KMS School Counseling News!
February 10, 2025
Welcome to the Kenmoor Middle Counseling Newsletter!
New News
Largo High School Open House - Feb. 10!
If your student lives in the Largo High School boundary or will be attending Largo High School for a special program, don't miss the upcoming open house!
Personal Safety Lessons Are Coming Soon
Kenmoor Middle School grade level counselors will be going into every classroom to teach the students about personal safety beginning the week of February 18, 2025. To view the notification letter to parents & guardians, click here.
KMS Q2 Honor Roll Assemblies
We would like to invite our families to celebrate our student success at the upcoming Honor Roll Assemblies!
8th Grade Transitional Registration is Now Open!
Attention families, be on the lookout for a letter that will be coming home with all 8th grade students soon. Parents/Guardians will need to complete "Transitional Enrollent" through Synergy Parentvue for all current 8th grade students. This is imperative for a smooth transition to high school. If you have questions, please email our registrar, William Branch at william.branch@pgcps.org.
Resources for Families
Hazel Heart - Individual Counseling (Sessions In or Out of School)
iMind Behavioral Health
Prince Georges County Adolescent Clubhouse
The Adolescent Recovery Clubhouse of Prince George's County offers services to youth 12 to 17 years old with a history of substance abuse use. The Clubhouse provides programs and activities addressed to improve daily living skills while preventing substance use. The Clubhouse delivers additional support for the adolescent and family through referrals in collaboration with existing treatment programs and support systems in the community, accordingly with the need they present. The Clubhouse has shown to reduce and prevent substance abuse, decrease juvenile delinquency, and improve academic performance.
The Adolescent Clubhouse BrochureService Learning Hours!
PG Parks Volunteer Opportunities
Prince Georges Library Volunteer Opportunities through the VolunTEEN Program
PG Parks Programs for Teens & Pre-Teens
Attendance Reminders for Families
"Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there."
SEL Tip of the Newsletter!
Improving Communication with your Child - Exiting the Blame Game; How to Take and Teach Responsibility When You Disagree
Kenmoor School Counseling Department Contact Information
6th Grade - Johanna Moore (johanna.moore@pgcps.org)
7th Grade - Bria Curtis (bria.curtis@pgcps.org)
8th Grade - Tammy Baird (tamarra.baird@pgcps.org)