Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 2, Week 5 - Thursday 16th May 2024
You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people,
so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent.
Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice.
Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them.
As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love.
Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand.
Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example.
We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord,
Dates to Remember
Confirmation will take place this Sunday 19th May at a special 10.30am Mass in the church. Confirmation is one of the Initiation Sacraments of the Catholic Church and helps the candidates to be united more firmly with Christ. I thank Ms Maloney for the work she has done to prepare the candidates for this special day. Please keep them in your prayers during this time.
Year 1 Assembly
Next Friday at 8.50am in the hall the Year 1 class will be showcasing their talents and letting the community know what they have been working on at their assembly. I am looking forward to seeing what they come up with. It promises to be a lot of fun!
P&F Meeting
Next Friday after the Year 1 assembly there will be a P&F meeting in the staffroom. This is our first day meeting so it would be great to have a good turn out of parents. Please come along and support our hard working P&F.
As part of our wellbeing strategy we currently implementing the URStrong programme with our students. URStrong helps our students in fostering healthy, feel good friendships and gives them a common language to use. If you would like to know more about URStrong there is an online parent/child workshop on Thursday 23rd May at 6pm. Please see the flyer later in newsletter for details on how to register. If you would like some more information about URStrong please see Mr B or your classroom teacher.
Grandparents Mass - 28th May
We are really looking forward to our Grandparents Mass and morning tea on Tuesday 28th May. Grandparents are a very important in the lives of our students and I know they are really looking forward to having them in our school. I thank the P&F for organising the cupcakes and helping to serve. Please see the flyer later in the newsletter to register for catering purposes.
Colour Explosion in Canning Examiner
Have you seen the article in the Canning Examiner about our Colour Explosion?
Check out the link below.
I thank Kath Anthony for her work to promote our school and our wonderful P&F.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge is on again this year and runs from Monday 6th May to Friday 6th September. To register simply go to premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au
I encourage you to nominate and read as many books as you can during the time period.
Good Luck!
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Dates for 2024
Cross Country Event Results:
Well done to our yr 3-6 students for their huge efforts in running the cross-country course on Monday. It was pleasing to see so many push themselves past uncomfortable and give their best efforts. Thank you to the parents who came along to cheer on our runners, and to the teachers and Mr. Ryan for once again helping make the day happen. The top 6 placegetters (inter-school squad) for each race were:
Yr 3 Girls - Evie, Maddie, Hazel, Noelle, Charlotte, Ayva
Yr 3 Boys - Oscar, Wolf, Jordan, Zavier, Declan, Aiden
Yr 4 Girls - Taylah, Hannah, Anna, Swara, Indigo, Georgia
Yr 4 Boys - Hudson, Flynn B, Jesse, Cornelius, Meloshan, Joseph
Yr 5 Girls - Chrystal, Alice, Olivia, Jingfang, Minha, Anuki
Yr 5 Boys - Spencer, Lincoln I, Lennox, David, Hudson, Nathan
Yr 6 Girls - Sofia, Martina, Felicia, Olivia, Sahaana, Elianna
Yr 6 Boys - Preston, Jamie, Patrick, William, Ekam, Lucas
Special mention must go to Taylah, Hudson, Spencer and Sofia for all setting new school records for their age group!
Final points - with an uneven number of runners in each race, the average points for each faction in each race is calculated.
Flynn (Gold) 158.1, Luemmen (Blue) 157.2, Magdlen (Red) 155.8, Canning (Green) 148.7
Next, our inter-school cross country squad will compete on Friday 17th at Manning Park in Hamilton Hill against 5 other schools. Good luck team!
Mr B
Congratulations to Jamie (Year 6) for auditioning and winning the role of Mike Teavee in the upcoming production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is a fantastic achievement and one you should be very proud of. For those of you who would like to attend, check out the details below.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - presented by Art In Motion Theatre Company
Don Russell Performing Arts Centre
Running from 10 - 13 July
Link to tickets: https://tinyurl.com/DRPACcharlie2024
Dear Parents,
URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG School, empowering your children with friendship skills through their award-winning Friendology curriculum.
You are invited to attend an ONLINE Language of Friendship parent-child workshop for URSTRONG Schools on Thursday 23 May at 6:00pm. Dana Kerford (Founder of URSTRONG) will teach you and your children skills + language to foster healthy, feel-good friendships.
Registration Required: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
*You will receive an email within 48 hours of the event with the zoom details.
We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness at our school and we hope you can attend.
Thank you
Mr B
CHOIR NEWS - Save the Date
Dear Parents,
We have some EXCITING CHOIR NEWS and some very excited choir members.
This year, we have registered with One Big Voice and will be performing at the evening concert at RAC Arena on the 22nd of August.
Further details with regards to the concert will be sent out closer to the date, outlining the specifics and how to purchase tickets.
This event will be attended by Year 3 to 6 choir members so please SAVE THE DATE!
Thank you
Sheryl Perry
ICAS Assessment
Dear Parents and Guardians
In 2024, we will again be giving our students in Years 3-6 the opportunity to participate in the ICAS Assessments.
What is ICAS?
ICAS is an online academic competition that gives students the opportunity to challenge their higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, and Spelling Bee.
Every student who participates is celebrated and recognised with a printed certificate in each subject area, and an online results report to track development each year. Top performers are eligible for one of the highly coveted ICAS medals.
To learn more about this year’s exciting ICAS competition, visit: (icasassessments.com/products-icas/)
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
1. Read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (icasassessments.com/products-icas/)
2. Read the Privacy Collection Statement below.
3. Read the terms and conditions here: (icasassessments.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2023-ICAS-Assessments-Schools-TsCs_S2023.V6-1.pdf)
4. Go to the Parent Portal to sign up to chosen subject areas here: (shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps
5. Enter our school’s access code – OYU794
6. Enter your child’s details, select the subject areas your child would like to participate in, then proceed to payment.
After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.
ICAS results and certificates
All assessments will be conducted online, at school. We will notify you of the date(s) that we will run ICAS assessments, and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. Your child’s ICAS certificates will be delivered to school. Once we have received them, we will present them to your child to bring home. The back of the certificate will show your child’s ICAS results and the login details, “TAP ID and Pin”. - Use these to enter the Results Portal orti.icasassessments.com/ortiStudent.
Privacy collection statement
The following information is a privacy notification about how your child’s data is kept private and secure.
ICAS Assessment is owned by Janison Solutions Pty Ltd (We, Us, Our).
To deliver assessment products, Janison will require your child’s School to obtain your consent to provide Janison with certain personal information of students. Janison will collect, store, use, disclose and otherwise deal with such personal information in accordance with its privacy policy (below). We are aware of our responsibility to protect personal information related to children and students from being disclosed when we deliver an ICAS Assessments product. Unless you, as the child’s legal guardian consents, we will not:
- collect any personal information or data of children other than the information we need for the successful completion of an assessment, test, or exam.
- transfer any personal information we obtain from a child in the delivery of assessments and tests to any jurisdiction outside of Australia.
- share any personal information relating to children with any third parties (except for those third parties necessary for us to carry out our Services or provide our Products e.g., medal engraving).
- use any personal information or data relating to children for marketing purposes.
You can view our full privacy policy at https://www.janison.com/privacy-policy/.
We may retain personal information and data relevant to a child for their future purposes or for research purposes by Janison for the duration of the school life cycle of the child. However, if you or your child at any time wish to have their personal information or data removed from our systems, they or you may opt out by simply contacting our Privacy Officer at privacy@janison.com or by contacting icasassessments@janison.com.
We are excited to be offering ICAS to our students this year and look forward to celebrating their achievements. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions.
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
Mother’s Day Breakfast
A Big Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers!
We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the incredible parents and teachers who made our recent Mother’s Day breakfast a resounding success. Special thanks go to Jeremy Selten, Ryan Italiano, Samir Paranjape, Anthony Jayamaha, Jeremy Willians, Mark Ryan, Robyn Salvia & Belinda Fabling for their invaluable support in setting up, cooking, and serving breakfast.
A Big Thank You to our Fabulous Mums!
Our sincere appreciation also goes to the incredible mums who played a vital role in planning our Mother’s Day gift stall. A special shout-out goes to Paulynne Farrell, Cat Domican, Koreena Cinanni, Carly Watt, Jess Thompson, YC Tang Yik Chuang, Renae Butterworth, Jess Steven & Tina Lee, for their outstanding efforts, from sourcing the gifts to being present at the gift stand on the day. Thank you for your invaluable contributions and for making a difference in our school community!
Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition
Congratulations to Jessice Page for your excellent tipping in round 9, please see the front office to collect your Rustico voucher and certificate.
Also in first place on the overall leaderboard is Jessica Page.
Grandparents Morning Tea
The Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea is on Tuesday 28th May and we are asking parents to donate some baking, shop bought or handmade treats for our grandparents to enjoy after the Mass. If you could please drop off your goodies to the library before mass begins.
Catholic School Parents WA AGM Notice
Dear Parents,
The Catholic School Parents WA Inc (CSPWA) Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday the 8th June, as part of our 70th Anniversary conference.
We are currently in the process of setting the agenda and so we are calling for agenda items or motions to be included. Please forward any items to admin@csp.wa.edu.au by Friday 24th May.
We also invite members from schools who are financially affiliated with CSPWA to consider nominating to Council at the AGM. In addition to contributing to the work of council at state and local level, Council members have the opportunity to represent CSPWA on national, state and Catholic education sector committees and working parties according to their experience.
If this is something you might be interested in or if you would like to find out more, please contact Siobhan Allen, Executive Director CSPWA on 0409 025 683.
Please find below the link to the 2024/25 Council nomination form.
Community Safety Expo on Saturday 18th May
The event is a great opportunity to chat to City of Canning representatives, WA Police, Neighbourhood Watch WA, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, State Emergency Service, Department of Transport and more. There will be information, giveaways and educational activities for all ages, including interactive displays and live demonstrations from a variety of stallholders.
What to Expect:
- Emergency Vehicle Tours: Meet your local Emergency Services and enjoy a free interactive tour of a Fire Truck and State Emergency Response Trailer 🚒
- FREE Constable Care Theatre: Aimed at ages 7 - 12, this rapid response performance educates young people about the dangers of the cyber world and how to make safe decisions online. Registrations are mandatory - Register here 🎭
- FREE Bike Checks: Bring your bike! Thanks to Department of Transport, a friendly bike mechanic will be on hand to check your bike and help you get it into top shape 🚲
- Food and coffee: Fuel your expo journey with a delicious sausage sizzle from the Canning Lions Club, and a coffee from Jumpin Beans Mobile Cafe ☕🌭
- Early Bird Bonus: Be one of the first 50 people to arrive to receive a complimentary Goodie Bag to enhance your expo experience! 🎁
- Free Anti-Theft Screw giveaway: Visit our Neighbourhood Watch stall to grab your free anti-theft screws to secure your number plates 🚘
- Competitions and prizes 🏆
- Ranger Buddy mascot appearance 🐶
- Lawn games 🎳
Capacity restrictions apply. Secure your spot, register here for FREE now!
Find out more at canning.wa.gov.au/safetyexpo