AMS Principal News
May 2nd
Hello AMS Families,
Teacher Appreciation Week launches on May 6th. We’re so excited to celebrate all of our teachers and staff at AMS. Please encourage your student to write a note to their teacher on Wednesday. Notes can include appreciation or even a favorite memory from the school year.
With Spring, comes Spring sports like baseball and lacrosse. Hard baseballs and lacrosse balls are not allowed to be used during the school day. Please remind your athlete to keep those stored away in backpacks until afternoon practice.
Please consider supporting Teacher Appreciation Week
If you are able to volunteer your time, extra lunch and recess duty volunteers on Friday, May 10th are appreciated so all of the teachers can join the Teacher Appreciation Food Truck lunch. You can sign-up HERE for a shift on May 10th and throughout the month of May.
If you cannot donate your time please consider making a financial contribution. You can click HERE to make a donation online.
Thank you in advance for your support!
ATTENTION 5th GRADE PARENTS ~ Tdap Vaccination Clinic at AMS
Tdap Vaccination Clinic at Aspen Middle School Cafeteria
Monday, May 20th ~ 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Colorado law requires students who are entering sixth grade to receive a
tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine before their first day of school.
The Tdap vaccine can prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds and cannot be spread from person to person. Diphtheria and pertussis spread from person to person.
Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian who can sign consent.
No cost - required vaccines are considered preventative health services and are a covered benefit by private insurance plans, Medicaid and CHP+. Bring an insurance card. Vaccine will be available for students without insurance.
Walk-ins will not be turned away.
Best Buddies Friendship Walk: Roaring Fork
Join Best Buddies as we walk in support of inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Students NOT Returning to AMS Next Year
In preparation for next year’s scheduling and staffing we would like to know if your child will NOT be attending AMS next year. 8th grade parents also let us know if your child will not be attending AHS. Please email Catherina at clemons@aspenk12.net.
Yearbooks For Sale
Yearbook for Sale $32.00. Please bring cash or a check made out to Aspen Middle School to KP in the office. Yearbooks will be handed out May 31st at the AMS BBQ Lunch.
AMS Parent Council
AMS Lunch Volunteers Needed in May
Help us end the year strong by volunteering for a lunch duty shift in May. You can sign-up HERE for a shift.
5th & 6th Grade Volleyball Clinic
Starting Monday, May 6th ~ May 31st - Monday, Wednesday & Fridays / 4:00pm - 5:00pm in AMS Gym. High School Volleyball Coach, Niki Lee will be heading the clinic. Cost is $20.00 per child for the month. Please sign up using this link.
Upcoming Important Dates
Wednesday, May 8th ~ Early Release 2:00pm
Monday, May 20th ~ 5th Grade Tdap Vaccination Clinic - AMS Cafeteria 3:45pm - 5:15pm
Wednesday, May 22nd ~ Early Release 2:00pm
Wednesday, May 22nd ~ 5th Grade Spring Concert - ASD Theater 5:00pm
Wednesday, May 22nd ~ 6th - 12th Grade Spring Concert - ASD Theater 6:30pm
Monday, May 27th ~ NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 29th ~ Freshman Move Up Morning AHS - 9:00am - 11:00am
Friday, May 31st ~ Incoming 5th Grade Move Up Morning
Friday, May 31st ~ AMS BBQ Lunch & Yearbook Signing
Saturday, June 1st ~ Aspen High School Graduation - 10:00am
Monday, June 3rd ~ 8th Grade to Glenwood Caverns All Day
Monday, June 3rd ~ 5th Grade to Glenwood Hot Springs All Day
Tuesday, June 4th ~ 8th Grade Continuation Rehearsal All Day
Wednesday, June 5th ~ 8th Grade Continuation - ASD Theater 10:30am
Thursday, June 6th ~ 5th Grade Celebration Koch Park All Day
Thursday, June 6th ~ Last Day of School
7th Grade ODE
Monday - Friday, May 6th - May 10th - 7th Grade ODE Trip #2