 2024.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Shelly Laraby at michelle_laraby@westiron.monroe.edu.
Uplift Irondequoit is currently running an Adult Survey asking parents and caregivers of youth in the town of Irondequoit about their experiences and perceptions of substance use, such as alcohol and nicotine. This information is used to help inform us about substance use trends in the area, to identify which areas need the most support or focus. Those who complete the survey will receive a $10 gift card that can be used at several locations throughout Monroe County!
Upcoming Events
Senior Graduation Rehearsal
Friday, Jun 21, 2024, 02:00 PM
Irondequoit High School, Cooper Road, Rochester, NY, USA
2024 Graduation Ceremony
Sunday, Jun 23, 2024, 10:00 AM
Gordon Field House and Activities Center, The Quarter Mile Walkway, Rochester, NY, USA
Freshmen Orientation
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 08:00 AM
Irondequoit High School
Additional Resources
Safe Schools Hotline
See something? Say something! Safe School Hotline is an annonymous tip line to report any concerns regarding student well-being and safety in WISCD.
Mental Health Crisis Hotlines
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis these resources are available 24/7 to provide immediate help!
Call 211
If you need assistance locating long-term mental health resources, talking through a problem, or exploring mental health treatment options, call 211 to speak with a live person who can help.
- 211 conversations are confidential, can be made anonymously, and are available in 180 languages upon request.
- If you prefer to text, use web chat, or search for resources online, click here to find more ways to contact your local 211.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Dial 988 or 1-800-273-8255 for the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline). When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.
Looking for a Therapist or Counseling Provider?
If you're looking to connect with an outside therapist or counseling provider Psychology Today is an excellent resource to search for local providers that accept your insurance. Click the link below to visit their website and start your search!